Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wakeboard is my new "dodgeball"

Errm... I mean... wakeboard is my latest addiction. From singing, cello, dancing, drinking, Thai boxing, dodgeball, and drinking... now there's wakeboarding! My inspiration was my bestest friend in the UK. She goes wakeboarding when it's 6C in the UK. She must love it for a reason in order to dip her crazy ass in the (almost) freezing water! Also a few of my dodgeball EMB teammates are very good at wakeboarding too. So one day, I just got their coach's number and called for my very first wakeboarding experience. Just to see what it's all about.

It was about 2 months ago. First attempt, I got up on the board, tried to swing from left to right within the wake. By the end of my first section, I got out of the right side of the wake and came back in. My body was sore for a whole week! My 4 limbs, my neck, my back, were aching like I have never used those muscles before. Dammit I thought I was fit!

Then a week later, I went again with two monkey asses that claimed they didn't know how to wakeboard. Turns out that monkey#1 was HELLO GOOD at it! He was jumping, sliding, and landing with his own board. I was very impressed! Then monkey#2 is just a natural athlete. She picked up in no time! With great inspiration, I learned how to wake in and out of both sides of the wake that day. Not to mention I drank about half a liter of sea water :p

A month later... (yes I waited for a month to avoid the superstitious Chinese ghost month, and dodgeball season just started so I was busy) I went for my 3rd attempt today. Went with 2 of my EMBers. I knew they're very good at it. I was very SUM YUP and messed up all my moves. Fell so hard that my head was hurting. Then took a break and watched my fellow EMBers doing 2 Wakes Jump 180, Ollie Backside 180, back roll in the air, Method Grab... I was super inspired!! When it's my turn to get into the water, I managed to wake in and out of the wake again! Then learned the basic jump!! I did a couple of tiny jumps before i exhaused myself. Loved it!! Can't wait to wakeboard again!!!

Mavis! For our wakeboarding trip in March, I will learn and catch up with you!!!

Cory McVey's Back Roll.

For more wakeboarding tricks and terminology, please see

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Thursday, September 16, 2010

You'll always be in my heart

It didn't really hit me til you called before you board the plane. I have lost someone that would never say no to my random ideas. Lost a costume partner, a party crashing buddy, my one and only PIC... Your departure only means one thing-- that LuLu Lin will come home to generate more fun and memories in Shanghai! It'll be a new chapter of our lives. Watch out for more fun and memories!

Love you xoxo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have my own 潮語咭!

鳴謝Doublechin精美製作!!! 將巴黎珍精神發揚光大! 化成潮語. 愛死呢張潮語咭! 愛死Doublechin!!!

Being Jane Paris... dodgeball

Dodgeball team: Eat My Balls! Team drinks at Circle K after our first win 13-3. Polar Ice beer promotion 2 for only $6.5. Can't bet that!! My name on the EMB jersey says "HONEY 520", try to read it out loud in Mandarin XD

Dodgeball team: DLS! Also our first game & win of the season. Also 13-3! Love my girls! With 9 new recruits for this season, we are fresh and more girlie XD hahahhaa... These 2 referees in the picture are my favorite refs in the league!

Dodgeball team: Boiling Guys! This Division 1 team is super hardcore! They're so good that i'm very ashamed to play with them most of the time. However, I'm proud to be their best benchwarmer and ball girl! heh. We also won the first game of the season on Monday.