Tuesday, September 16, 2008


電影般的情節,原來真係會發生!我身邊的姊妹H無端端攞張開始發黄嘅幼稚園class photo出嚟話第一排第二個豆丁好似我們的老死D。原來佢地係幼稚園同學?!?! 個世界原來真係咁鬼細。編劇都唔會用嘅leung橋竟然喺我身邊嘅人身上發生。老土啲都要講,你吔係注定做朋友架!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Red Bomb!

Since i came back to HK, September to December is my "dress season". 'coz I'd need to shop for dresses for endless weddings-- relatives, friends, colleagues tends to get married around this time of the year. This year though, I really enjoy to look for this one special dress for a very special friend. I haven't seen her in a long long time. Only met once since she moved to Toronto 13 years ago, but our hearts always stay very close. We used to write a letter to each other everyday for the longest time. Those were the days way before ICQ & Friendster.

She just came back from Toronto yesterday for her wedding prep. I went to her Hing Dai Chi Mui meeting last nite for a bit before I rashed home for early full-moon dinner. I saw her for just about an hour, but our childhood memories all came back to me. It's amazing how a 20-year friendship works. We talked as if we've never been separated. I'm soooo happy for you Hei! I can't wait til your big day and cry my eyes out!! =P

This is the most stunning wedding RSVP card that I have ever seen! 'coz you're on it. =)