Wednesday, January 18, 2012




到搬咗出嚟住,要自己做家務。家務之中我最喜愛的就係吸塵喇! 另一半好體貼地送咗第二份禮物比我,就係一部好正嘅吸塵機!講真,真係堅鐘意!其實係我要求一齊去買嘅,所以好鐘意。咁算唔算係佢送呢?


啱啱聖誕節我哋招呼幾個朋友嚟屋企食飯。我好想親自下廚。於是買餸嗰陣就順手買咗個oven返去整lasagna! 算係我第一份聖誕禮物啦掛!的確,買咗部oven之後多咗喺屋企煮飯。雖然餐餐都係lasagna,但係越整越好食!仲諗住遲啲整蛋糕同cookies添!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

MoDac Jan 16th 2012

Girls Generation! MoDac featuring Sam Ho, M So, Reb Ting, DY & the boys!! hahaha... first dance vid of 2012 :)

The Monday MTV Dance Club redefines Mondays in Hong Kong!!! Started in 2010, the club organizes hip hop dance classes every week for good looking people who love music, are up for a good time and an insanely intense workout after work. We focus on the latest MTV hits by top pop artists including Far East Movement, Usher, LMFAO, Britney, Rihanna etc. Dance like it hurts! Love like I need the money! Work when people are watching! How does it work? Each song will be taught in modules of 4 classes - 2hr each every Monday evening in Central

Where? clubhouse @ CentreStage, 108 Hollywood Road, Central

When? every Monday 8-10pm

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Mich had an awesome NYE with friends. Started early with a 6-course meal at La Piazzetta with Jo Teh Stan Eva & Jordan. Love how they hide all the party goodies in my bag when I went to the bathroom. Then off we go to Bli's NYE party at agnes b. Le Pain Grille for 4 hours of open barrrrrr! The theme was Scarface. We had too much fun with the guns and Cocaine XD.

Lots of talking dancing cheering drinking sliding & posing on NYE. It was a great start for 2012! I can feel that 2012 will be an awesome year!!

* * * * * *

Looking back at 2011. I have learned to be happy with what I have...
  • Thankful that I have met new friends specially @marvelous, for that you have spiced up my life XD and being a GREAT friend.  
  • Join Junk Shot & Sweet Assassins, and won gold and silver this season! 
  • Thankful that my best friends @sivalove & @doublechin are still very supportive, caring, & super loving. 
  • Thankful that my 10-yr-old Mallow is healthy & active. Amen! 
  • Made good inve$tments :)
  • Party like a Rockstar and livin' a vida loca. 
  • Thankful that Yungz was always there for me like always xx
 For 2012, I just wanna continue having fun and a good time with friends and family, be my crazy self and enjoy every moment of it! New year resolution will be-- be content with what I have and be thankful for it all.

Mich xx