Wednesday, December 31, 2008


前幾日去咗玩poker, uno, +打牌,由天光玩到天黑。由原本男女ratio好平均,玩到陽盛陰SHIU。玩完食飯之後繼續玩poker。一路玩一路睇UFC、講吓wargames、研究吓machine guns‧‧‧麻甩到爆!然後講講吓仲去埋睇<葉問>添! 感覺好似返番去engineering school 個時一樣。IEEE room 嘅感覺,特然返晒嚟!

Uno flash!

Texas Hold'em players # 1-5.

I'm your happy dealer! It runs in the family.
"Please place your bet!"

2nd place! yay!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

More from 天神村

Yes... Siu Wan is digging the new AG tee, and also showing off her thin waist. The 7 days diet works! Keep it up sister!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Merry Christmas

Merry Merry Christmas
Lonely Lonely Christmas
lala la la la la lala
lala la la la la la laa

Friday, December 26, 2008


Me liking this email very much... Laugh me dead!!

No feeding? Awww

Wahhahhaa... the perfect gift for your teenage son.



please don't


Switch on the fun, i wish it's that easy! hohohoo

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Now I understand why...

Went to my very first war games last weekend thinking "if I don't like it, at least I tried." I had no idea what I was getting myself into until we picked up or guns and masks... Then I suddently remembered the pain I experienced when my brother shot me with his bb gun when we're little. I didn't know why he did that to me...

Pre-games picture. We're all so happy and energetic, but not for long ;-) Diane will soon find out that Kenson shot the crap out of her; Sarah will twist her leg; Jenna will get bruises all over; and Gary has nothing but his finger gun as illustrated in this picture.

Then the first game started, out in the open, I shot 3 men down from the other team before I got shot in the head, and it hurt like a m*f*! Then we had a few more games before lunch time. Dead tired from all the shooting, getting shotssss, & running around. We needed a quick nap before the afternoon games.

Then we had a few more games both indoor and outdoor. LOVE the indoor SWAT games!

Group picture after a day of violence.

I really enjoyed the games. These games brought out the violent side of Jenna! muahahaa... Now I understand exactly why my bro shot me when we're young. BECAUSE IT'S FUN!

**A game is a game. Jenna is still a world peace advocate!**

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost cried during my ride home listening to these 2 songs over and over and over...

"每天多麼多麼的需要 永遠與妳抱擁著

"盼永不分散 仍然幻想一天
我是你終站 你輕倚我臂彎"

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Taste of Memory

Haven't had a peanut butter chocolate milk shake in ages!! I used to have it all the time from the Eldorado Coffee Shop in downtown Reno. Had the PBC shake every time after we sneaked in and danced our nites away at Reno Live... remember the hair spy trick we used to duplicate the hand stamp? Had the PBC shake every time we go there for Keno. Still remember my favorite number was (and still is) 35 and how the winning numbers were always those we didn't pick? Had the PBC Shake whenever we got carded and failed to order a Pina Colada. Ohh... those were the days.

Had a peanut butter coco shake on Saturday, and I could taste my teenage memories. Thank you 6-meals-a-day-runner for leading me to this long lost taste!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Evolution of Hair

How many times can you mess up your hair style in a year? lol

I started with my Ella do...

Then I got bangs!

and bangs with Dai Ka Jei character...

and eventally went back to the "Ella".
Then I got a really bad perm... which i don't ever wanna bring up ever again.
That leads to the C9 -->

I had enough and went for an extention! Which lasted for 2.5 months.

Come Novermber. Hello short hair!

To be continue...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008




Day 1: 只吃水果。除咗蕉之外,乜野水果都食得。哈蜜瓜和西瓜的卡路里特別低。只喝不加糖飲品。

Day 2: 只吃菜。可以配瘦身湯吃。食到飽為止。多吃綠色蔬菜,唔好食豆類或粟米。晚餐時仲可以食一個加低脂芝士嘅baked potato!! 一啲都唔辛苦~

Day 3: 只吃菜、生果、和湯。唔好食薯仔啦!如果無偷鷄的話,體重應該已經輕咗兩至三公斤啦!我到咗第三日都已經輕咗4lbs啦~

Day 4: 今日食蕉(最多三條)和飲脫脂奶。飲湯和多喝水。雖然蕉同奶卡路里較高,但係你個body須要佢嘅鉀、糖、蛋白質、和鈣。才可以抵擋想貪糖的強烈慾望。我當日就食咗我人生第一隻蕉嘞!!加上day1&4都有運動,己經減咗5lbs啦!肚腩無咗,衣櫃內嗰條瘦身指標西褲終於着得落啦!!!=)
my historic moment:

Day 5: 只吃牛肉和蕃茄。當然係蕃茄煮牛肉啦!食十至二十oz都得!記得飲湯。正!今日反彈一磅。

Day 6: 勁食牛扒&菜!湯。三塊都得。我唔想前功盡費,但係lunch都去咗金鳳怒ger咗個扒!haha!

Day 7: 吃糙米或紅米、不加糖果汁,還有菜和湯。食到飽為止。我到咗day7就無跟menu啦。無晒湯又唔想食紅米吖嘛。不過都比平時食量少。又反彈多一磅。但係都好開心!


之後個幾日食返正常,感覺好guilty!我諗我要切底改變自己嘅飲食習慣先得。唔好成日都食到十二成飽 =P


< Humoresque >


Tuesday, December 2, 2008







主菜出場啦!HAIRY CRAB x2!!!! 以前唔鐘意食蟹,因為覺得好煩。但係lee隻蟹實在太正嘞!麻煩啲都無所謂~

之後個手打烏冬都唔錯。好味到我食完先記得映相。 :P



* * * * * * *

而家我正在減肥中。跟緊一個七日menu。好多嘢都唔食得。所以就睇返啲大閘蟹嘅相嚟望梅止渴囉!今日以經係day4啦!So far 個menu都好work!我已經輕咗四磅啦 :D 終於見返自己個盤骨!哈哈~ 仲有三日希望keep到星期五啦。唔返彈我就post個menu出嚟啦!


尋晚返屋企時, 見到個天有個哈哈笑公仔望住我. 好得意! 你尋晚有無睇到呀? 奧運開幕禮嗰時啲小朋友都劃咗個哈哈笑公仔喺個天度. 當時我覺得幅畫變得有啲劃蛇添足. 但係尋晚真係比我見到喎! lei 個世界真係凡事有可能, "nothing is impossible!" 呀!