Tuesday, December 2, 2008


尋晚返屋企時, 見到個天有個哈哈笑公仔望住我. 好得意! 你尋晚有無睇到呀? 奧運開幕禮嗰時啲小朋友都劃咗個哈哈笑公仔喺個天度. 當時我覺得幅畫變得有啲劃蛇添足. 但係尋晚真係比我見到喎! lei 個世界真係凡事有可能, "nothing is impossible!" 呀!


Anonymous said...

嘩,好正呀!我都希望見到咁o既景呵,好羡慕 :)

Jenna Michelle said...

are you still in HK??

Anonymous said...

i wish :(

Jenna Michelle said...

we didn't go bowling ar! haha... but from your blog, i can tell that you were hella busy la. =)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, i totally forgot about the bowling, haha! when i was there, i met amy for a short while and she asked me to have drinks together but then i couldn't make at other date! anyway, next time, next time when i'm in hk, lets head out for drinks and bowling la :D