Thursday, June 26, 2008

Addicted to Taiwanese Drama

Current watching this Taiwaneses Drama. It's HELLA GOOD!!!!!!! It's funny, it's a good story, and it makes me cry too! hehee... Highly recommand to everyone who understands Mandarin. This show is not over yet. I am watching it every Monday =)

watch it here-->







info from <>

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

回鄉探親II之: 友緣相聚

Left Southern California and was heading to North Cal! Hello Bay Area. What would I be doing if I never left San Jose? I ask myself this question everytime I come back to the Bay. I got one day to visit Ah Tung & Vera before going to the company conference in Monterey.

Dinner with Ah Tung in Milpitas. He's happily drinking his papaya smoothie. He always attracks attention, see the girl behind him? ;-)

Then I spent a nite at Vera's. Their couch is soooooo comfy! I'd love to take the couch home with me if my luggage is big enough. hehe... I think we're starting to look alike here... my good old DCS twin!

Next day: Off to Monterey for a week-long conference~ What do you do with a bunch of colleagues in a vacation resort without a rental car? You drink til you drop! I don't think I've consumed that much wine in one week. Thank god for Trader Joe's wonderful wine selection!

and I fell in love with White Zinfandel! It's pink and it's sweet =)

Before we say goodbye to Monterey, we visited the Aquarium there. It's an amazing aquarium with cute otters, penguins, sunfish, & lots of very cool jellyfish! The jellyfish exhibition is awesome! lots of cool jellyfish in different sharps and sizes, with sci-fi music in the background, makes me think that I've enter the jellies world.

These cute pastel color jellies are so animated-like!

See how blue the sky is?! Lovely weather. lovely people. That's the end of my June adventure.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

回鄉探親 I

You're about to begin a journey with me. My 2nd US trip in 2008. I am taking a few days off to visit family and friend before my conference in Monterey Bay that begins next week. That only means one thing-- EAT!!

Hello business class! hehe... Lucky me, I was the lucky winner for the upgrade coupon =) This is my first time with this new Cathay Pacific buz class interior with my own bed. However, I didn't sleep much on the plane. I spent my time watching 5 movies! hehe... yeah, get my money worth. Cloverfield, 27 dresses, Leon & Kelly's movie, The Spiderwick Chronicles, & Definitely, Maybe.

A snapshot of LA right before I land, and I have the song "This this LA~ all I wanna do is have a little fun before I die~" in my head! Please play this song when you read if you have it on your PC. =)

In-N-out burger!!! The first thing I wented after my arrival. Don't you wish there's one in HK?!

Then I went to get Mallow's favorite snacks, wine, steaks & ribs at Costco. Yup! We're staying home for BBQ dinner tonite & Anson is coming to mom's after work. yay~

The next day, I went to Denny's with mom for breakfast! Yummy American breakfast that I long craved for! hehe...

What's next?? SHOPPING!! Mom lives 15mins away from the Desert Hill Outlet! wooohooo~ Shop 'til we drop! heh

Then we had Vietnamese Pho for lunch!!! I LOVE Pho!!!! The vietmanese Pho in HK is not quite the same. The beef broth is DTF!

Then we went to Pasadena to have dinner with couson Tim. He brought us to an awesome Mexican restaurant with live music and good food. Mexican food is the next thing that I craved after Denny's and Vietnamese Pho. =)

They were sing a song for Anson. To congratulate him for getting his new job! Cheers~

Cousin, bro & wife, & I went to see The Hulk after dinner. It's not as good as Iron Man, but I still enjoyed it. I haven't see a movie in such a big movie theatre in a long time. Theatres in HK are just too small =)
Today. I was just chilling and Anson's. Got a nice tan by the pool and kept pouring down California wine. LOL!
Stay tuned for 回鄉探親 part II!

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Spring Break 2008- DBF!

Dragon Boat Festival@ Stanley Beach!!!!! I had so much fun last year. Since then, Dragon Boat Festival has become my favorite festival of the year. Love the atmosphere, the booze, and the randomness! We ran into so many random people yesterday, crashed a few parties, & met new friends. =)

$20 water taxi will get you to "Cancun"!

Boat#1- Goldman's boat when we're still sober and proper. heh... Can't ask for a better weather! It was raining dog sh*t yesterday. Hardest rain in years! School were closed, ppl didn't have to go to work 'coz of the rain, mudslide everywhere... even the highway to the airport was flooded. Can't believe how nice it was on DBF!! Thank goodness for Diane's spy on sunblock =)

This picture summaries our day.

Boat hipping begins! The next destination is the boat with yellow balloons. The best boat out there with live DJ, cool music, buffet, more boozes, and our lovely friends.

Noticed we even changed into their boat uniform! hohohooo...

Boat#3: UBS. This boat is right next to the starting line. We watched a few races from here.

Another cool thing about DBF is the paddlers' costumes. It's like an early Halloween.

Ah~ what a wonderful day! See you all next year.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


噚晚上咗第一堂啦! 數數手指, 原來我8年無拉過大提琴啦!! 今次學返真係要多謝Lesley。 唔係佢lau我一齊學嘅話, 我個cello都唔知會喺屋企ou都幾時。可能ou到生蟲都無人知. Lesley 同我講, 我地嘅相遇係命中注定架~ 大家都係學到grade3就無學。 而家咁大個人先至學返, 如果無個伴我諗我會唔好意思自己走去學lor。努力呀! 我地一定可以學到grade5,6,7,8 架~

以前拉school orchestra嘅同學仔都會幫自己件樂器改名. 我都幫我個cello改咗個好貼切嘅名。各位觀眾,佢叫亞燦!佢喺中國出世,喺命運安排之下被人賣咗嚟香港。亞燦有一般土產嘅特色,就係有啲貨不對版。明明話自己係個size 4/4嘅大提琴,但係就比真正full size嘅大堤琴瘦少少, 一定係佢貪靚學人減肥啦!十三年前被我老竇以超低價二千幾蚊買咗返屋企, 我用咗三年唔夠就被我遺棄。亞燦一直留喺香港嘅雜物房,過咗十年不見天日嘅日子。我就喺美國另覓新歡。佢有佢嘅生活, 我有我嘅忙碌。直至噚晚,亞燦終於有機會做返一個會出聲嘅大提琴啦。以前教我個missy話過,你個琴就好比你男朋友, 你要珍惜佢,同佢經歷風雨,一齊成長。噚晚重遇亞燦,就好似返兜十年無見嘅舊男友一樣, 感覺唔陌生,但係大家都變咗啦, 亞燦把聲好吵,四條弦太舊吧!支弓變黃,甩頭甩骨,已經唔用得啦。換咗新弓,亞燦好似好少少。就係咁,我嘅回歸第一課又同亞燦一齊度過喇。

雖然同亞燦有些少感情。但係今次重遇,我更確切知道佢並非終身對象嘅才料。而家決定要繼續考五至八級,我更應該揾個新partner陪我奮鬥。所以我決定要買個新琴! 原來一個好嘅琴都唔平架... 不過既然決定要學, 不如破釜沈舟, 俾自己多一個堅持嘅理由。如果唔學就會"徙"咗個好琴啦... 亞燦,我希望你明白,亦希望你原諒我再次同你分手。

*Background 響起張惠妹嘅<<剪愛>>*

<= 亞燦