Friday, March 20, 2009

Score 6 pts and get FREE DRINKS!!!

"Score 6 points tonite and I'll buy all of you drinks!!" Captain Cass said before the game started on Wednesday night.

"6 points??? We have only scored 2 points in the previous 2 games combined!" We're all secretly thinking to ourselves.

"but we've been practicing for the past 2 weeks!! We can do this!" Said Helen, while Jenna & Ida nodded with an assuring smile.

The other team started with only 4 players. We have a full team of 6. To everyone's surprise, we were winning 4:2 until the MVP showed up. Then 5:5, 6:5, 7:5.

"Com'on!! We're one points away from FREE DRINKS!!!"

Instead of shouting "DLS!" we started shouting "DRINKS!"

"AIM LOW!!!!"
"Good job girls!!!!!"

"WOHOOOO! We scored!!! 7:6, BG 7, DLS 6!!!"

Joy to the world!!! DLS scored 6 points on Wednesday night!!!!!!! You have no idea how far we've come! We seriously SUCKED when we first started... oh well, we're all beginners and very GREEN compare to the rest of the league. We went from a very embarrassing score of 12:0 on our first game, 12:2 for our second game last week, to Wednesday's 8:6! Losing just 2 points to a VERY STRONG team in the league!! LOL! I know we still lost, but we were estatic!!! Yes we still suck, but we have improved a whole lot! As Captain Cass promised, we went to her place for a big bottle of Champagne while we watch the playbacks together. Palms were still sweating when we watch the videos!

We were the team on the far side:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

世上無醜女, 只怕化妝師!

化妝係幾千年以來女人嘅恩物。信我!世上無醜女,只需要識化妝,醜女絕對可以大返身!珍娜米雪友情客串,為化妝師Lesley Ho影咗一輯before & after嘅相。勇敢地以零化妝素顏視人!希望大家睇完張"before"之後唔好發惡夢啦 =.=

今次輯相嘅主題係「清純自然淡妝」。影咗好耐都捉唔到「清純」呢個咁陌生嘅感覺 XD 一直諗住初戀少女喺草原上拉住頭巾奔跑嘅情景,原全錯晒!哈哈哈!小休之後轉個坐姿就自然得多啦。我呢個平民"磨dell"總算對得起Lesley,如果唔係就交唔到貨啦!



唔識化妝唔緊要,只要搵個好勁嘅化妝師!珍娜向大家誠意推介-- Lesley Ho!! 各類雜誌造型拍攝、fashion show、新娘姊妹化妝、去ball去街等等,一一通殺!website url 將會喺side panel刊登。勿切留意!

Friday, March 13, 2009

3.12 Massacre

We all knew this is coming, but didn't expect the scale to be this big! Company announced that they're gonna cut 1725 jobs out of the work force of 6800. That's 25% cut, 1 out of every 4. That was announced on 3/11 evening (HK time). I stayed online to get the latest info from colleagues in the US. One by one, I heard that my ex-group of 15 now only have 4 left... BG, the one who spoiled me and gave me confidence got hit too! Can't believe he's gone... I fell asleep, woke up 4 hours later and went to work. It's Asia's turn.

3/12, got in the office, first we got news from Science Park design center, where I used to work just 6 months ago. The WHOLE team was gone! All 9 of them! One of them were my really good friend. So sad to know that all of them are leaving. Then One more from the other team. Then we heard from the Taiwan office, another 9 of them got affected! Then news from other sites, adding up to 28 of them. My office was still very quiet before lunch time. We all went to lunch, thinking "it shouldn't be that bad for us." Once we stepped into the office, T got called into a conference room right away. SHOCKED! Then B, and R! OMG!! Two of them sat right in front of me! Tears started to run down on my chics. When R came out, with a smile, I felt even worse! Just when I thought that my row should all be safe after T & R got hit, F got called. SHOCKED!!! All 3 ladies who sat in front of me got called! and it's not over yet, V, S, T, & C got called one by one... a lot of sobbing noises in the office. I couldn't take it anymore. Tried very hard to hide my sobbing face, until I realized everyone else was crying with me. It's really sad to see my colleagues being called into the conference room one by one. Then came out sobbing and packing... I walked up to R & F, didn't know what to say... asked if I could help them with anything... Meanwhile, good-bye emails from other sites started to fill my email inbox... A total of 41 employees were gone in Asia Pac within a day...

3/13, being a survivor feels even worse than being let go. Coming in to work this morning, facing all the empty seats in front of me, spirit hits all time low. I'm glad that Kendra is still here with me. If not, I don't think I'd have any reason to stay. Training on my new job responsibility to share the extra workload from R & F all day. Then around 6pm, another good-bye email hit my inbox! Can't believe L is leaving too!! I thought who should have been gone were all gone by Thursday. It's way too much to handle! L stayed til today so that she could finish up all the aftermath. I walked into L's office and gave her a hug.

May all of us find peacefulness in our heart.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fishnet Partayyyy

Went to Shanghai last week and stayed the weekend at the Lins' gorgous appartment. They threw a house party when Doublechin & I were there. The theme for the house party was-- FISHNETS! All ladies came in sexy fishnets and guys supposed to dress in white. Before we flew to SH, DC suggested that we should dress as French Maids for the house party, the outfits will compliment our fishnets =P Our costumes were a surprise for them.

C&E's appartment was perfect for house party! It's nicer than a lot of places out there, roomie and cozy! We lighted candles everywhere in the appartment. Very much like the proposal scene from Friends. C even bought flowers for the snacks table. We washed the tags off the brand new martini glasses, and warm up the food before the guest arrived.

DC & I put on our FM costumes and they all screamed when they saw us! LOL! Our job that night was to open the door and greet the guests. Keep in mind that we've never met their friends and they didn't know it's a costume party.

"Welcome to the Lins! May I take your coat?"

Most of them were shocked and speechless! After a few seconds some even asked,

"Are they hired?"

Haha... Good laugh!

Then we turned the living room into Shanghai's Sahara! Miss K's great sheesha skill were put to good use! Sheesha, sheesha, cocktails, tequila shots, chicken wings, sheesha, chitchat, laughters, sheesha, burnt carpet!

Then we turned C's room into Backstage of Shanghai! Who would have thought the half drunken crowd could have so much fun with a piano. I was so suprised that everyone knew how to sing & play with the piano at the Fishnet Party. Everyone knew a song or two. We played one by one. Perfect live performances! They're all very good!! My first time to see two people JAMMING on a piano too! The crowd was soooo high.

We had 2 great photographers that night. Thanks for taking beautiful pictures for us! After 5 bottles of vodka, 1 watermelon, N jars of mixers, a bottle of tequila, 2 bottles of wine, a few breaken glasses, 2 injured fingers, & 600 photos... people were starting to spill drinks around. Don't worry kids! The French Maids had it all covered!!

Talented musicians, great cocktails, sexy legs, awesome sheesha, wonderful house party! =)