Friday, September 30, 2011

I made history!!!

Ladies and gentlemen! May I present to you, the first time ever in HK dodgeball history, the simultaneous catch!! Watch from 1:50

Yup. Michelle So of all people. hahaha...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Counting Down


In six months I get to sleep in everyday.
In six months I get to workout 5 hours a week.
In six months I get to watch all the dodgeball videos on YouTube.
In six months I get to cuddle with Mallow til I sneeze (yeah... I'm actually allergic to dogs&cats).
In six months I get to volunteer at LAP regardless of my allergy.
In six months I get to travel around the world to visit friends & family.
In six months I get to start all over again.

"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security."
- John Allen Paulos

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fi's Singapore Bachelorette Trip

Last time I went to Singapore I almost died from boredom... when I heard that Fi picked Singapore as her bachelorette destination, I had a very "peaceful" picture in mind. I was wrong!

The Bachelorette & 10 of us getting ready for party of her life time ;)

We then hit Filter, then Le Noir... with unlimited shots & drinks! Boi we looked very happy!! hahaa... and we were!

Day2: Woke up hella late. lunch at East Coast Hawker Center. Shopping. Then dinner at The House!

Drinking+sight seeing! The Sands top floor where the amazing swimming pool is. Yes I was a bit tipsy and keep talking (yelling) to the Singapore night view. hehehee... & yes... posing in the background whenever my girls takes a picture ;)

Shoe shopping has been voting the #1 thing to do in Singapore. Agreed by my fellow roommates! 3 girls 17 pairs. We were all very inspired by each other and bought 9 more pairs the next day. Hallelujah!!!

Singapore, you have redeemed yourself!!!! You are not boring and full of excitement!!!! WOHOOOOO! Great companions! Great food! No girls drama (amazing isn't it?!) Cannot wait til Fi's destination wedding in December! See you all in Phuket in 2.5 months!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sweet Assassins xx

Ladies and gentelmen!!! Might I introduce you to my new girls dodgeball team (drum rolling) the Sweeeeeeet Assaaaaaassinssss!!!!!

Yup... showing off again! hehee... watch this:

Friday, September 9, 2011

今年夏天 2

八月尾的終極boat trip可以話係我今年夏天嘅highlight! 個theme係animal... 好自然地做返自己-- party animal! XD 其實我有扮斑馬架! 你睇吓我黑到。。。

你唔好以為我好大膽,其實我從未試過高台跳水。係因為有童年陰影。。。記得F1嗰年我同同學仔去游水。當年12歲女正處於尷尬到爆嘅發育時期。我好醒目咁攝咗嗰pad係泳衣度,一跳落水個pad即刻飛咗出嚟仲浮上水面添!嗰一刻嘅(((火羅火暴)))心情我到今時今日都好記得!!從此以後我無跳過水!但係到咗今時今日,我覺得我無理由唔跳!係you jump I jump嘅情況之下,巴黎珍終於獻出佢嘅第一次!

今次無飛pad, 我宣佈:我已經戰勝童年陰影啦!原來豁出去之後,跳水係會上癮架!你睇巴黎珍同隻揸住罐啤酒嘅醉蟹跳得幾開心 XD

鳴謝阿Mar今次搞咗個咁marvelous嘅boat trip!!! xxx