Friday, February 26, 2010

Monster Ball

It's impossible to take a decent picture with Ball Ball! He struggles to get away from us and then did a hit-and-run... throw a jacket to KFC then ran away with a big satisfactory smile on his face... We could only make a .gif to document the attempt to take a picture with this little monster's... but we love him regardless! Watch out for the up and coming rugby player, Hong Kong!!!!

moster ball

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Finally have time to upload this clip... please do not throw raw eggs/tomatos/veggies to your monitor if you don't like what you see. peace out!

* * *

迪迪尼巨聲之夜, 中場休息時段, 路人甲乙丙獻唱 "多得他"

路人甲: Jenna
路人乙: Sam (a.k.a. Miss Chan Chan)
路人丙: Loke
Keyboard: 除繼宗
Video: Diane
監製: Bonnie
特別鳴謝: RL 中文輸入贊助

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


其實呢單野已經係幾個禮拜前聽朋友講架啦! 朋友係當晚嘅賓客. 真人真事.

一個華麗嘅婚禮, 五星級酒店內衣香鬢影. 婚宴正式開始前, 例牌野都會播童年片段. 我地去片~

第一張相: 新郎裸照! 唔係BB相, 係近照!!!

當時全場嘩然! 係未玩得咁盡呀? 嚇親d親戚點算?

第二張相: 伴娘裸照!!!! 無錯, 唔係新娘! 亦係近照一幅!

嘩!!! 搞乜呀!

第三幅相: 新郎同伴娘搞野密照!!!!!

全個slideshow只有三幅相. 播完之後新娘走左上台,囉左個mic, 好平和地同大家講, "好多謝大家黎我嘅婚禮! 如果大家有做禮嘅, 可以去reception囉返." 然後就自己走左!

呢單野實在太激啦! 好一幕公主復仇記! 個新娘真係好堅呀! 比我一定做唔出!! 係5星酒店擺酒, 屋企都應該有頭有面掛?! 唔知新郎個亞爸亞媽有無當場心臟病發呢? 伴娘即是新娘個best friend啦! 咁個伴娘有無搵窿蜷呢? 唔知個3張相係偷拍定係自拍呢? 個朝新娘有無玩接新娘呀, 斟茶呀, 回門個d儀式呢? 咁EQ咪超高?! 男家同埋女家親友點反應呢? 好想認識新娘子! 當代烈女非佢莫屬. 如果可以聽佢親述事件經過就好啦!

我有十萬個問題好想知道答案. 但係又真係唔關我事喎! 我唯一知道嘅係-- 我個friend真係有去排隊囉返份人情囉! XD

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunshine & Freckles

CNY Family Trip 2010! Bro joined from the States this time! Ho Ho Waan arrrr! Phuket & Hokkaido are my family's favorite vacation spots. Our 4th time there and we're still loving it. We joined 3 day-tours this time with lots of activities: elephant trekking, monkey show, elephant show, ATV, river rafting, waterfall, zip lining, canoeing, boat trip, parasailing, sea walking... etc. Love the foot/body massage, spa, and food was great. Ahhh... i wanna stay there forever! It's very nice to spend quality time with family. Dad is about to retire and we should go on more trips together in the future la!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Faye is BACK!!!! *sob sob* *tears of joy*

Monday, February 8, 2010


click to enlarge:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daily Mumble

my convo with Ray...

[15:33] michelle: chai chai bon
[15:33] michelle: pon pon poon
[15:33] Ray: tiu lar ma hai
[15:34] michelle: hai ma
[15:34] Ray: gap gap hai mor
[15:34] michelle: gap gap lar larr
[15:34] Ray: tau lai
[15:34] michelle: dai tau laiii
[15:35] Ray: out gan sap bai
[15:35] michelle: au au laii pon
[15:35] Ray: by long lam tau lai
[15:36] michelle: long lam pon tau bin lai lai
[15:36] Ray: ok you win
[15:36] michelle: muahahhahaa... thank you!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mr X Chu Ling Ling

Jan 28th, my first night out since Jan 16th 2010. It was on a week night too! My gawd!! All because of Mister & Chu Ling Ling's live show at M1's 3rd anniversary celebration. They were great singing live, the crowd was crazy... and I was super paranoid. um... maybe I'm not ready to dive back into my night life yet (or ever), but for great music performances, hell yes! :)

Mister will be having their very first concert at Hung Koon soon! Great band! Also loved Chu Ling Ling's keyboard & violin!!