Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Aloha from YoYo Island!

We've been waited for so long! We used all our connections to get tickets to this event. Been to ENVY twice just to make sure that we have enough tics for all our friends. We gave up our favorite Jazz Funk lesson & a photoshoot!! All these mess and sacrafices just for HEINEKEN'S SLASH BEACH PARTY 2007!

終於有機會穿上繽紛的花圈和草裙, 成為YoYo Beach 上的夏威夷女郎! Aloha~

Frisbee. The best-looking beach sport there is! 點解 frisbee 可以簡單得來kam好玩ga 呢? 而且玩Frisbee ge 姿態實在太優美 la~

Then there was a wakeboard performance, Quicksilver & Roxy fashion show. We waited for a long time for the fashion show, so we just jumped on the runway and danced! =) *nod nod* Yes we did. Anything could happen under the influence of alcohol. LOL

5Liter Keg! Yeah Baby!!

Then there was the band show, and graffiti show. OMG! We found the most talended person on the whole wide world! @.@

Then we started waiting in queue for the last ferry back to Central, and that's when the party truely begun!! It involves chucking beer from the keg, harassing the Japanese male model, and meeting random friends in the crowd.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sweet Sweet Childhood

Haven't watch a RTHK show in ages. Last nite I had the luxury of staying home for some quality couch-potato time and watched this wonderful RTHK show: 〈97同學會〉



Oh sweet sweet childhood! I wished I was one of them. Running around in the wild, swimming in the sea, tree climbing, strong friendships since kindergarden!

Childhood was such a blur to me. The constantly changing school path could explain a whole lot... 2 kindergardens, 2 elementry schools, 1 middle school, & 4 high schools. Let's not discuss my colleage path for now, but it followed the same pattern =.= All I remember from my childhood was my super sweet ballet classes every Thursday nitez. Lovely ballet classmates who became my life long CHI MUI! Maybe that's why I picked up dancing again... On the dance floor, that's where I find my comfort and a sense of belonging =)

If I have my own kiddo one day, maybe I should raise him/her in Tai O! He/she deserves a worry-free childhood like the kids from 97同學會 too. Hummm... but there won't be any dance classes for him/her... *ok I'm thinking out loud again. Should stop day dreamming...*

What was your childhood like? What do you miss the most?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Gwen Stefani!!!!!

OMG!!! Gwen's show was AWESOME!!!!!! Felt like a high school kid all over again! Ahhhhhhhhh!!! The crowd was so crazy! The atmosphere was off the hook! We all stand for the whole show, dancing, screaming, jumping, singing, and more screaming.... Gwen even came all the way to the back and climbed up on the fence and got really really close to the crowd. OMG!! Still can't stop screaming now! AAAHHHHHH!!!

Okay... clam down Jenna Michelle... let's rewind for a bit...

We started our trip on the "drunken" airport express. Alex's gang bought hella food, wine, and a bottle of Malibu with them, and let's get the party started!!!!

Yeahh!! Drink it up Sam & Dennis!!

Mazza & I were busy talking on the phone b4 the show... doh! of course we're not talking to each other!!
Mich, "Diane, where are you???? Can you see me allllllll the way at the back under section 7???"

Okay... Mazza's still on the phone.

And the show begins!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


It's out!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


上星期六有幸再為Amy Magazine拍一個睇畫嘅Feature。本來以為好似上次咁、都係學吓睇畫。估唔到今次有非常意外嘅收穫!




Lesley 細心傾聽社會關注人士嘅講解。完來這個漂亮的Gallery係業主慷慨借出作為展覽場地,而且分文不收!目的係想引起社會關注。保留本地文化!業主嘅熱誠,關注小組不惜工本地自製小冊子,和懾影師自費的作品、、、一切都令我非常感動!實在太有「哈慈」啦!!



遇上鷄蛋檔蘇先生!佢好健談架!of course, 佢係我同鄉嚟架喎~ XD



估唔到咁細個kwan kwan內可以充滿咁多人情味!充滿着生活嘅點滴!市區重建要小販們放棄幾十年嘅生活方色,搬到新建的街市內。鋪租貴十幾倍之餘人流亦會遠不及市集咁熱鬧!試問各位會唔會無那那走去行街市睇雜貨呢?但係平時行街都會望吓街邊小販掛出嚟賣嘅野。真係唔買都嚟睇吓呀!以前我對保育不聞不問。係覺得時代要不停改變。但係今次之後感受好深!有好多生活嘅點滴係好值得保留架!


Lesley's view: http://www.amymagazine.com/amyblog/sunlesley/2007/08/14/%e6%9c%89%e5%bf%83%e4%ba%ba%e7%9c%8b%e6%9c%89%e5%bf%83%e4%ba%ba/

Monday, August 13, 2007


今日收到第n個問候message,知道大家都擔心我係未出咗事。袋衫&髀罅,唔洗報警!*touched* 只想話比大家知,我還健在。只係工作太忙未有時間update。 好快就會有新post架嘞。有好多嘢想講。只需要多啲時間組織,再化成文字。多謝各忠實讀者關心 =)

Friday, August 3, 2007


My fellow Fair Talers,

YAHHH~~~ Our Fair Tale Party got published in the August Issue of Amy Magazine!!!!! My fellow fair talers, hurry to a newstand near you and crab a copy of it!! Chinkerbella ROCKSSS!!!!!! Alfons should really pay Chinkerbella for advertising for him. Alfons! Hurry up and update your fotop site and list your contact info up there!! Upload our Theraphy photoshoot pictures and some FTP pictures man! Your promotion has officially begun~~~~~

Your humble FTP host

*Click on image then click on the expand button to see original size!

Thursday, August 2, 2007



姐夫興奮地同我講, "勁喎! Smoky Jenna!!"

"唔係呀? Jenna 你都識? 你喺邊shh見到ga??" 邊講邊覺得自己好似好威咁 ^-^

"喺 http://www.avbuzz.com/ lor!"

"HHHHAAAAAAAA??????!!! AV????????? Jenna 幾時做咗AV女郎呀~~~~~ @_@!"

鬼馬的姐夫就話, "係呀! avbuzz.com 呀!! 正喎~~" ;-)

我第一時間衝入房, 開機, 上網, 緊張, 手心冒汗...

原來我只係做咗Audio&Video頭版的其中一位女郎... 唔係我想像中的AV.... =P