今次輯相嘅主題係「清純自然淡妝」。影咗好耐都捉唔到「清純」呢個咁陌生嘅感覺 XD 一直諗住初戀少女喺草原上拉住頭巾奔跑嘅情景,原全錯晒!哈哈哈!小休之後轉個坐姿就自然得多啦。我呢個平民"磨dell"總算對得起Lesley,如果唔係就交唔到貨啦!
唔識化妝唔緊要,只要搵個好勁嘅化妝師!珍娜向大家誠意推介-- Lesley Ho!! 各類雜誌造型拍攝、fashion show、新娘姊妹化妝、去ball去街等等,一一通殺!website url 將會喺side panel刊登。勿切留意!
你有好深嘅酒窩喎~! 其實你皮膚都幾白幾滑丫, 真係唔需要點樣塗粉喎~
左邊個雙眼皮可以高D。 因為我都有少少高低雙眼皮,所以我有用醫生膠布貼高少少眼皮, 固定幾個鐘之後 mid開就可以stay成日架喇 =)
all day gum ging? what kind of 醫生膠布 ne?
Nexcare, Blenderm 3M, Eye Beauty Tape. It's selling @ SaSa. I just cut the tape out in small piece and stick it on my eyelid. I do it every morning right after I washed my face and put lotion on. It has to stay there for 2-3 hours before you can remove it. Usually if I am at home, I use "Elastoplast, paper surgical tape", it stays better. Remove before I go out gum lor. Has to do it very often. Can simply lift up the eyelid with fingers after one/two weeks of hard work.
the snowysoso!
UB, my 鼻影 was very natural wor! Have it even without makeup ga la!
邊忽似成龍?? jenna好多頭髮!!
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