Monday, June 9, 2008

My Spring Break 2008- DBF!

Dragon Boat Festival@ Stanley Beach!!!!! I had so much fun last year. Since then, Dragon Boat Festival has become my favorite festival of the year. Love the atmosphere, the booze, and the randomness! We ran into so many random people yesterday, crashed a few parties, & met new friends. =)

$20 water taxi will get you to "Cancun"!

Boat#1- Goldman's boat when we're still sober and proper. heh... Can't ask for a better weather! It was raining dog sh*t yesterday. Hardest rain in years! School were closed, ppl didn't have to go to work 'coz of the rain, mudslide everywhere... even the highway to the airport was flooded. Can't believe how nice it was on DBF!! Thank goodness for Diane's spy on sunblock =)

This picture summaries our day.

Boat hipping begins! The next destination is the boat with yellow balloons. The best boat out there with live DJ, cool music, buffet, more boozes, and our lovely friends.

Noticed we even changed into their boat uniform! hohohooo...

Boat#3: UBS. This boat is right next to the starting line. We watched a few races from here.

Another cool thing about DBF is the paddlers' costumes. It's like an early Halloween.

Ah~ what a wonderful day! See you all next year.


Anonymous said...

嘩,咁開心兼咁熱肯定要飲好多鬼佬涼茶解渴呢 :p

Jenna Michelle said...

係呀係呀!仲要飲得好快tim呀~ 好快熱架! 哈哈!

Anonymous said...


Jenna Michelle said...

Dear all,
just read a blog entry from someone about a death on D Boat day at Stanley. Prayers to Eric and his family.