Saturday, June 30, 2007

CLOT's 3yr Aniversary Party

What are the chances to party with Edison, Mariam, Eason, FAMA, Mani, EO2, Lee Chaan Sum, To Man Chek & wife, Chan Chi Chung, Jackie Chan's son, Amanda S, Chu Fun E, Jill, + a lot more celebrities??

Without the luxury of getting in with our celebrity friend like we did at the Levi's party... we had to stand in line... It feels awfully familiar. Just like going to NV or DNA in SF.

Feverish Diane was getting impatient after 1+ hour of waiting... =(

Finally got in!!

Pouring down free drinks!! XD

We saw lotz of celebs in the party, but I didn't go up and take pictures with any of them. There're just too many of them, all surrounded by good looking people. I didn't wanna act like a fan! heh... So I only managed to take a few photos of Eason, Sam, & FAMA... secretly...

Very cool display...

We didn't stay late at the party. Coz I couldn't pour down anymore hennessy, and Diane really need'a rest for our big event tonite!!! =D Thank you Bonnie for putting us on the guestlist!!! Go Bonnie!! Go CLOT!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Meet Jenna

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Get Well Soon...

Dad called 2 nights ago... He told me that grandma's once again in the hospital and I better go visit her. He usually doesn't tell me to go visit grandma 'coz she goes in & out of the hospital quite often. When he told me that I'd better go this time, I knew something's not right. Dad said grandma was still responsive 3 days ago, she was still able to eat. However, she didn't even open her eyes 2 days ago. Not eating anything either.

I visited her yesterday. She's so skinny... She had her eyes closed, didn't respond to any of us. Aunt & Dad kept telling her "Pui Chi is here to visit you..." Then she opened her eyes and looked at me for a while. Then closed her eyes again. We're all very worried. I hope she'll get well soon...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Ping Mung Photoshoot

It's unforgettable!
Oh so wonderful!
Screaming, laughing, ..., crying,
Just let all our emotions flow~


Chinkerbella always put more thoughts and words in her blog than mine. Her blog entry is much more interesting even we're blogging about the same thing! heh =P in this case I can just add her link in my post!! Wahahahhhaa...

Thank you Chin Chin!!!! Love your blog!!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


今朝返工開e-mail, 知道一位好客、有善、又風趣嘅台灣同事去世嘅消息。我啱啱個trip佢先至熱情地招待我去食盡台灣美食。估唔到嗰次就係最後一次見佢。事發太特然。我一時間仲未消化到。忽然間諗起佢同我講過佢有個讀緊小學嘅仔... 小友朋一定好難接受爸爸離世嘅事實...

* * *

前幾人去花園餐廳ger扒,隔離枱、離我不到兩尺嘅慈祥爸爸語重心長地叫佢個仔,"第一次出嚟做野要比心機!唔識就問吓啲哥哥姐姐呀!" 個仔點一點頭,然後就無講過任何說話。


* * *

好怕我care嘅人會特然離關我。而我對佢未夠好、未好好擁抱、未講夠"I luv you"...
人生無常,要學懂珍惜。(好Leon! but true! heh) 正所謂今日唔知聽日事。我希望每次同我care嘅人分別時都抱一抱,無咁洋化嘅都要笑吓拍一拍膊頭。因為怕無下一次...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dragon Boat Festival!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!! I had so much fun today!! I never knew that Dragon Boat Festival could be this much fun!!! It's my favorite festival of the year!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Awesome Boat Trip!!!

Wonderful day! Perfect weather! Beautiful place!! Lovely friends!!!

My Boys...

Didn't expect the beautiful weather after N days of heavy rain!

Group picture!! Thank you Ben for organizing this wonderful boat trip!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

I Promise...

When was the last time you promise someone to keep a secret? Did you break that promise?? What if you didn't intend to break the promise, but it just slipped? Would you feel guilty about it? What would you do? What could you do?? What if the person didn't blame you? Would you feel better or worse about the situation??

I am deeply sorry! I'm as guilty as one could possibily be, and I'm not gonna give myself for this... I guess I won't be saying "I promise I'll keep a secret" for a long while...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pictionary Madness!!!

We love this game too much that we couldn't help ourselves but to play remotely! hohohoooo...

Catagory: Difficult

J: Hahaha... i remember that one... TUBULENCE ar ma!! gimme more!!

Note: This one is tought! J got it just because we had this one last time.

Catagory: Object

J: wooo, thats a tough one... i dont remember tim ... is it highway? street?!? it's street rite?!!!

M: No! Not Highway!!! YEESSS!!! STREET!!!!! Yay~~~ *high5* Now it's more like the real Pictionary lah!!! yeah yeah!

Catagory: Animal

M: Chung Wah Bak Hoi Tuen!!!

J: hahahahahhaaa yes, chung wah bak hoi tune!!

M: I'm gooooood~ hohohooo

Catagory: Action

D: answer--> FART!!!

M: WAHAHHAHAAA... No! it's not FART!

D: answer #2--> ski-ing professionaly (without rods) on a flat slope. *i still can't believe it wasn't a FART lor*

M: Let me draw a better picture... although it really looks like it, but NO it's not FART! Wahahaha...

D: answer#3--> SIDE KICK!!!

J: answer: jump? leap? fly? err, what the...

M: Ahhhh~~~ You got it!! you got it!!!!!! The answer is LEAP!!! Wohooo~~~ Not FART (brilliant answer from Diane btw!) hehee!

The next Drunken Pictionary is coming up on June 30th!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Beginning...

New blog! New Beginning!! Yeah Yeah...

This blog is dedicated to those who wanna leave comment without signing in.
Yes! You!! You know I'm talking to you ;-)
Also there're too many history in my old blog...
Knowing me, you should know my history of constant changes.
Let's forget the pass and start fresh (once again)!