Thursday, January 31, 2008

Walking on Sunshine

"I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
I'm walking on sunshine (whoa oh)
And don't it feel good (HEY!)
Alright nowAnd don't it feel good (HEY!)"

yeah... sing along with me~ ahhh~
I only have 2 more days to enjoy the super fresh Sunnyvale air. I wish I can bring the North Cal sunshine and fresh air back to HK with me. Can you feel the freshness??

Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Magical

Since when did yellow rim glasses became the new fashion icon? Since when did Mickey celebrate Chinese New Year? and... since when did we mixed so well with the free walkers?

It's all very magical~

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Post-Holiday Syndrome

Holiday Season去咗太多Party。 一月至十一月之內所喝的酒也不夠這兩個星期多。玩嘅型式有幾種。第一種﹕劈場。DLS*劈場聯宜最佳!一班人圍埋一齊可以玩嘅遊戲實在太多。而且非常Interactive!珍娜今期最愛嘅遊戲係"花之戀のcum棉胎"*激力推介!你唔識玩唔緊要。珍娜好樂意教你!可惜黑仔珍娜喺DLS遇上假酒pub,又喺等唔到elevator嘅情况下迫於無奈要行樓梯。聰明嘅你應該已經想像到...珍娜由五樓"跣"落四樓嗰一刻嘅情影... 非常悽厲!

第二種﹕House Party!House Party 通常都係只會請至愛親朋。但係往往至愛親朋啲Friend嗰Frined都會出現。倒瀉嘢、打爛杯、比隣居投訴都係意料之內嘅事。通常都會加插Secret Santa*呢個環節!但係今年好特別,瑪蓮娜媽媽搞咗個非一般嘅House Party!! 有跳豆袋、"甩"麻雀、發泡膠浴缸尋寶遊戲、單腳扭腰比賽、味分高下咬蘋果、、、等等。好玩到爆呀!!!!諗返起都笑到甩碌~

Chinker, "我要你嗰份禮物!"

我今年在Secret Santa中收到的戰利品!



第三種﹕Clubbing~ 一班人book張枱,玩成晚。一班dancing queens盡情發揮!跳舞跳到索晒氣就返埋位坐吓,飲吓嘢。Shot after shot... 同場會撞到好多random到爆嘅人。"喂!!好耐無見呀!你幾好呀嘛?得閒揾我啦!" 好多時玩到咁上下都會唔見晒啲friend。珍娜曾經好沉迷clubbing, 但係近來興趣不大。如果clubbing有歌唱,可能珍娜會重新愛上clubbing吧!

節日狂歡過後,大家都有Post-Holiday Syndrome... 想繼續玩,但係已經心力交瘁。同時又好難調節返去朝九晚六嘅生活。唯有等解藥嘅來臨。解藥係...二月嘅陽光與海灘之旅!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


OMG! It's been a year la! What have I done in the year of 2007 ne??

*** flash back begins ***

QiPao party in Feb- The continuation of the costume party since the bling nite in Dec 2006!

Phuket Family Trip- that's how I became Pocahontis! Tan me tan me tan me~

March 17th, 2007- The nite that the magic begun!That's the night that I met you all from Ben Ben's birthday party. Amie, Diane, Kel Kel, Janice, Connie, James, Kevin, Lou, Angel, Danny... (and the list goes on!)

Started my social life in SF after I moved back to HK! Been back to the US 4 times in the year of 2007. I see Ah Tung more in 2007 than when we worked on the same street in 2005 lor. Met Bay Arean: Katie, Van, Doris, Ken, Erin... I met more Bay Area friends in this year than the total number of friends I met within the 5yrs I lived in SJ. While it's always wonderful to hangout with my JuJu~ Good old Echo in March =)

Pictionary Madness- It all began in Diane's birthday party. Where I met 2 more very important persons of 2007: Lesley & Marina~ A picture wtih my pictionary teammates & a picture of my first impression of Marina =D

Levi's Copper Jeans Launch Party!!!!! Was I dreaming? Please don't wake me up if it was a dream! Meeting Unkle Beach for real?? Partying with Edison Chan??? Singing along with FAMA????? OMG!! That has got to be a dream!!!! In fact, it's a dream come true!!

The 1999 Party in June- We truely party like there's no tmr! Congratulations Lambbaghill for becoming a certified CFA!! and the union of James and Gino!!!

The Therapy Photoshoot: 我係 平民一號!

CLOT's 3yr Anniversary! Dancing with Eason Chan, Marium Yeung, FAMA, & Diane~

My house party! The one and only house party I hosted in 2007. I love my twister bag!
Smoky Jenna!!!!!!! Great work by Lesley, Esther & Felix!

Dragon Boat 2007!!!! The Dragon Boat Festival will never be the same. AMEN!
the Fairy Tale Party!!!!!!!!! The best costume party of the year! It's so good that Amy Magazine had to put our picture on their prints =)
Welcome to Hip Hop! Started learning in July 2007 and it became my new passion! Dance Dance Dance!!
My 20th Birthday~ sweet sweet Lambbaghill Diane Yeung Doi Shan!!!

YoYo Island 2007!! Aloha~~ a day of hola dancing, frisbee, Heineken, fashion show, graffiti, and more Heineken!
Nerds' Party- 9th day of the 9th month! Yet another successful costume party~

Las Vegas!!! Family trip with my Yung Yung~ Didn't spend much time with my Yung this year la. It was a very nice and relaxing trip with family. "Call me!" XD

(notice that mum is watching the TVB channel lor... =.=!)
Vera's Wedding!! The best wedding ever in history!!! It's so cozy, fun, touching, teary, romantic, happy wedding ever!!!! Ohhhhh this will stay in my memory forever and ever~~~

Halloween 2007! 死日本學生妹ssss =P

Taipei Trip- Been to Taipei 4 times this year too, but this trip coompletely changed my prespective of Taiwan! It is a lot more than customer visits and technical presentation! errr... some1 plz tell them not to look at the map upside down please...

Backstage! My true calling- I belong to MUSIC! wakakakkaaa... Dream on! Apart from my true calling, Backstage is an awesome place for live music from local pop music musicans.
That's my 2007! Looking forward to 2008!!!

Happy New Year!