Thursday, August 28, 2008


Smoky Jenna 在意大利重現江湖! 今回大戰比薩斜塔. 過程險像還生記. 最後, Jenna 終於撐穩個塔. 聽聞從此比薩斜塔得以多活300年~

幾日後, Jenna 去到瑞士雪山. 本以為好HOT嘅佢並無帶備御寒衣物. 入到冰洞之後凍到傻咗! 令本來已經好傻嘅佢變得更chi sin!

去到法國, chi 咗 sin 嘅 Jenna 竟以單腳再戰巨塔. 今次頂住嘅係羅浮宮嗰個倒轉金字塔... 無錯! 就係 Da Vinci Code 入面 Mary Magdalene 嘅最終安所嘞!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quarter Life Crisis

I once read an article about things a woman should achieve before she turns 30. One thing that stricked me was that a woman should own at least one piece of furniture by the time she reaches 30. I think that applies to everyone, not just women. The reason behind is that you should have your very own home that you feel you belong to. It's an article for those who are still living with their parents. Having your own place means that you're being responsible for yourself. I guess it's part of "growing up".

Congratuations if you've moved out of your parent's house. Chances are, you have a home full of your own funitures. As for me, I've moved out of my parent's house since I was 19. Still, I do not own a single piece of furniture myself. Oh well, it's a fact that I cannot change. At least I can't change it alone. Someday I will have my own place. Just not now. All I can do now is to renovate my room. However, renovation would make it even harder to move out later. Should I renovate and make myself "at home"? Or leave it alone and keep the hope for moving out alive? What should I do?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Typhoon 9!!

Woohooo!! Typhoon 9 in Hong Kong today!!! surprised long weekend =D It's so windy today, so I decided to go to a safer place-- Elements! There isn't a movie that I really wanna watch. So I just picked one randomly. To my surprise, it's actually really really good!! It's the one movie that I'd recommend to my friends since Iron Man.

This movie is called "Cyborg She". It's funny, touching, & lovely with a very good story! Unexpected ending too. Go Go Go!!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's a beautiful day

Perfect weather.
Awesome event organizer.
Beautiful blue sky.
Gracious Victoria Harbour.
Wonderful friends =)