Friday, July 31, 2009

It's a Small Ass World Part II

又再一次證明世界真細小呢個永恆的真諦! 我登出"被我傷害的女孩"個篇blog之後, 竟然有人自動投案, 話我知:"原來我係你師兄"!

Blog友居然識得UCC, 仲要曾經做過學生會會長! 起初以為我地係唔同年代ge校友, 講講下發現我地係同一個時代架! 我地只係相差兩界, 我F1, 佢F3. 但係點解我地好似無見過咁ge?!

我: 你係ESS? 你無有去95年ESS Camp???
師兄: 我都好似有喎!
我: 係? 咁你睇下呢張相, ESS Camp 影架... (with photo link)
師兄: 我好似真係有去喎! 嘩哈哈! 你當年對眼咁細ge!! 整容黎呀?!!
我: 你唔好笑住先啦! 如果我真係整容我會整對胸都唔會整對眼先啦!
我: 喂! 你真係讀3E? 你都識得Dini, Nathan, BoBo?
師兄: 係呀! 當年仲成日同Mr. Jung 打籃球添.
我: 下??! 咁你未識得我想當年個偶像囉?!! 我以前成日睇佢同Mr. Jung打波架喎!
師兄: 邊個係你偶像呀?
我: XXX囉!
師兄: 哈哈~ 佢係one of my best friends 呀!
我: OMG!!! NO WAY!! 咁你識唔識YYY呀? 佢同XXX好friend架喎!
師兄: 識呀! 我尋日先至同YYY打完波咋嘛!!
我: 下!! 咁搞笑?! 我同YYY唔係好熟, 不過好記得佢個樣. 反而我唔係好記得XXX係咩樣啦.
師兄: 拿~ 我同XXX的近照... (with photo link)

我一click條link, 呆望左張中個四條友幾秒, 首先認出Blog友師兄... 然後呆望多好幾秒先至認得到邊個係想當年個偶像... 點解... 點解... 點解當年我極度崇拜, 印象中好型ge偶像今日變成咁樣ge? 我唔係話佢而家好差, 只係同我印象中個偶像有差距je! -__- 原來回憶是最美好的. Blog友師兄就咁就將我當年美好ge少女回憶粉碎... RIP

後記: 呢位師兄同lala都有一個公通點, 佢地兩個都係doublechin的朋友. 我係經doublechin先至識到佢地, 然後相認. 加上我經doublechin所識ge台灣/上海幫, 同埋n個mutual friends, 我有理由相信doublechin係上天賜比我的social networking hub!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

童年陰影- KARMA

[17:53] (*)LALA(*)100% :oh hey, you know Monlia???
[17:53] (*)LALA(*)100% : and my bad, i actually dont have you on my facebook... but i've just added.
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : you there?
[17:54] Michelle: haha
[17:54] Michelle: yes
[17:54] Michelle: monlia wu?
[17:54] Michelle: yes
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes... OIMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : how do you know her???
[17:54] Michelle: we went to middle school together
[17:55] Michelle: i haven't seen her for 10+ years
[17:55] Michelle: wakakka
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : OOOOOOOMMMMMMMfucking GGGGG!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : holy shit!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : then you must know me too since i was a little girl!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : I'm Monlia's little sister!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh shit!!!!!
[17:55] Michelle: WHATTTTTTTT?????????
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : i just saw your facebook, you're friends with her!!!
[17:56] Michelle: you biological sisters??????
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : that is sooooo freaking weird!
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaha
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes....
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : same mother father, same blood!
[17:55] Michelle: No way small ass world!!

[18:00] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh my god.... did you use to have really really short hair in Middle school?
[18:00] Michelle: yes
[18:00] Michelle: why?
[18:00] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh shit!!!!!
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : coz i think its you that use to bully me..
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : haha
[18:01] Michelle: i don't think i ever bully anyone
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes way!!!!
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahhaa
[18:01] Michelle: NO WAYYYYYYY
[18:01] Michelle: you went to UCC too????
[18:01] Michelle: i don't think so
[18:01] Michelle: wakkakaka
[18:01] Michelle: stop playing
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : i think we were at a park once.... the one across the street on Tong Yum Street...
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : we were there with my sister too.... i wanted to play on the swing, and you didnt let me!!!
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : no, i went to the primary school next to it..
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : christian alliance primary
[18:03] Michelle: no wayyyyyyyy
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : YESS....!
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : its such a small ass world!
[18:04] Michelle: i had short hair but not that short
[18:04] Michelle: no wayyyy
[18:04] Michelle: wakakkaka
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : ok, fine...
[18:04] Michelle: i can't believe it
[18:04] Michelle: but i remember hanging out in the park
[18:04] Michelle: yes
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : i'm not tooo sure if it was you that picked on me... but i'm sure its one of my sister schoolmate at that time name michelle...
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : unless there is another michelle that you both know maybe?
[18:05] Michelle: NO WAYYYYYYYYY
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:05] Michelle: short hair michelle???
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : anyway... thats funny
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : yea, short hair michelle
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : hehee..

無可能!想當年我純如小綿羊 XD 點會蝦一個手無殺雞之力嘅小學生呢?
當年我的確係有剪過一頭王菲punk look 超短髮喎. 但係當年叫michelle而d頭髮又超短ge... 好似得我一個... shit! 唔通我真係令一個小妹妹留下童年陰影?? 仲要十多年後無哪哪網上相遇, 揭發事件! This is karma!!!!!!!!!! 好恐怖呀!!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jenna's Very Happy Birthday

Birthday celebration Part I: PJ/Lingerie Party

I did something very different this year. I let my BFFs to organize my birthday party for me instead of doing it myself. It's also Ray's big 3-0 birthday too. I don't really know who goes on the guest list and what I should expect and it turns out GREAT! As promised, it's a pyjamas/lingerie party. Surprisingly a lot of them came in costumes!! Great sportmentship y'all =)

Orbis Walk teammate =) Go Heroes!

Girls with pearls. I was trying to be a robot but turns out to be a wax statue in most of the pictures. LOL!

Lovely strawberry shots by Lam9!

Chocolate cake from Doublechin!! Thank you Amie for organizing the party for me! It was awesome!! I had a blast and I hope you all enjoyed it just as much as I did!

Birthday celebration part II: dinner with BFFs
I Shyan's spirit was there! hehee...

Lesley had became the Lang Gag Queen of 2009! CEO fry bad eggs, 食白果, warm sake vs. chill sake, Chan Jim's eye width, DY's colour matching drink, male nurse, 魚蛋妹, I.T. person at 收數公司, mence beauty, 叉燒包's feeling... a night filled with jokes and laugher! Oh I love you boyz & galz!!!

We do this 3 times a year. BFFs! Let's hit all the BBQ restaurants in HK before we die!!!!

CoCo cake!
Yung said, "This cake tastes soooo good if you eat it layer by layer!"
DY, "but you're supposed to eat all layers together... " =.=!
I say, regardless of how you eat it, it still tastes delicious!

Birthday Celebration Part III: Family Din Din

It actually started a week ago. Had dinner with lovely sisters and the kids last weekend in SoHo. Then dinner again with Dad & Aunt's family on my real birthday. Thank you Aunt Haidy for the super sweet mango cake =)

Thank you y'all for your facebook wall posts, SMSs, phone calls, pressies, cakes, sexy costumes, & all your joyful laughter! I had a blast and very happy birthday weekend =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Costume Madness

Yes. It's true. Jenna is hosting a Lingerie/PJ party this Friday as mentioned on an earlier post. Doublechin found a reference photo album online that proves lingerie doesn't necessarily means slutty, it could be very CLASSY! So don't get the wrong idea people!!! Looking forward to see you all in your comfy PJs or CLASSY Lingerie!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Most Improved Team!

Go team!!! We got the Most Improved award from the season end dodgeball party! Very nice trophy with our team name on it! Oh so proud! hehee... Let's go for a medal for each of us next time. Looking forward to the next season!! Go DLS!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

What to do with old costumes?

We love costume parties! What do you do with old costumes in the closet? You find any chance posible to wear them again. So we did. We showed up at G's party in costume just for the heck of it! hehee...

Caption: BFF was staring at my butt! I knew it!!

and there... we have our next theme!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LIAAR presents Shanghai 2009!

Life is All About Randomness! Amen!

If it's not my internship, I wouldn't have met JuJu & Tony. If it's not JuJu & Tony, I won't have met BT. If it's not BT, I wouldn't have met DY!! If it's not DY, I wouldn't have met DC!!! If it's not DC, I wouldn't have met CLin! If it's not CLin, I wouldn't have experience Shanghai like I should.

It was back in 2007, I was on a Biz Trip to Taipei. Alone, sitting in front of my computer. Then I decided to chat up DC, a girl that I have only met once but never chatted with before. She then referred me to her friend's friend in Taipei. We met for dinner then went to Barcode. There, I met CLin =) CLin is one of the most presentable Mary Janes that I have ever met: beautiful, sweet, fun, out going, & caring. I'd go visit her everytime I go to Taipei/Shanghai, and she'd come visit me in HK. Then she moved to Shanghai. DC & I went visit her and her brother back in Feb. They hosted a house party while we were there, and we met most of their friends at the house party.

Fast forward to June 2009. I took a weekend off to visit the Lins while I was there for biz. It's fate that Sam & Jess were also there in SH the very same weekend. We all met up at Bling. Stupid me lost my purse on the very first night in Shanghai!! Alone with my Miu Miu wallet, my 2G iPhone, my China Visa, my HKID, driver license, all cash, credit cards, & a few sentimental items =( I didn't even have cab money. Not that I have anywhere to go since I can't even check into the hotel without any forms of ID & no credit card nor cash.

I'm so glad that the Lins were there to take care of me! So thankful that Sam & Jess borrowed enough RMB for me before they went home. I stay at the Lins for 5days and 6 nights. We took cooking class, made spagetti cabonara and fried prawns. Got "stuck" at a wine bar with 15 others 'coz of pouring rain, kept drinking South African wine all afternoon. All of them are from the States, Aussie, or S.A. and all working in Shanghai. Great conversations, good laugh. We then went to a Moroccan restaurant for dinner & SHISHA. Rest. Muse. Went to 2 police stations on Sunday to file my lost purse. It took the 1st cop half an hour before figuring out that this case doesn't belong to his district and he gave us a ride to other police station. It was fun to ride in the china cop car, driving on the wrong side of the road and running all the red lights. The experience at the 2nd police station was quite interesting too! I was sitting right next to a JAIL CELL, and 2 cops were picking a fight right next to us. Then saw a play "Vagina Monologues" in Mandarin with the gang. It was very well translated. Dinner at Blue Frog's and continue the interesting topics after watching V Logue. Monday night dinner at Taikong Road, then when to Boxing Cat Brewery. I ordered a shot instead of a drink by accident. um... yes, it was only Monday night. Came Tuesday, we met up the gang at Cotton's after my company dinner. Glasses of Merlot after glasses. Wednesday night, Kaluska night! Where you can get 4 drinks for only 50RMB! KTV, then back to Kaluska. Wish all these doesn't have to end. Life with CLin lasted til Thursday morning, when I had to take off for Hangzhou for Biz.

Can believe I left Shanghai taking a lot more with me compare to things that I've lost. What I lost was totally replacable. Friendships and a hell of a good time in Shanghai, PRICELESS!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lesson Learned:

I do believe that my lost purse experience will benefit others in need. First thing to do, cut all your credit cards. Phone a friend near you. Then use your friend's phone to phone home. ^_^v

If you're absolutely alone, you can do the following:

For Hong Kong residence who are travelling outside Hong Kong and need emergency assistance may contact the local Chinese embassy/Consulate General or call the Hong Kong Immigration Department's 24-hour Hotline (852) 1868 for help.

If you lose your Wui Heung Jing (China Visa) like me, you can go to the local Immigration office. Have a photocopy of your HKID, or photocopy Wui Heung Jing ready, and go apply for a temperary visa so that you can leave China. It took me 3 days to get the temp visa from the Shanghai Immigration office. It only costs 20RMB. I had Yung to DHL my HK SAR passport to my Shanghai office before I took off for Hangzhou. With my HK SAR passpost, I got back in HK without any problem at the custom counter. It was probably faster than using e-Channel!

Replacing all your IDs could be a pain in the butt. Please go to the government website to make appointment before you go. It might speed up the wait time a bit. Thank you to one telemarketer, I bought a "wallet insurance" from CPP from a telemarketer once! It's gonna expired in July and I wasn't gonna renew it. Thank god that I lost my wallet in June so the insurance still covers! CPP provides a hotline for you, just call them, and they will cancel all creditcards/ATM cards on file for you once you lose your wallet. The insurance policy covers all fees needed to replace the IDs. Yes, that includes my soon-to-expire HK 10-yr driver license which cost $9xx! The policy also ensure you a new wallet, up to $900HKD =)

Last but not least, keep all your valuable in sight!