Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Drunken Performances

I nagged BFF for a Christmas song... and she did. She begged me not to post it online... and I did. It's way too cozy and sweet :) Merry Christmas everyone!!!

... and then I had to play one song too. The one and only song I know how to play on the piano since I was 8. (still is the only song I know after all these years... )


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


又喺台灣, Lulu又上身...
今日同代理開會啦, 開完就同佢地個超級得高望重嘅富豪COO食lunch. 一齊行去餐廳時鞋底甩左囉!!!! 火羅火暴..................


今日開始Boycott i.t. 嘅鞋!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweetness that's worth an onion breath!

Just had a frest green salad from Pizza Express for lunch and had a piece of super sweet red onion! So fresh and sweet that I had to blog about it. It's so damn sweet that the onion breath that follows seems justifiable!

P.S. Loving the foursquare special from Pizza Express! Just check-in to receive a free dessert with any main course! It's my 3rd time enjoying free dessert from foursquare. Life is good :)

Monday, December 6, 2010


小朋友學講嘢階段真係cute到爆!有時都唔知好嬲定好笑。話說尋日喺屋企做paper mask, Ball Ball 見到我個樣就好鎮定咁同我講:「我驚呀!」我怕我聽錯,因為佢嘅語氣同句對白完全離罩,加上我唔知佢識講「驚」呢個咁爆嘅expression. 再問佢講咩啦。佢再好用力地好似朗誦咁講多次:「我。驚。呀。」隻眼掙到雞乸咁大!我即場笑到甩mask囉!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


又人話[The girl with a dragon tattoo] 好好睇, 我就話不如上演一套[The girl wtih a max-ed out credit card] 會動魄驚心d喇!

劇目: 碌爆卡的女孩之戶口結餘唔夠數

碌爆卡的女孩 (簡稱"爆孩"), "無錯! 我覺得屋企個廚房地下最有用係今次! 平時拖嘅地總算無白費... "

只得6小時shopping時間, 我盡左力架啦!! Desert Hills Premium Outlets 果然係一個好地方. 亦都係我每次想去探亞媽嘅動力~ 值得一讚嘅係嗰度間Gucci Outlet. 我從來都唔係Gucci fans, 但係都數左3件. 係因為實在太低買啦!!!!! 嗰度班sales又真係形造到"手快有手慢無"嘅低死氣氛喎!! 真係要買多個黎送比亞媽呀!

你睇吓佢幾high?! 完全入晒戲!!

Day2: South Coast Plaza
主戰: Nordstrom, Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria's Secret, 同埋 Bath & Body Works.
爆孩, "唔好掛住影相啦! 行快兩步啦!!"

快樂原始shopping! :)

Rainbow makes me HAPPY but...

My Weather apps always gives out a quote while it's loading... it says "it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow." In my opinion, you can make a rainbow with just a sprinkler under daylight! If there's no sunshine, then we shall enjoy dancing in the rain (or sprinkler ;P). Cheer up people!