Tuesday, November 6, 2007

*~Vera & Leo Azevedo~*

This is the BEST wedding ever!! The perfect SF weather. The perfect place. The perfect crowd. The perfect song. The perfect couple!! My perfect friend!!!

May I present to you, Mr. & Mrs. Azevedo!!!!

- October 27th, 2007

If I had more time to prepare for my toast, I'd be more organised and well-prepared. However, the lack of preparation was also the most truthful and honest toast that I would ever give for the two of you! I was so glad to be there! And your song!!! Sorry I couldn't stop crying when I heard the sweetest song when you walk down the aisle. I remember that was the song that we always listen to, when I ride in your car. Words cannot explain how happy I am for the two of you!

* * * * * * *

The cuttest pose.
Broke back brothers
with the groom & yung.
errr... somebody's drunk.

yup! very drunk. I miss you Andrew!!
The perfect cake!

Cheers to "exotic berries" ;-)

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