Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Printing Alley

Where do you go for prints? Kinko's! Well, what if there's no Kinko's in Hong Kong?? err.... I had absolutely no idea. So I called my graphic designer friend. I thought she should know. Then she referred me to her artistic boy friend. Then Mr. Artist said that the profession print shops probably won't "so" me since I only need to print out very little stuff. =P Then he told me that I should go to the "printing alley" in Mong Kok.

"whattt? a what alley?"
"printing alley!"

So I went to Mong Kok and found about a million little print shops by 中旅社!! No shit! It's AMAZING!! I thought my order would take at least a day to do, but I got it done within 15 minutes! I thought this "printing alley" deserves a more powerful name. Ladies & gentlement, may I present to you *drum roll* The Kinko's District!!!

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