Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are You Readyyyyy?

今期個人好懷舊,亦即是好out!哈哈!今個Easter 去咗北京玩,去之前半個月不停地唱已經out咗成年嘅奧運歌。不停強都迫身邊嘅朋友同我合唱。;-) 人生第一次去北京,唔知點解好興奮!


Jenna 重點推介--利群烤鴨 & $10講解器!


十元講解器!去故宮同天壇都可以租用講解器。普通話同廣東話都有。其也外語要四十元。我真係愛死呢部機呀!一粒制都唔洗kam,內置RF detector, 行到某景點就有自動解說。又有地圖喺部机上面。仲有幾多個景點都一目了然。去法國羅浮宮都有部機,天過要key in。我帶住佢,上咗大半天歷史課。好好聽架!如果無咗佢,故宮同天壇可以悶一百倍。

BJ! I will be back! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reasons why we're banned from Time Square 11th floor

Attention Soju Crew! Is it possible to drink all the soju in the house?? YESSSS

Now start singing out loud in the restaurant and taking random pictures with ppl sitting next to us! errr... and please stop saying the waiter looks like the guy from McD! Stop speaking in Mandarin with BJ tone. Stop asking for hot tea!! It's already in front of you. Oh... and can we have another bottle of prum wine?

Managed to get the puking drunkie outta the restaurant. Now why are we sitting outside of another restaurant??

When I say "roll on floor laughing" I wasn't kidding... See the vase on the right? that's one of the reasons why are're banned +__+

Don't know how long it took for us to get up, and get the wasted drunkie up. Now keep rolling on the ground, under Time Square's big screen. Nap all you want... it's not even 11pm yet! LOL
My dear Soju Crew, mission well accomplished. We need to look for another Korean restaurant for our next gathering because we are SO BANNED on Time Square 11th floor!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hong Kong 柒s

Ok... i know it's been ages since the 7s were over. I've been way too busy to blog and was thinking to myself if i should blog about this out dated topic... and yes, here I'm talking about the 7s. One day when I get really old and wrinkly, I'd be glad I blog about this. It's just way too funny. heh. blah blah blah...

Thanks KL & JP! The Hawaiian girls get to go to the 7s this year :D

We went to the executive box level and each box has a "bouncer" guarding the door. It's very different this year, can't just get in and out of each box like it used to be. As we passed by the Coca Cola box, we asked KL if we can get in. KL's dad is like the top dog of Coca Cola who ran in the Olympics torch relay for the company. Since we asked, KL made a phone call to his dad as we stood in front of the Coca Cola bouncer.

Bouncer looked at us and said, "You have NOOOOOO CHANCE!"

We said, "We're making a phone call now, hold on."

Bouncer said again, "you guys have NOOOOOOOOOOO CHANCE to get in this box!!!! Try the Cathay box, it might be easier to get in. *evil smile*"

Then I said, "but his dad works for Coca Cola!" Pointing at KL as I speak.

Bouncer rolled his eyes and laughed, "so is MY DADDDD!!!"

"Seriously!!! His dad works at Coca Cola!!"

"Nice try! Now go try the Cathay box!!" and repeated "You guys have NOOOOOOO CHANCE!"

LOL!! Turns out that KL's dad wasn't inside the box. So we just walked away. This bouncer seriously thought we lied!! Muahhahaa... That's my HK 柒s! 柒!

*** *** ***

South Stand Madness:

How Jenna lost her voice:

(video by JP, captures by DC)

Last but not least, I was actually watching a few games this year other than just dressing up, screaming, box hopping, & drinking. Probably lost my voice cheering for the HK Team! A couple days ago, Yan asked if I'm interested in summer women rugby and I'm actually a bit tempted to try ;-)