Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are You Readyyyyy?

今期個人好懷舊,亦即是好out!哈哈!今個Easter 去咗北京玩,去之前半個月不停地唱已經out咗成年嘅奧運歌。不停強都迫身邊嘅朋友同我合唱。;-) 人生第一次去北京,唔知點解好興奮!


Jenna 重點推介--利群烤鴨 & $10講解器!


十元講解器!去故宮同天壇都可以租用講解器。普通話同廣東話都有。其也外語要四十元。我真係愛死呢部機呀!一粒制都唔洗kam,內置RF detector, 行到某景點就有自動解說。又有地圖喺部机上面。仲有幾多個景點都一目了然。去法國羅浮宮都有部機,天過要key in。我帶住佢,上咗大半天歷史課。好好聽架!如果無咗佢,故宮同天壇可以悶一百倍。

BJ! I will be back! :)


** 飛雪素素 ** said...

Waa 你去o左北京ar?! 我很羨慕oh~ 我最近一次去的時候是15歲... waa~ 十元講解器! 技術進步了很許多nei~~ impressive~~

Jenna Michelle said...

yes! I was there for Easter. I really like BJ. It's like Shenzhen without all the thief-looking people standing around. hahaa...

** 飛雪素素 ** said...

lol~~ thief-looking~ hahaha =D true~

reb said...


你坐slide car落山時有冇影到相呀? or you will upload more at next post?

Anonymous said...


I went to Big Dung too. I like 利群 a lot more! It's not that dirty if you're used to HK Dai Pai Don. hehe... It's almost clean in my standard.

yes i took picture of the slide car, but not gonna post it la. =)

- jenna

Wenlovehk said...

Hi there,
Owh i love Beijing too!! <3
Went there on Feb Chinese New Year.
Everything was just awesome. 8 days trip. Take like thousands of pictures.. shop till drop and never ending shopping! =) Hahah yea i remember the RMB10 Automatic Guide自動導遊講解器. I even take the picture of the booth lols. We didnt use it cause we have a tourguide with us.
Alright, hope to see your upcoming post. Oww by the way, please feel free to visit my blog, lots of Beijing trip's pictures. =)
