Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pirates of Sai Kung

Thank God for such beautiful day after a week of pouring rain! Lovely weather, awesome crowd, great boat trip. More boat trips to come this season and you all shall see the return of Pocahontas!!! I wanna be tanner than Hannah Montana! muahaha... i know she's not that tan but it rhymes! :P

Happy birthday boys!

6 packs club! wohooo~

Friday, May 29, 2009



Happy birthday to the NAs!

Never had so much Chicken McNuggets & OJs within 90 minutes! 「嚟多set OJ 呀唔該!」

實驗証明零酒精影響下都可以好醉。可能係OD on OJ,sugar high咗!

Photos by Sorlo

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Thank you my midnight cheerleaders for dropping by to boost up my confidence! I never would have thought that you can dance hip hop to my 3 pieces. LOL! I just realized that you can't stay alone the night before a big thing. You DO need accompany and comfort. Watching Sam acting as a crazy conductor in front of my music stand, and solving a sudoku puzzle with DY was pleasantly comforting. You girls can drop by anytime in your PJs and glasses!

So I woke up happy this morning. Had breakfast, then had one last round of practice before I put on my all black witch-like performer outfit. Luckily got a cab under the rain. Arrived the exam location and registered early.

"Michelle, you're next!"

"oh... but my pianist is not here yet!"

Moments later, my pianist aka my BFF stepped in the door. heh... Thanks for being here so early after a fun night out :D

Then it's my turn. To my surprise, I wasn't nervous at all. As I wished, it was a male examiner from UK. Looked a bit like my high school orchestra teacher with the same size of belly. We started with scales: E flat major, D minor, G minor, B flat major, C major. B flat major appegio, F major appegio, C minor appegio, Dominant 7th key of G, Dimished 7th starting on D, Chromatics staring on D... etc. I played one by one, not perfect but I played them all. phew. Then BFF walked in and did the 3 pieces with me. Again, not perfect, but I didn't go brain dead in the middle of it. Then sight reading was BAD. I hate A major! Oral was okay, questions were not that difficult, but still made some mistakes. Before I knew it, IT WAS OVER! Finally done with cello exam! It wasn't great but I think I definitely passed :) I will find out the result in 7 weeks.

Now that there's no more dodgeball games, no more cello lessons until Lesley comes back from the UK, for once I have zero goal. ZERO!

Friday, May 22, 2009


快樂是... 今天不用上班。

快樂是... 自然醒來。不用狂按snooze三至十三次才起床,再煩着要穿什甚、襯哪雙鞋、然後發覺忘了warm up化妝間內的 hair straightener...

快樂是... 和Mallow午睡。

快樂是... 一整天在家狂練琴。因為明天就要考試,好緊張好緊張!不想歷史重現。害怕失望。

快樂是... 期待Mallow沖涼吹頭剪髮修甲後的香味。

快樂是... 明天後天大後天也沒有安排活動。很久也沒見過那麼空洞的schedule!會感覺空虛嗎?

快樂是... 在fb status收到juju的問候 :) 知道你去旅行曬得一身健康膚色,很美!

快樂是... 和BFF每天見面。到北京記得穿少一點 ;-)

快樂是... 和PIC msn,有些問題只有她懂!

快樂是... 和他一起看巾幗梟雄。

快樂是... 終於上到網。終於又寫得出無聊事亦不介意沒人看。

快樂是... 好像懂得放開了。

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Life is more than just drinking, singing, dancing, & partying. When you need a breath of fresh air, to forget about your nightmares, or if you have difficulty breathing and high blood pressure like moi, Lantau Island is it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


朋友W失戀,約去happy hour。去我地最鐘意嘅Antique Bar。同嗰度啲人好熟,有計傾、有mui搓、有湯飲、有歌唱、有裝修、仲有無限酒精供應。星期三晚客人唔多,場地頓時變成私人個唱!

先唱十次 <<如果我們不再見>> 如何能 和你就此不相見?有時 還會恨然後我有我生活 然後你再愛別人~~

再唱廿次 <<如可掉眼淚>> 如何掉眼淚 自知身份都不對 要決堤 沒缺口 讓苦戀鯁於心裡 沖積結聚 完場時仍然讓這秘密 埋藏在眼睛裡

唱到眼中有淚嘅係<<16號愛人>> 我以前是冠軍 怎會慣 做後備愛人 曾經 也上到最高逐漸滑落谷底的暗 看見未來 雙腳已在震 因我說過愛是無憾 才會受教訓

<<愛我別走>> Oh~愛我別走 如果你說 你不愛我~~~

<<痛愛>> 仍然難禁 看著你這個壞人 有甚麼的吸引 殘酷至此 更讓我想靠近 心知要換個別人 還是有人

<<氧氣>> 如果你愛我 你會來找我你會知道我 快不能活如果你愛我 你會來救我空氣很稀薄 因為寂寞

<<最佳位置>> 無論你喜歡誰 請你記住留下給我這位置 時常在內心一隅 空出幾吋為我堅持

<<味道>> 我以為傷心 可以很少我以為我能 過得很好誰知道一想你思念苦無藥 無處可逃

I'm Sorry- 關心也自私 逼迫你未知 只顧付出 這一種愛多麼的幼稚

<<紅豆>> 有時候 有時候 我會相信一切有盡頭相聚離開 都有時候 沒有甚麼會永垂不朽

<<我的回憶不是我的>> 當晚與你記住蒲公英 今晚偏偏想起風的清勁

<<勇氣>> 愛真的需要勇氣 來面對流言蜚語只要你一個眼神肯定 我的愛就有意義


下刪二百首歌詞窩心嘅歌。一邊飲、一邊玩、一邊唱。星期三晚happy hour咗八粒鐘。今晚比個肝抖抖,星期五晚繼續。撐住呀!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Until Next Time

It's been 10 amazing games! We all enjoyed every bit of it. I won't forget our countness sweats that we have shed, mad "ball cakes" taken in the face, numerous "DOOK fish ball" on the fingers, chickens that we have stolen, & quite a few talkative late night taxi drivers that we've met. (It's absolutely normal if you don't understand a thing I just said here, but my DLSers will!)

See you all next season! Go DLS!!

Game#9 against the Models =)

DSL + HGL sipping champagne at the park :P
I love you BOYZ... & GIRLS!

Until next time =)

Monday, May 4, 2009



Saturday, May 2, 2009


<如果我們不再見> 鄭秀文

曲: 黃丹儀 詞: 黃偉文編: 黃丹儀/舒文

假使你與我 不該再見面
幸福這麼遠 大可不眷戀
不管再愛哪個 都很快厭倦
獨對舊照片 貪之不厭

別人亦很好 別人亦都很愛我
其實暗地 一直怪他不似你
每晚唉聲嘆氣 夢裡看不見你

如何能 和你就此不相見?
有時 還會恨
然後我有我生活 然後你再愛別人
如何能 和你認了不相襯 ?
有時 仍不忿
如若要愛你 是這樣靠天份 ?
這世上 除了我 誰能愛你
除了共你 可與誰熱吻 ?

得不到那個 一般最掛念
或許這麼說 大家好過點
只恐怕你與我 終於也發現
恨那日那天 不肯心軟
