It was about 2 months ago. First attempt, I got up on the board, tried to swing from left to right within the wake. By the end of my first section, I got out of the right side of the wake and came back in. My body was sore for a whole week! My 4 limbs, my neck, my back, were aching like I have never used those muscles before. Dammit I thought I was fit!
Then a week later, I went again with two monkey asses that claimed they didn't know how to wakeboard. Turns out that monkey#1 was HELLO GOOD at it! He was jumping, sliding, and landing with his own board. I was very impressed! Then monkey#2 is just a natural athlete. She picked up in no time! With great inspiration, I learned how to wake in and out of both sides of the wake that day. Not to mention I drank about half a liter of sea water :p
A month later... (yes I waited for a month to avoid the superstitious Chinese ghost month, and dodgeball season just started so I was busy) I went for my 3rd attempt today. Went with 2 of my EMBers. I knew they're very good at it. I was very SUM YUP and messed up all my moves. Fell so hard that my head was hurting. Then took a break and watched my fellow EMBers doing 2 Wakes Jump 180, Ollie Backside 180, back roll in the air, Method Grab... I was super inspired!! When it's my turn to get into the water, I managed to wake in and out of the wake again! Then learned the basic jump!! I did a couple of tiny jumps before i exhaused myself. Loved it!! Can't wait to wakeboard again!!!
Mavis! For our wakeboarding trip in March, I will learn and catch up with you!!!

Cory McVey's Back Roll.
For more wakeboarding tricks and terminology, please see