Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Click to play the video before you read on...

Sunday night, Jenna was riding the MTR home from dodgeball practice. It was quite crowded. A gray haired grandpa came in to the compartment with his walking stick. Jenna jumped up and gave him the seat subtly, hoping that he would take the empty seat before any suckers in the compartment beat him to it. Grandpa smiled happily and walked to the seat, turned around, and was waving for 2 solid minutes without sitting down. Jenna didn't know what grandpa was doing, just wanted him to sit down and rest through the ride. Didn't know that grandpa was waving through to crowd to get grandma's attention! Grandma finally saw him, walked over, and grandpa gave the seat to grandma! That was the sweetest thing ever!!

Growing old is not scary when you've found your soul mate to grow old with.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Street Fighter

Mallow got in a fight with a street cat while we're on our way to see the Vet for annual vaccine. Poor baby! HO SUM TUNG AHHHH!!!

Sentimental mama would like to dedicate a song for my baby...

Rain Poncho ROCKS!

Going through old pictures and found this... hahahaa... not the prettiest of me but very happy under the rain poncho. That was only last September at Halowei Ocean Park. Cheers!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Junk Shot

Ladies & Gentlemen! I proudly present, my new dodgeball team-- JUNK SHOT!!! Fun & loving costume lovers came together for the love of dodgeball :)

4 games down, 4 wins!! Wohoooo!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Too Late

Got this old song stuck in my head all day...

I just want to take you away from everyone
And keep you stashed under my pillow
And then I'd take you out simply for my own pleasure
And wear you when the occasions special
Then I'd put you on like a diamond
So I can sparkle and be the envy of my friends
I'd proudly hold the leash that I'd have you on
So you can't stray and follow me around all day

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My God!!!

王菲2011巡唱香港站 Eason - 大開眼戒(打回原形) 2011-03-04
MY GOD!!!!! Teary eyes again! I LOVE FAYE WONG!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


1994年的聖誕, 我第一次自己買飛約朋友仔睇演唱會. 當年我12歲, 幾百蚊並唔係一個少數目! 但係當年我都好願意買最貴嘅飛去睇王菲演唱會! 因為從小學開始已經好鍾意王菲! 對亞菲嘅鍾愛程度一直有增無減. 98年聖誕嘅Faye Wong Scenic Tour, 同2003年嘅菲比尋常演唱會我都無緣返香港睇. 直到尋晚, 等左16年半, 我終於有機會再睇亞菲唱live啦!!!!

尋晚王菲一出場開口唱 "還記得當天旅館的門牌 還留住笑著離開的神態..." 我真係激動到喊呀!! 實在太太太太太好聽啦!!! 之後嘅 "眉目裡似哭不似哭 還祈求甚麼說不出" 完全表達晒我當時嘅心情! 唱到"我願意"時個種震撼, 將呢首我聽過幾百次嘅經典金曲加上真實感. 情緒都而家都未平復到!

王菲嘅演唱會唔可以同其他香港歌手嘅演唱會相比. 真正愛聽王菲嘅人就會明白佢唔講野齋唱嘅演唱會, 比起搞好多花慎嘅歌手嘅演唱會同樣可觀! 對我而言, 呢個係我睇過最震撼最好最鍾意最珍貴嘅演唱會!!

*多謝@tochapman1999 & @issam 微博的照片分享!!