Tuesday, March 29, 2011


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Sunday night, Jenna was riding the MTR home from dodgeball practice. It was quite crowded. A gray haired grandpa came in to the compartment with his walking stick. Jenna jumped up and gave him the seat subtly, hoping that he would take the empty seat before any suckers in the compartment beat him to it. Grandpa smiled happily and walked to the seat, turned around, and was waving for 2 solid minutes without sitting down. Jenna didn't know what grandpa was doing, just wanted him to sit down and rest through the ride. Didn't know that grandpa was waving through to crowd to get grandma's attention! Grandma finally saw him, walked over, and grandpa gave the seat to grandma! That was the sweetest thing ever!!

Growing old is not scary when you've found your soul mate to grow old with.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
