Tuesday, December 30, 2014

這個冬天Dry都爆2之:超好用DIY 面霜

朋友建議我用雪花秀,話超潤用咗皮膚好靚!正當我準備跌落$深淵嘅時候,我個facial姐姐話佢係好work,不過含鉛量好高,唔可以長期使用。有好多護膚品都好多chemicals,塊面積聚越多會越來越差。話晒我都係個崇尚天然嘅人,聽完之後對雪花秀有啲保留。Facial姐姐仲叫我睇多啲美容資訊,唔好聽人話咩嘢好用就攞自己塊面嚟試。跟手就開始介紹佢賣緊個條organic skin care line... 下刪三百字。我一被人sell就乜都聽唔入耳,好快就離開現場喇。

Facial姐姐都唔係無道理,事因實在頂唔順自己塊面越來越多細紋,呢幾日不停research有咩護膚品又natural又好用。發現原來好多人都DIY!自己整skin care可以好肯定所有ingredients 都係天然嘢,無化學品。用咗好多時間上網學整face cream同埋eye cream,又睇咗好多essential oils同唔同base oils嘅功效同用法,越睇越high!又問過一個學過香薰治療嘅朋友意見,決定自己試吓整!

我照 A Blossoming Life  嘅做法,搵齊材料就即刻返屋企整呢隻"miracle" night cream 啦!

  • 1/2 tsp beeswax
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbs almond oil
  • 1/2 tsp of shea butter (or you can just use more coconut oil)
  • 1 tsp vitamin e oil
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1 tsp honey (Try to get some local honey if possible)
  • 5-10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 1/2 tsp bentonite clay

照A Blossoming Life 嘅做法,將頭四樣材料煮溶溝埋,再放埋一邊等佢凍返去好似潤唇膏咁嘅texture。


將兩兜嘢mix埋再加最後嘅bentonite clay等佢杰身啲。呢個過程切忌用金屬碗金屬匙!

佢係夜霜嘅原因係有lemon essential oil。用咗檸檬精華油就唔可以曬。所以如果要整day cream就唔好落檸檬精華就ok喇!睇咗七七四十九個youtube DIY片之後嘅總結係可以加少少用開嘅sunscreen做日霜嘅。


Recipe credit: A Blossoming Life 
Where to buy ingredients in Hong Kong: Shiu Shing Hong

Monday, December 29, 2014



同美容達人朋友求救,佢即時介紹咗呢隻超平eye patch比我!一合有成60片,都只係$138!日日用都可以用成個月,每日都係$4.6!而家用咗幾日,無話特別正,但係心理上肯定好過咗!有敷好過無敷嘅定律咁囉!等我用咗一個月再比個包膠大家啦!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Flower Power- a guide to office survival

So... a few days ago, I told my colleagues that we should totally do a theme for Friday casual wear day. Let's all wear floral prints! Something Hawaiian! Yeahhhh! Totally!!!

They were like... for what? That's really moliu lor.


So today, I came into work in my very 80s jeans short jacket, complimenting my tight black long top showing off my curves. Non-floral. As soon as I walked in, I saw people in Hawaiian dresses, floral tops, floral lace knits... you get the idea. Those floral ladies came up to me and looked from head to toe trying to spot my floral print. PISSED. Walked off and saying loudly how I didn't go with the dress code while I told them to.

Oops. Sorry! (千頌伊 tone)

Constant bitching all morning from varies women actually got me feeling a little bit guilty. So during lunch before I rush for my Body Pump class, I went to Zara and grabbed a floral blouse, pumped & showered, then put on my new top. Then I thought I needed to go an extra mile to avoid pissing of women from the office. So I rushed to LKF to the staircase up to Levelz, where there's a florist there during day light (this is new for some of you clubbers I know). Counted and bought each and everyone of them a flower. Then rushed back to the office. Very productive lunch break!

At the sight of the flowers, those angry women were suddenly tamed! Go flower power!

Number 1: never pissed any woman off in the office.
Number 2: when in doubt, send flowers.
Number 3: if i'm a man, I'd be a ladies' man. LOL

Happy Friday everyone!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dance Love Pray

Happy Anniversary MoDac! 

Monday, May 26, 2014



He reminded me once again how he melted my heart every time I watched him dance in his classes. Very proud of you Shing!

Link: 中国好舞蹈第六期 郭富城伴舞麦秋成hiphop帅气登场

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Project Juicing

DIY juice detox! The Juices are so good I wanna juice it once a week!

Almond milk with banana
Green punch: celery, cucumber, pear, spinach
Red punch: beet, carrot, apple, ginger
Orange juice
Coconut water

It is a lot of chopping and cleaning to make your own juice. Good thing is that you know exactly what's in it, and it's much cheaper than ordering online.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Seafood Pan Roast

因為懷念,所以自製。懷念以前Reno Alantis Casino Sky Bar 的 pan roast. 除此之外Reno並沒什麼好懷念的。多謝表弟提供食譜,我們從此以後再沒有回Reno的需要了!個味有九成似!好好好好味呀~~~ 勁多牛油勁多cream! 好邪惡呀!

Recipe source: www.food.com

Friday, May 9, 2014

Blue sky that I once took for granted

California's awesome weather might be the major reason why I grew up happy!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Number 1 Comfort Food

Jet lagged and hungry. Came to Denny's at 4am for my Grand Slam! Oh so good!! Grew up waiting on tables at a local diner in Reno, I have known the menu by heart. From the way they fold the silverware, jam stand arrangement, ketchup bottles refill, to the sugar packages ratio... It all meant a lot to me. Yummy and fluffy pancakes, links and crispy bacon, with perfectly done over-easy eggs. This meal was comforting on so many levels! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Don't know how/when/where/who started this neknomination thingy. It somehow got to a friend in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, who nominated CLin in Seattle, USA. Who nominated ELin in Taipei, Taiwan, and WW in Gothenburg, Sweden. ELin then nominated me in Hong Kong. I then nominated JF in Hong Kong and Sivalove in London, United Kingdom. 

Not sure how/when/where/who it will end. Just love how it travels around the world within 24 hours to connect with all of us =)

Run Jenna Run!!!

To continue my 10km race story...

People told me not to run a couple days before that and I took the advice and beyond-- I stopped training a week before the race. LOL! Doubted I could ever run that far, but since the four of us signed up together, I can't flake on them. I just can't.

On race day, instead of going home at 6am, we got up at 6am for a change. It was a chilly 7C morning in Sheung Shui. We managed to get there and walked to the starting line RIGHT on time for the race. Told DC & Doublechin to wait for me at the finish line and they ran off, lost sight of them in the crowd shortly after we started. Bin Bin said he would jog with me at first, and then he couldn't take my snail pace and ran off into the crowd ahead of me. Hahaa... So there I was. Tired. Lonely. Out of breath... Then I saw the 2km sign. hahahahaa... Still freaking 8km to go. Many thots came and go during the race. One that stayed was, "Let's pick an easy target! I NEED TO CATCH UP WITH BIN!" Really didn't wanna be last so I ran. Ran and ran. Walked a bit and ran again. At the end, I didn't catch up with Bin Bin. Still the last person to finish as expected, but I was able to finished the race with 1 hour 9 mins 45 sec. Slow but proud :)

January 19th 2014. The day I ran my very first 10km race!

- Jenna x



Friday, January 3, 2014



自問一直有做運動,ok健康,當快離港嘅朋友單單十一月時問我參唔參加一月個10km賽時我諗都無諗就應承咗,仲叫埋我個workout buddy瘀青膝蓋同埋朋友辮辮一齊參加添!仲喺run keeper set好咗一個星期練四次,好有信心可以用兩個月練跑同時減肥。十一月時跑咗三次之後好肯定地證實咗:我好唔鐘意跑,亦都跑唔到!接近放棄邊緣。





Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Happy New Year!


  1. 減十磅!唔係講少,只求去返一年前個正常磅數。務必要食少啲!多運動!
  2. 多啲陪Mallow。以往飛得太多,近來發覺Mallow老咗好多!開始怕終有一日無Mallow等我返屋企嘅日子,亦唔想佢等我返屋企係佢唯一可以做嘅事。
  3. 隨遇以安,要學懂不強求。保持好心情,發方正能量!就是要同正面朋友多聯繫。戒講是非(好難!少數密友除外[笑]),要多發覺別人優點。
  4. 食得健康啲,每晚12點前瞓。