Thursday, September 13, 2007


最近睇電視睇返一個令人會心微笑嘅廣告。 雖然廣告用咗新嘅動畫, 但係個兩隻牛同首歌都無變。 仿佛踏入咗時光機,去返十幾年前咁!*豎琴音樂 dolurlurluurr (時空轉移)* 當年嘅米雪酥一見到呢個廣告都會興高采烈地跟住唱。之後每次經過小食部都會買一包嚟嘆ga~ *豎琴音樂 dolurlurluurr* 原來我的最愛「笨」唔係Red Bull!而係維他朱古力奶呀~~


Anonymous said...


我覺得個廣告有少少誤導,因為佢哋用牛仔同豬仔,而朱古力奶唔係由豬到嚟架嘛 ;) 定係佢哋真係啱!?

Jenna Michelle said...

Hello PVC! Welcome to my blog!! Yes yes! I really like this commercial too. Glad I found a 知音人 here =D

I think it's 2 cows wor! althought they really look like pigs, specially the white one. wakakakak...

diane said...

okay.. what the fxxk is this?!

*豎琴音樂 dolurlurluurr*

like what's the key!?

diane said...

oh.. i think i know what it is. wahhahahaahah u are so old skool man!!!

Jenna Michelle said...

DUDE!!!! *豎琴音樂 dolurlurluurr* it's the music effect of a harp when you step in the time machine!!! wowowowoooo.... did anyone else get it???????

Anonymous said...

the white one definitely is a cow but the brown is a pig, anyway, doesn't matter... it's indeed a fun ad!

btw, i know what u mean by that "dolurlurluurr" harp sound is..我們都是看著電視廣告下成長的 muahaha! :p

PS: actually i found you via chinkerbella's blog, hope u don't mind that i came by

Jenna Michelle said...


Now that I paid attention to the old and new ad on TV... IT IS A PIG!!!! OMG!! For all these years I thought it's a cow! oooooo @.@

Of course I don't mind! Thank you for coming by~ comments are the best encouragement for new post! =)