Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Thank you!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


喺openrice睇到推介之後,就膽粗粗咁走咗去試。果然名不虛傳,好好味呀!!!!直頭係平靚正之首呀~ 我用十幾蚊買咗個雙層芝士蛋漢堡,超正!唔作返首詩都表達唔到我內心澎湃嘅感受...


除咗個漢堡飽好juicy之外,佢隻炸雞脾都好正。聽聞佢個魚柳飽都好好味架。下次去試埋佢先!你睇吓yung yung食完之後個樣幾滿足?!=D

click here for more info:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Found My Chill Pill =)

Ah Charn was sold and I bought a new cello a few weeks ago! The end of one relationship means the start of another one. heh... new cello is MUCH BETTER!! hahaa... so loud and ambitious just like its owner!! wahahaa... When I bought it home, I didn't know if I should name it or not. I was just gonna call it "my cello". Then one day as I was riding the minibus to work, the name stroke me! It came to me out of no where. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you my Chill Pill! =)
It's exactly what it is!!!!

Practise makes perfect! hehe... practising at Lesley's.

The 4 of us will go very far! Taking lessons together for the next 3-4 years to come =)
Lesley's cello doesn't have a name. Since it's so shinny, let me just call it Ling Lap Lap!
We'll be taking grade 5 exam in April 2009!! Lo Lik ar~~

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I need a chill pill!!

ahhhhh! I'm currently experiencing a nervous breakdown because of facebook! It's taking over my life!!! You know something is wrong if you're constantly checking your fb events, fb wall, fb photos, your fb applications, and your fb inbox. When I say "you", I actually meant "me". errrrrrr.... I think I seriously need to take a break from it... let's see how long it would last. Is it usually too late when you found out you have an addiction??? What do you do when you realize your addiction? I need to take a chill pill (or 3)...
"Hello! My name is Michelle and I'm addicted to facebook."