Ah Charn was sold and I bought a new cello a few weeks ago! The end of one relationship means the start of another one. heh... new cello is MUCH BETTER!! hahaa... so loud and ambitious just like its owner!! wahahaa... When I bought it home, I didn't know if I should name it or not. I was just gonna call it "my cello". Then one day as I was riding the minibus to work, the name stroke me! It came to me out of no where. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you my Chill Pill! =)
It's exactly what it is!!!!
Practise makes perfect! hehe... practising at Lesley's.
The 4 of us will go very far! Taking lessons together for the next 3-4 years to come =)
Lesley's cello doesn't have a name. Since it's so shinny, let me just call it Ling Lap Lap!
We'll be taking grade 5 exam in April 2009!! Lo Lik ar~~
非典故 - 1
2 years ago
haha..CHILL PILL, cool name :)
I was thinking about you this morning, hahaha, scary huh!? It's because I was listening 903, a guest said he wants to learn cello and they talked about the sound and etc..then I thought "oh, do I know anyone play cello!???..... oh yeah, Jenna Michelle but haven't read her post for some time" and now you have a post about your cello lesson :)
Very cool 加油喇,祝你同你朋友考五級成功 :)
thank you ar! hahaa... it's sweet to know that someone is thinking about me all the way at the other side of the world! hahaa... how's your injured foot? getting better mei ar?
嘩...唔知第日可唔可以俾小小時間我補個妝先呢? 咁樣真係唔夠professional呢 :p
hahahhahaa... i know!! i looked pale too!!! ho yeung shui ha... oh well, my fellow bloggers deserves to see my real face. hehe... That was definitely Michelle in the pics, not Jenna!!
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