Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dodgeball Season End Party

It's been a great season!! I enjoyed every bit of it!

My girls team, DLS, won the silver medal and the unexpected Most Improved Team award!!!! Woohoooooo!!! Ida also won the Top Killing Award in the women division!!! Congratz!!!

My beloved Eat My Balls won the Champion for division 3! EMB will advance to Division 2 next season :) Although i never played with them on the court, I practice/cheer/party with them. I'm Your Biggest Fan, I'll Follow You Until You Love Me… Papa, Paparazzi~

Also, congratz to Kevin Burns for winning the Rookie of the Season Award!

and my co-ed team, Boiling Guys, won the Champion in division 1!!! Awesome teammates, great teamwork, and mad skills!! Congratulations to Yoko for winning the MVP of division 1! Wohooooo!

"Bruises are indications of a fun time. It's true for on & off the courts."
From the bruises I got from Saturday night, I must have a hell of a good time XD

for more info, please visit http://www.hkdodgeball.com/

Monday, June 14, 2010


我上咗C1呀! 仲喺正周秀娜下底添! 哈哈! 不過唔係蘋果C1, 係南華早報嘅C1嗟!

今次見報, 並唔係比狗仔隊影到我同YML拍拖 (哈哈! 發夢無咁早!), 只係去老蘭睇波比記者影到. 事原我個南非長大嘅朋友要力撐今屆主辦嘅世界杯, 我地著晒costumes, 帶晒假髮, 揮住南非國旗, 吹住個吵耳嘅大喇叭去睇openning match. 氣氛正爆! 呢個高脹嘅情緒應該會維持一個月. WOHOOO~

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What is Democracy?

內地禁片 - 請投票給我! Please vote for me

See how our kids in China learn about democracy, voting, elections, & politics. Video by BBC with English subtitle.

re-post from http://cheukwanchi.blogspot.com/


去年二十週年六四燭光集會的報導感動了我。上Youtube知道了「六四」是怎樣一回事,了解加深。今年是我二十一年以來笫一次參與燭光集會。親身睇驗感覺很震撼!在球場上的每一個人都令我好感動。最深刻的是坐我前面的一對老公公老婆婆。老公公推著坐輪椅的老婆婆到場支持,幾小時的集會中一直照顧老伴。我完全感受到他們對平反六四的堅持!身後的一班年青人也不是來鬧玩的。看樣子89年他們應該還未出世吧!但一班90後有秩序的也安靜地參與,還一起高聲響亮地高唱二十一年前的民運歌曲。我可以安心了。因為他們使我肯定六四的精神會薪火相傳! 在場所有燃點的燭光紀念著每個為民主而犧牲的死難者,也為他們在國內不能公開祭拜的家人燃點。有幸與十五萬人一同見證歷史,我們不會忘記!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


上星期六去公園玩, 突然落大雨. Sweet爆Hannah擔遮去小食亭救我返去避雨. LUM爆過程仲比同行攝影師影底咗添! 好鍾意呢張相呀~