Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss

sometimes i wish i don't know how it works. then i won't be stressing over it at all. truth hurts.

Monday, January 25, 2010


想再吃您的抄腰果. 過年過節到您家都會吃到家的感覺.
想再和您飲茶, 每次我四出叫點心回來您都會很高興.
欣賞您的活力, 多年來週遊列國, 泰國跳降落傘跳了4次, 我一次也不敢.
特別記得小時候有一次我拉不上拉鏈, 您一手便幇我拉上了. 說起來沒什麼特別, 但印象深刻.
記得您來美國探訪時, 晚上在我房間談天說地. 您問我長大想做甚麼, 我當時告訴您我想當翻譯員. 然後您跟我切磋日語. 好厲害!

嫲嫲, 這幾年您辛苦了. 雖然您已不認得我們了, 但相信您會感受到我們都很愛您. 您離開時靈魂清醒嗎? 會到那兒找到老朋友嗎? 會認得他們嗎? 希望您已做回那個精力充沛好動的自己, 找到老朋友, 過著無憂無慮的生活. 嫲嫲, 請一路好走!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My 4S 康復工程

my mumble...

"心情跌到谷底之後, 明白到事情已到達不能再壞的地步. 我大可以選擇保持現狀, 等時間沖淡一切. 心情變得麻木後就當發了一場惡夢. 過了就算. 但我選擇改變, 努力扒離谷底."

When life has hit a bottom low, when things cannot get any worse... I could choose to pretend nothing happened, let my emotion stay low and let time passes. Wait 'til my feelings get numb and life goes on as if nothing had happened. Or I could choose to change. When things are that bad, the only way to go is up! However, climbing up requires courage and determination. For better or for worse, I know I don't wanna stay at the current stage. Currently enrolled in my own 4S rehab program.

1. Slow down. Telling myself I don't need to fill up my schedule everyday, every week.
2. Spend more time at home. It is worth more of my time than my hobbies.
3. Sacrifice. Don't be a FOMO all the time. Need to believe that I won't be forgotten if I don't make it to every social event.
4. Schedule wisely. Make good use of my Saturdays!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


二零一零年一月十六日, 那天我情緒崩潰了. 正好碰巧是好友牙生牙太的大好日子. 在婚宴上我失控地哭. 太感觸了!

伴郎細心地準備了幻燈片, 在晚宴中和大家分享新人的相識經過與拍拖點滴. 回顧著他兩的愛情故事, 我們都一直再旁見證. 感情是累積回來的. 歲月把累積回來的感情變得深厚. 直至牙醫向她求婚, 到今天在眾親友面前承諾愛對方一生一世... 太感動了! 然後牙太在台上哭著說她很掛念爸爸, 忍不住跟她一起哭. 但從今以候請世伯放心, 因為牙太已找到幸福了!

還有幾十年的路要一起走, 途中必有風浪. 無論遇到甚麼困難, 也要一起勇敢面對. 請記得今天對對方許下的承諾, 對對方父母的承諾. 要好好照顧對方. 不做傷害對方的事. 不離不棄. 從今天起, 你們的感情只會赲來赲深厚. 不怕樣子變老, 頭髮變白, 也永遠相親相愛! 祝幸福快樂!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


喜歡婚禮, 因為喜歡戀愛.

Can you feel the love?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Spent the last day of 2009 dancing with my fellow Crewplayers' Players at World Trade Center. We spent over a month to rehearse for this count down show and I was loving every moment of it! At first, I was super worried that I couldn't keep up with everyone, couldn't remember the steps when the music plays. I had to book a studio to practice with my spare time to make sure that I won't bring the team down. I have gained so much from this experience. Thank you DY for signing me up!

CPJT & CPT dancers:

On stage :D video is posted on facebook links. Don't have the original clips though.

CP family picture! Go Crew Players!!!

Looking back at my 2009 resolution, I think I have achieved most of them:
- learn thai boxing (checked! well, kinda... i took a couple lessons & couldn't fit into my busy schedule ;P)
- Have fun with my dodgeball team DLS! (CHECKED!)
- Cello exam in Apr/May (Checked!)
- Dance more (Checked!)
- Eat healthy (Checked with occational MackaDs & KFC... oops!)
- Spend more time with family & friends (not so much with family but with friends... )

For 2010, my resolution is... hum... I'm actually feeling quite content at the moment. Every single 2009 resolution is still on the list: dance, dodgeball, cello... yet I'm not brave enough to say I should drink less :p There's a goal though,

I want to move out!

Not sure if it's possible. Moving out is not that simple for me. Wish me luck!