Monday, March 31, 2008

HK Rugby Sevens 2008

"Heyyyyyy heyeyeyeeeeeyeyyyy~
I wanta knowowowow
If you would be my girrrllllll~~~ "

I got this song stuck in my head all day long after the 7's!!!
and... no. that's not my tan. It's just blood circulation after some among of alcohol intake ;-)
The Sevens is one of the best events in Hong Kong. It's almost as good as the Dragon Boat race! 40000 people get together in one place for beer chucking contest, costume party, singing & dancing, and of course, for the love of Rugby!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My version of 最美麗的第七天

This is the power of TVB! Because of the TV series, I went to the place that the series was filmed. I went there to look for my ultimate happiness too. My version only took 5 days. Well, I only stayed at 合掌村 for about an hour... it was really cooooold, but beautiful.

Then I went to see the ashes from hell... it was cool... but still didn't find my ultimate happiness.

On my way to my ultimate happiness... This place looks like Tahoe! Ahh~ teenage memories flash back! Makes me wanna jump and scream from top of my lungs~~

Then I got thristy. So I drank, but that wasn't enough.

So I made my own ice-cream. shake shake, shake shake.

There is was, but it still wasn't enough...

The next day, I saw beautiful blossoms. Then I knew that was a good sign...

There it was!! My ultimate happiness--- BEEFFFFFFF!!!!

That was my version of 最美麗的第七天~

Thursday, March 20, 2008


我想嚫後生去多啲旅行。我想日日去做yoga/kick boxing。我好想重拾學跳舞嘅熱誠。我想投入エ作。我好掛住Jenna。我應該多啲陪老竇食飯,唔係等到農歷二月先抖佢封利是。我諗係時候執吓個衣櫃。Mallow好耐都無上天台玩啦。我要唱K! 如果我每晚十一點就瞓,我諗我個黑眼圈會淺色啲。我仲有十萬樣嘢想做... 我諗我需要多啲時間。

Monday, March 17, 2008


喺討論區睇到網友推介嘅一個面部脫毛器,用家們對呢個脫毛器都讚不絕口!於是我都上網訂咗一個。收到之後即刻試用。唔親身感受過真係唔會相信呢枝嘢嘅偉大!lee枝粉紅色棒棒好比小忌廉嗰枝神先棒咁神奇呀~ 我簡直想買返十枝八枝嚟派街坊呀~ 各位女士, 係時候正面d去面對唇上嘅汗毛啦! 十幾蚊包郵費, 真係好抵用!! JENNA 誠意推介~

Friday, March 7, 2008


如果有最Chill地方選舉,我深信「大澳」會跑出!上星期六我哋就去咗親身體驗啦。由東涌出發,一行9人安全地乘坐360 cable car 去到大彿。先嚟張大合照,cheeeeeeers~

行咗Nx100級樓梯之後,發覺唔見咗幾個團友 =P

下一站大澳。The next stop is Tai O!





Saturday, March 1, 2008


No... it's not Ah Gil's Juno =.=! I'm talking about the pregnant Juno.

I don't care if you have to seat on the 3rd row in the theatre. I don't care if you don't get to seat with your friends. I don't care if you laugh your guts out loud in public, and then cry 'til your mascara melts away. I don't care if you had tons of high school memory flash back during the movie. I don't care. Just shut down your computer RIGHT NOW and go watch this movie.