you just control the shape yourself la! the demo picture shows U shape, but i don't bend it as U, so just bend it like a wide V and twist jau dak ga la!! =D
Jenna Michelle
Schizophrenia. Grew up in 3 cities & went to 12 different schools. A fulltime trouble maker, and a facebook addict. Dedicating all her time to dodgeball, shopping, traveling, wakeboarding, dancing, Thai boxing, & drinking.
屋企有枝, 但功效不大 :d
係?? 未見過有u型既? 邊度賣?? 陳尖話我留goatee呀 wuahhhhhhh :'( desperately needa get one!
typo: 未見過有"v"型既
you just control the shape yourself la! the demo picture shows U shape, but i don't bend it as U, so just bend it like a wide V and twist jau dak ga la!! =D
Can you tell me the website to purchase one? Thanks.
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