Saturday, March 1, 2008


No... it's not Ah Gil's Juno =.=! I'm talking about the pregnant Juno.

I don't care if you have to seat on the 3rd row in the theatre. I don't care if you don't get to seat with your friends. I don't care if you laugh your guts out loud in public, and then cry 'til your mascara melts away. I don't care if you had tons of high school memory flash back during the movie. I don't care. Just shut down your computer RIGHT NOW and go watch this movie.


diane said...

the songs are so cute

Anonymous said...

係呀, 我都已經睇左啦, 真係無得頂!!!

我成日諗其實如果香港個文化係可以接受呢d細路女, 可能佢地條路會好行d。我真係好佩服個女仔可以咁大膽去為自己做既事去負責(雖然佢而家都唔係好負責任, 但最低限度是她不會去逃避! 正呀! 同埋我真係好鐘意「畢仔」