Thursday, February 19, 2009


神婆珍娜米尋晚陪個非常迷失嘅朋友去咗廟街搵塔羅B占卜。 基本上係去問下一d我都可以答到佢嘅問題。Theresa 嘅感情問題, 我聽過不下數百次。 過去, 現在, 將來走勢我都好清楚!叫左佢慳d$, 問我好過又唔肯。係都要去比錢塔羅B洗。

細個時跟亞媽拜神就拜得多, 但係去睇塔羅牌就真係第一次! 失禮晒! 記言Theresa想去, 我當然好樂意陪佢去啦! (其實好想去八下! hehe...) 仲叫埋Kendra去添。一去到就見到好長嘅人龍, 大家都係黎睇亞B架! Theresa早有準備, book左appointment。我地早到, 同亞B個秘書點名之後就去食我最愛嘅煎釀三寶+魚肉碗仔翅。攞住碗翅坐喺廟街公廁外嘅櫈仔上一邊食一邊等,超有風味!好正!啱啱食完就到我哋嘞!Perfect timing!

Kendra話佢好緊張,所以我陪Theresa問先。一坐底,塔羅B雙眼好有神,簡直有啲厲!不停地食M3,金髮,好型!Theresa只係比咗生日日期亞B,問愛情,detail嗰隻 (forgot if it's $150 or $180)。亞B就教佢按住幅牌,心諗住個問題,然後洗牌。塔羅B開牌之後滔滔不絕地講到晒Theresa單野出嚟!好多detail都中晒!而我哋就全程poker face,無比任何反應佢。亞B講完之後,我不禁爆咗一句 ﹕「中晒!」塔羅牌嘅預測,同我嘅對呢單野嘅預測一樣。Theresa聽咗之後好冷靜。其實佢比任何人都更清楚自己處境,只係需要親耳從第五者口中說出,才肯接受現實。

到Kendra問嘞。好簡單,問前景,唔太detail個隻 ($60)。Kendra按住幅牌,問問題,然後洗牌。一開牌,亞B又講得到Kendra嘅過去同現況!又比咗個簡單嘅預測。佢話塔羅牌只可以預測未來三至六個月嘅事。太後嘅事睇唔到架喎!


Monday, February 16, 2009

A Day in Lantau With the Kids

Who: The kids... all of us =)

When: Yesterday

Where: Lantau (Longcoast & Tai O)

We stopped by Longcoast for lunch and some afternoon fun on the beach. The Thai restaurant there was quite good.

It's so humid yesterday, but not too sunny.

There, Miss Munchkin meet her littly friend. Romantic swing for two. They're so cute together! Thanks for baby sitting Miss Muchkin for us while we chill on the beach little man ;-)

Then we went to great grandma's house in Tai O. Picking wild star fruit at grandma's backyard! There's also banana, grava, and oranges. It was a lot of fun! Little Munch picking a baby star fruit:

That's the "fertilizer's hut" in the backyard. What goes inside the hut helps to grow these star fruits in my hands! hahaahaa... It's no longer in use though.

After fruit picking, we took a short walk along the shore. Where Miss Munchkin collected same beautiful sea shells.

Spectacular sea view from grandma's house, a very nice spot to watch the Sun set too!

Then we had chicken at the local vegetarian restaurant XD and ended our lovely family day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dodgeball Madness!

Have you ever watched the movie Dodgeball or the old school cartoon 熱血高校? Yes, dodgeball is a real sport!

Captain Cass formed a dodgeball team a few months ago and 12 of us signed up without knowing what we're getting ourselves into. After 4 practice games, I LOVE IT! hahaa... it's a lot of fun and it's such a team sport! I love team work!! Although i don't throw hard enough, can't aim, can't catch, always think I can catch instead of dodge, and always let the other team catches my ball... I still love to play! One thing I'm good at, is to pick up the balls off the court for my teammates =P Great exercise!

We gave ourselves an interesting team name-- DLS! Any idea of what it stands for?
- D!u La Sing?
- Dodging LadieS?
- Dodgeball LoverS?
- Dog LoverS?
- D!ck LoverS?
- D!ck L!ckerS? XD
- D!ck Lover S!uts? :D
- Daddy's Little Sweetheart?
Other inputs are welcome!

When we ordered our jersey, we didn't realize it's gonna look like the Lakers jersey! I swear! I'm sticking with my lucky number 35! It was my class number back in middle school =)

I didn't stretch last time and I pulled my right Gluteus Maximus muscle a.k.a. my left butt! LOL!! So stretching is VERY IMPORTANT! It's amazing how much our body aches after each practice. It's a lot more intensive than we all thought.

The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them "OUT". This may be done by:
1. Hitting an opposing player with a LIVE thrown ball below the shoulders.
2. Catching a LIVE ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground.

Definition: LIVE: A ball that has been thrown and has not touched anything, including the floor/ground, another ball, another player, official or other item outside of the playing field (wall, ceiling, etc)

Game begins by placing the dodgeballs along the center line – three (3) on one side of the center hash and three (3) on the other. Players then take a position behind their end line. Following a signal by the official, teams may approach the centerline to retrieve the balls. This signal officially starts the contest. Teams may only retrieve the three (3) balls to their right of the center hash. Once a ball is retrieved it must be taken behind the attack-line before it can be legally thrown.

The first team to legally eliminate all opposing players will be declared the winner. A 3-minute time limit has been established for each contest. If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the 3 minutes, the team with the greater number of players remaining will be declared the winner. Details on overtime can be found in the NADA Rule Book.

Sorry for messing with your eyes with this blurry picture! I'll bring a better camera next time... or bring a friend who has a better camera with photography skills ;P

Go Team DLS!!!

credit: Official Rules found on

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mallow & Me

It was a warm spring day back in February 2002. We decided to visit the Humane Society just for the heck of it. Before we walked in, we said to each other,

"what if we find a dog we like?"

"No way! We can't take care of a dog. My mom would kill us if she knows that we're keeping a dog in her property!"

"Right, and we can't really take care of anything anyway!"

We visited the cats kennel first, and I was sneezing like a water fountain. Then we saw rabbits, hamsters, and other animals that didn't caught my attention. Then we walked into the dogs kennel area. Those dogs were barking like crazy except one. This little pupple were just sitting at the end of its kennel under that warm sun!

"Come here puppy!"

And it shot to the other end of the kennel and smiled at me. Right there and then, I fell in love with it! Then it ran back under the sun.
"Come here come here!"

It ran back the this end again and back, and then again. I forgot how many times did it ran back and forth, but it came to me everytime I called.

Then we moved on to see other dogs. Walked through the whole place and back to this little puppy again.

"It looks a bit like your Mr. Bear*!"
"You think so too??" *Mr Bear is my teddy bear that I've been sleeping with since I was 4.

"Do you wanna take her home?"
"Take her if you really want to."

Right there and then, I made the best decision of my life.
"Let's take her home!"

We talked to the Humane Society lady for about an hour. Get to know what I was doing-- adopting a dog for life! Since puppy was less than 6 months old, I needed to take her to training classes and get her trained. Got a bunch of reading material from them. Bought puppy a collar, picked her up from her spay operation, and then we went home. She was still drowsy from the operation when we got home. We put her in a paper box and spent our first nite together. Her name is Mallow. Mallow So =)

Michelle house-trained Mallow. Michelle took Mallow to puppy kindergarden. Mallow bites other dogs. Mallow got separated while other puppies get their off lash time. Mich was sitting in the corner with Mallow while she was being separated. Mallow loves squeaky toys. Mallow broke a squeaky toy. Michelle threw the broken toy away. Tears dropped from Mallow's big brown eyes after Michelle threw the toy away! Mallow loved fetching with tennis balls. Mallow ran in the backyard everyday. Michelle got a giant plastic pool from Costco and placed it in the middle of the backyard. Mich & Mallow swam in the plastic pool. Mallow was scared of water and scratched Michelle in the pool. They never got back in the pool again after the very first and only time. Molds were growing in the pool. Mich drained the water from the pool and it took a day to empty the giant pool.

Time flies.

Mich moved back to HK in the summer of 2006. Mich brought Mallow to HK. No more backyard. No more fetching everyday. No more green grass. No more barking at the mail man. Michelle often comes home late after she moves back to HK. No matter how late Michelle comes home, Mallow would always be waiting. She'd always be wagging her tails when Mich comes thru the door, jumps up on two feet and gives her a kiss. Mallow loves Mich everyday of her life. Sorry that Mich took all your joy away. Just want you to know that you're the joy of my life!

Mallow & Mr. Bear. Feb 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Go see Benjamin Button! I really like it.
Random thoughts:
Awesome special makeup!
How many people come and go in our lives? How many of those would last?
We caught up with each other now, this very moment. Me & you.
Will you still love me when I grow old and ugly?
What if I age faster than you do?
God bless Queenie as a loving mother!
I'm afraid to forget what I have. What if one day I forget it all?

blah blah blah

Friday, February 6, 2009


原來仲有一星期就情人節啦! 各大商場都換上貼題裝飾. 你會送/收花嗎? 點解情人節一定要送花呢? 等五個月後先送得唔得? 二月十四同七月十四收花感覺真係差天共地嗎? 哈哈! 想過一個難忘的情人節好易, 去排隊等兩笠幾鐘好餓好餓食一餐飯, 去海邊或上山頂食西北風, 送一份唔等洗的禮物... 等等. 總之赲無料赲難忘啦! 各位情人節fans請唔好介意, 本人真係覺得v day純粹係一個marketing scheme. 咁... 振興一吓經濟都好嘅. 無論你點過都好, 重點係與身邊人分享愛. 不如試同其他人分享愛呀, 助養兒童吧! 給孩子一點愛 <3

Monday, February 2, 2009


落雨也不怕 落雪也不怕
It doesn’t really matter 係得返呢D rapper
仲同你嘻嘻哈哈 嘻哈嘻嘻哈哈你就富甲天下

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Sunday, February 1, 2009


最近從朋友圈中結識了Abagail。我跟這位Abagail小姐沒甚麼特別關係,只是有很多mutual friends。其中一位mutual friend亞菲 知道我認識了Abagail後,時常向我提起Abagail小姐的事。說我跟她其實同時出席過多次不同場合,卻從未遇上。例子一:亞菲說我跟Abagail也在去年麥小姐的上海派對出現,但我真的記不起。例子二:亞菲言之鑿鑿說我和Abagail也去過同一個boat trip。我對例子二完全是零印象!怎麼可能和她上過同一艘船我也一點印像也沒有呢?例子三四五:我和她也有參加k、w、和s的生日會。而且亞菲口中的Abagail和我剛相識的Abagail完全吻合:從英國回來的Abagail嘛!住山頂的嘛!有男朋友的嘛!是讀麥小姐一的那間xx小學嘛!是我的大腦出了問題嗎?怎會在認識Abagail之前對她一點記憶也沒有呢?亞菲還邀請了我下星期天跟她一起到Abagail家BBQ。

昨天碰上Abagail。星期天她會去war game III,我說不是BBQ嗎?她說應該是下個星期天。還有,我問她是否也認識麥小姐,有去過派對一、二、三、和四嗎?是讀xx小學嗎?她說她是xx小學的學生,對麥小姐有些少印像。有去過k的生日會,卻無去過boat trip、w、和s的派對。奇怪!是她在說謊嗎?還是亞菲的情報出錯呢?回家後在MSN跟亞菲閒談,說起Abagail,越說越覺奇怪!經過一輪討論後,發覺事有QK!我們在說同一個人嗎?上facebook一看,原來亞菲說的是我不認識的Abagail Lee, 我認識的是Abagail Chan!天呀!可能有這麼多的巧合嗎?亞菲口中的A.Lee跟我真的那麼無緣?在同一時間地點出現數次也從不相識。連我認識了和她背景很相似的A.Chan也從未想起過這一個A.Lee!還差點把A.Chan當作亞菲口中的A.Lee。錯有錯着, 我今個星期天就會和亞菲去A.Lee家BBQ =)