Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Hidden NY Resolution

Okay... I do secretly have another New Year resolution... it's to exercise more. I'm not making it an official one 'coz i know it won't last long. LOL! I will get back in the court once the dodgeball season starts in Feb. Meanwhile, I can dance it off! Haven't been to a dance class for a long time... and the video shows it too.... -_-!

Why do I always miss the last 8 beats? I know I look stupid in this video but it's a good reminder for myself to get better! Thus, I'm posting it here as a reminder for myself and for your good laughs. Cheers!


reb said...

it's still cool and nice :) Hey, what about Hannah's hip hop dance class video? I'm still waiting ;) hehe

Jenna Michelle said...

lost! my friend took it and never got it from her :P

Ohoh! but i have another video of hannah at her school's talent show. it's a bit long though...

reb said...

lets do editing then show her part and few second of some others ;) hahaha! :p