Monday, January 17, 2011

Queensland Floods

Was watching the news on the train ride home a few days ago about the flooding in Queensland. A video clip was showing a woman holding her dog was standing on top of her house being washed down the river. Yes! The whole house was moving down along in the raging river. If nobody safes them soon, they will go down with the house any minute. Rescuers throw a rope down when she was about to pass by. The woman was holding her dog in one arm and jump to catch the rope with her other free hand. My heart skipped a beat when she jumped! She caught the rope but was immersed in the raging waters, holding on to her dog and the rope while catching her breathe! Next thing i saw was that the dog was gone and she was holding on to the rope with both her hands, trying not to let go. Thank God the woman was then saved. They pulled her up at last.

Since then, I couldn't stop thinking of the dog. The woman must have tried very hard not to let go. If it was me, I'd try my very best not to let go of my dog too. Mallow is a part of me and would hate myself to lose her from my own hand. Will I hold on to Mallow or to the rope if I have a choice? My heart goes to all the victims and pets affected by the Queensland floods.

Mallow I woof you!

Friday, January 14, 2011

世界之最- 最負能量

怨婦也知道自己一點也不可愛,雙眼空洞,怨氣十丈遠也感覺得到。為什麼會變成怨婦, 不由自主地令人討厭? 是怨男人不夠體貼。 怨自己曾為愛情放棄過什麼, 總是覺得不甘心。不接受自己不再年輕,時光不會倒流。 看見年輕貌美的女生也會酸溜溜。怨婆媳關係令人煩躁。工作不順, 生理失調, 六合彩買上20年中獎人也不是你, Chanel又加價, 便秘, 月巴月半... 總之生活上所有的不幸都屬於她的。怨婦不停地怨, 怒他他不懂, 只覺她煩厭。所以就更怒, 一直惡性巡環下去。這事情真的太灰暗。不要讓自己成為世界上不必要的負能量! 把生活變得充實, 做自己喜歡的事, 找個興趣娛樂自己。沒人哄就得自己做點事令自己開心。自己一個都可以過得很好。

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


啱啱聽完叱吒, 我有感以發, 等我都選選我最喜愛先...

我最喜愛的季節: 夏天
我最喜愛的顏色: 紫色 (以為係hot pink, 但係發覺身上好多紫色野!)
我最喜愛的家常菜: 鹹蛋肉餅蒸水蛋 (可以日日食!)
我最喜愛的女歌手: 王菲 (國: 還用說嗎?)
我最喜愛的假期: 加勒比海 (定係布吉北海道呢?)
我最喜愛的節日: 萬聖節 (可加插交換禮物更佳!)
我最喜愛的家庭電器: 吸塵機
我最喜愛的: Mallow

Monday, January 10, 2011

蔡健雅Only Love

從收音機聽到這首歌, 很catchy的一句, "Only Love 愛是我最美麗的原因!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

從facebook中看到一篇文章, 想跟心靈脆弱的朋友"些也":



他們只想簡簡單單、快快樂樂的活著,期待並且相信每個人給的笑容都是真心的,希望身邊的人都是真正的喜歡自己。即使別人小小的意見,也會另他們難過好久, 他們真的真的很介意,介意自己不被人喜歡。因為,他們總是為別人想的很多,對別人總是比對自己好;把能對喜歡的人好當做幸福,喜歡別人比喜歡自己多。­


他們向往放縱自由的生活,卻必須為了誰很努力的朝另外的一個方向活著,很累很累,卻仍是心甘情願。離自己的夢境越來越來遠,不得不面對從未想過的爭奪和復 雜,恐慌、不知所措。只有面對最信賴的人時,才會卸下盔甲,委屈的流下眼淚。因為在他們心裏,笑就是開心,哭就是難過,接近就是喜歡,遠離就是討厭。但其 實不是,他們明白了,心好傷,眼淚就沒忍住。哭過之後,笑笑得擦幹眼淚,說,沒關系,我可以做的很好的。­


他們其實非常單純,甚至你曾經給了他一個微笑她也會一輩子記得你的好,因此他們的世界觀其實也很簡單,他們很容易受蠱惑,請不要輕易的傷害他們的感情,因 為一旦傷害了,那就將永遠彌補不回來!如果你身邊有這種人請你給予他(她)那怕是鳳毛麟角的那點關懷,讓他(她)知道這個世界沒有拋棄他們......"


我應該是屬於時常很開心, 但不常笑的人 =)

My Hidden NY Resolution

Okay... I do secretly have another New Year resolution... it's to exercise more. I'm not making it an official one 'coz i know it won't last long. LOL! I will get back in the court once the dodgeball season starts in Feb. Meanwhile, I can dance it off! Haven't been to a dance class for a long time... and the video shows it too.... -_-!

Why do I always miss the last 8 beats? I know I look stupid in this video but it's a good reminder for myself to get better! Thus, I'm posting it here as a reminder for myself and for your good laughs. Cheers!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My 2010

Happy 2011 everyone!

It's time of the year again to review what i have done last year... I usually post up fun and loving pictures to convince myself what a great year I have had. Not this year. I feel like I have accomplished absolutely nothing in 2010. Let's see... I had a nervous breakdown in Jan and enrolled myself in my own 4S rehab program:

1. Slow down. Telling myself I don't need to fill up my schedule everyday, every week.
2. Spend more time at home. It is worth more of my time than my hobbies.
3. Sacrifice. Don't be a FOMO all the time. Need to believe that I won't be forgotten if I don't make it to every social event.
4. Schedule wisely. Make good use of my Saturdays!

Then I bought 20DVDs and 30 books. Ended up reading 2 of them, and a stack of DVDs that's now laying dustily in my room. Failed to free up my schedule as dodgeball season continues and ridiculously joined 3 dodgeball teams at the same time. I didn't even have time for dance classes with the off-the-hook busy dodgeball schedule, traveling to HK side at least 3 times a week late at night... However, once the dodgeball season was over, I felt emptier than ever!

Part of the de-FOMO process was to cut down my partying activities. So I haven't been to LKF as much as I used to. Instead of LKF, I have migrated to the dark side! hahaa... MK or TST ghetto bars ROCKS!!!! No more dressing up with feet-killing heels, and cocktail sipping. Somehow the dark side migration = not partying... but really, it's still partying, just in a more down-to-earty-not-dressing-up way.

2010 was a year of materialism... got super inspired by Helen To & I've been shopping like I have a sugar daddy... but I don't. Got a few truly unnecessary items that the shallow me enjoyed wholeheartedly. Traveling was also a big part of my 2010 spending, CNY Phuket trip, April Osaka Lady GaGa trip, Shanghai+ TPE biz trip, Taipei EMB offsite, U.S. of A. shopping spree, & another TPE trip... I know... super FU CHIN! I guess my FuChin-ness made up what it seemed to be a fabulous (yet meaningless) year.

Going forward, I'd like to make my 2011 resolution simple: take my daily multivitamins, keep exercising, & spend more time with family. Treasure my days with Mallow xoxo