Tuesday, December 29, 2009


好多人都話2009過得好快, 我都覺得係. 究竟我2009做過d乜呢?

3轉上海, 北京+北海道 各2次, 台灣, 曼谷, 沙巴... 原來無離開過亞太區. 最好玩係夏天ge北海道. 最激係喺沙巴踩海膽. 最離譜係喺上海工幹但係玩到成個袋唔見左! 最有教育意義係北京文化自由行. 無論工幹好, 自己去玩又好, 2009 都玩得好開心.

考左cello 5級
無distinction, 考到個merit都好滿足! 其實可以再好d, 2010繼續努力呀!

雖然個人仲係打得好差, 但係recruit左幾個勁人入DLS! team spirit好! 好enjoy打team sport, 唔講唔覺今次係我人生第一次玩team sport呀! 希望長打長有, 我地下季想囉牌!

每次都嗌到失聲, 玩得盡慶! 能夠做你姊妹的確係我ge榮幸. 祝你們都相親相愛, 生活愉快!

唔知點解鐘意去Anitique玩多過去老蘭. 人地唔知會以為我係full time員工添呀! 希望下年少d夜蒲, 多d訓覺.

Dance Dance Dance
認真地需要進修舞技, 唔可以再hea跳. 上左CP Junior Training之後更加覺得自己需要多d時間苦練下... 年尾個count down show會係我一大挑戰. 同其他同學仔練舞先發覺自己跳得有幾差. 雖然只得分令鐘, 但係我希望唔好甩, 將獅子座ge表現慾盡情發揮!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


沒有歸屬感的人特別寂寞。自小已沒有家的感覺, 人大了更沒有歸屬感的基礎。

曾經在Wetmore Drive 上有個安樂窩。鐘愛那灰藍地毯, 因為喜歡吸塵。更愛期待鬱金香盛開, 等你剪下來送給我。想念那竹林。可惜雜草橫生, 長到鄰家後園去。竹林都給一次過被殲滅了。雖然有殺不盡的螞蟻, 但證明我有做飯。喜歡看Mallow每天在花園玩耍, 不厭地追網球, 狂奔直到氣喘才回來喝水。然後看牠滿足地趟在樓梯頂歇息。對房子內的燈制, 家電, 日用品的位置也瞭如指掌。沒有Antique Bar, 沒有Party16, 沒有舞蹈課, 沒有BMW, 沒有dodgeball... 卻很滿足。

回來三年了。 沒有做過一頓飯。沒有一件屬於自己的家俬。生活模式都不是自己的。總是將時間表填得滿滿。累了才回去休息。有時候很懷念一整天閒在家中聽聽王菲看看小說的寧靜。有點累了, 請給我一個家。一個我不累時也想回去的地方。

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Goodbye my 褸

It's been over 10 long years
My LAAU and me has been through major eras
High school, college, & countless dares
Bought in San Fran, back to Reno, then San Jo
Mich in white jacket was typical
Over the years, it grew stinks & molds
Yellowish collar, & red stinks from... only God knows
I know it's time to let you go
There are things that only you would know
I know it's hard to let you go
but Mich needs to grow...
Grow from the past and look forward to tomorrow

Monday, December 14, 2009

Private 超級巨聲

熱愛唱歌, 表現欲極強ge朋友們, 有無諗過參加無記個超級巨聲呢? 有諗過, 但係唔想咁認真? 唔想比全香港觀眾評頭品足? 超齡? 無諗過轉行? 何妨自組一場private超級巨聲!

上星期五朋友搞左個公司event, 喺backstage度搞唱歌比賽just for fun! 型式同超級巨聲一樣. 有評判, 有live music, 有進給決賽. 好好玩呀!!

先介紹下香港著名音樂人-- 除繼宗先生! 佢就係我地當晚嘅靈魂人物啦! 所有live music都係佢一手包辦, 鋼琴結他和音一腳踢, 我相信無一首歌佢係唔識架! 而且佢會完全配合表演者個beat, 就算甩晒佢都會帶返你入黎. 真係好勁架!!

當晚有十位參賽者, 估唔到一間公司裡面有咁多高手! 其實大家都係以玩嘅心態上台玩, 所以都好投入. 台下嘅同事/朋友們都睇得好high! 你睇下佢地幾有台風!

亞sam係當晚嘅其中一位評判, 大家都叫佢做Miss Sam Sam! Hahaha... 佢好比心機去比comment每一位參賽者架. 全程Paris上身咁, 中文英文講到mix up 晒.

例如, "個song choice好好, very有感情, overall 係一個excellent嘅performance!"

佢仲將我地平時講開嘅口頭禪發揚光大, " 呢位參賽者嘅盡震音好勁, 但係有時震得提太much啦!" Miss Sam Sam 一講完"太much"之後全場爆笑! 不停地講足一晚! XD

有無覺得好奇怪, 有乜可能我呢個舞台表現者唔參加埋一份呢? 係因為我同Loke, Sam Sam, DY 係決賽前計分時段嘅表現嘉賓呀! 我仲solo左我首飲歌tim :) 跟住Loke, DY, & Bonnie 唱咗太極嗰首"每一句說話"

表現完畢就進入決賽高潮啦! 四位finalists都唱得好好! 聽度台下觀眾好"淋"! 結果要以點數分勝負. 佢就係當晚嘅全場總冠軍啦! 真係唱得好好聽! Professional 一樣呀!

大家都情緒將高漲唔肯走, 於是除繼宗叫左個注場靚仔歌手亞博表現一曲. 佢自彈自場陶喆的"愛很簡單"! 嘩!! 好聽到毛管動呀!!!!! 又識彈結他, 又打鼓, 又靚仔... 真係唔知佢想點!!! 總之佢做歌星係應該會一定紅嗰隻啦!

Free jam 時段, 當其他人都散嗰陣, 我, Loke, 除繼宗, 同亞博就jam多幾首歌. 好正! 唔知邊個話要唱溫兆倫, jones 即時起music玩"一生何求". 點知jam起上黎好好聽呀! 大家都識歌詞喎! canton pop真係好正呀!!!

link: http://www.backstagelive.hk/

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bachelorette Partayyyy

What happens in Bangkok stays in Bangkok.... not! It all went on facebook :) Awesome bachelorette party for Jan Choi! Love our dresscodes and pre-video taped newly-wed game! Your wedding is coming up real soon, January 2010. Then a week later, Patty will officially become Mrs Teeth. 2 of the girls in this picture will be married :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


"Today the scoreboard says I lost.

What the scoreboard doesn't tell you is what I've found.

I found loyalty. You pulled for me not only on the court, but in life

I found inspiration. You willed me to succeed even in my lowest moments.

I found big hearts. You let me stand on your shoulders to reach a dream I couldn't reach on my own.

I found you. And I will take the memory of each and every one of you with me for the rest of my life."

Agassi, August 2006

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

For all costume lovers out there, here comes our favorite festival of the year!! Unlike the previous 2 years, Jenna & friends didn't wear the same costume. This year we all went solo with our own creativity. I supposed to go with the Heroes theme, but the Wonder Woman costume was reserved already. My only choices left were Minnie Mouse or Bunny Girl, so I went for the colorful Minnie =)

Robin Girl & Batman went to LKF early to watch a soccer game at HKBH before the crowd control took place. When Captain America's Daughter & Minnie Mouse arrived Central, the road blocks were in place already!! So Captain America's Daughter & Minnie parade down the path with the crowd for 1.5 hours before getting to HKBH from LKF Tower (which normally only takes 1 minute!! Long walk but a lot of fun :) We got stopped by hella strangers for pictures along the way. For a moment there I seriously thought I was Minnie from Disney. I was surprised that a lot of KIDS were there too! So not used to seeing kids in LKF! It's amazing how small HK really is... for the only 3 pictures that i took with strangers with my camera, 2 of them were friends of friends!

The real party began after the 1.5 hour "parade". It would have been longer if it wasn't for Shanghai Gal & Uni-brow's restaurant reservation! We tagged along to skip though the line ^_^v

Bar hopping... but it takes forever for Batman, Robin Girl, Captain America's Daughter, & Minnie to hop from one bar to another! Can't hide from the press!! Muahahhaa... and Batman has to fight every Joker he met in front of the press that night! "With great powers comes great responsibility!" We couldn't agree more!

The the night went on! PAAARRRRRTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYY! Heeeeerrrrroooes & Minnnnnnnnieeeeee! hahaa...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Memorable moments of my NUTZ SISTAS!

Sabah Sabah Sabahhhh~

This is the leaping logo of Manning A.K.A. Guardian:

To the left, to the left...

6 dummies XD

My beloved NUTZIES! See you all in March 2011!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


因果報應, 天理循環. 出得嚟行, 預咗要還! 大概係因為今年食得太多海膽, 作孽太深, 應有此報. 我喺沙巴浮潛時踩海膽呀! 啲刺插晒入隻腳到挑唔返出嚟呀! 而家每行一步就都會刺刺痛. 我真的受傷了!

連續幾日嘅知料搜集所得, 慘到海膽之後應該即時淋白醋, 有助分解海膽刺. 細刺會融, 大刺挑到就挑. 調唔到嘅會慢慢喺一至兩個星期內喺體內消散.

Friday, October 9, 2009


又獻羞啦! 我會努力ga la!

Love having class with 亞品 & Con Con!! I want Mavis亞品品 to stay forever!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Us 5: 鍾愛Pina Colada 的姐妹團!

The last time all 5 of us were together... that's the day that I ran into Mavis on the busiest cross walk in MK, when we screamed from top of our lungs and hugged each other, then got honked at from standing in the middle of the road... That was 12 years ago. All of us came back to HK for the summer from around the world. Fate bought us back to Eliza's grandpa's good old appartment that day. Then we talked and laughed, just like the old times...

We performed on every Mid-Autumn Festival at the Club when we were little, with bright blue eye shawdows and suicidal red blush on our cheeks. Why oh why did they put heavy makeup on us on every Mid-Autumn Festival Performance? Year after year, we spilled hot wax on the soccer field. Now they tell me wax burning is illegal? Since when did we stopped hanging out at the playroom and moved our base to the bowling alleys? Why did we always sneak out to buy fries during the middle of class? Was it Mavis or Eliza who always set the clock 10-15 minutes early so Mrs Kam would end the class early? How did you meet that boy from the ice rink and started dating? Were you two even dated or was that just pure stalking? How did Eliza became friends with my ex-classmate? Why did I cried out of control when you guys sent me off to the airport? How we witnessed one of us almost left us for good 'coz of sickness?

Here we are today for a special reason-- not only we wanna travel with each other and have a fantastic trip, not only because we love water sports and seafood... it's because Vicky is getting married in Kota Kinlabalu in 8 days!!!! We will be the loudest bridesmaids ever! We will be there to see her walk down the aisle and live happily ever after! In sickness and in health =)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Return of Martha Stewart-- Moon Cakes!

Happy Full Moon Festival! Doublechin invited me to join a moon cake bakery class with her. Making moon cakes is a bit like playing with toy clay. hehe... We signed up for the Peninsula Hotel style mini egg custard moon cake class instead of the traditional lotus paste moon cake.

Butter 50g
Sugar Powder 30g
Eggs 12g
Flour 72g
Milk Powder 12g
Baking Powder 8g
Vanilla oil 1g
Salty egg yolk 4
Egg custard filling 200g

Step 1:
mix butter, sugar powder, vanilla oil.

Step 2:
Add flour, milk powder, baking powder, and mix.

Step 3:
Separate egg custard filling into 8 pieces and add half an salty egg yolk into each of them.

Step 4:
Separate dough into 8 pieces. Slightly flour each dough. Fold dough to enclose fillings. Then shape.

Step 5: brush egg on the top surface of moon cake.

Step 6: Bake with 220C upper, 130C lower temperate (or 200C overall temperature) for 15mins.


The hardest part was to enclose the filling with the dough. Needa squeeze all air out, not to break the dough, and size it perfectly to enclose the filling. With years of toy clay practice, I made it! It's yummy!!! Well, it's hard not to taste good when all ingredients were given to you in one pot. No measurement required! hehe...

Happy moon cake eating! =)


my first baking experience

Saturday, September 12, 2009


暱稱可以說是對一段關係的指標. 不論是普通朋友或是男女朋友, 當你擁有獨一的暱稱時, 就代表一個肯定. 感情的定位. 不知從何時開始, 我身邊的老死都有她們的獨特稱號.

最早期的是十歲時芭蕾舞班的同學仔亞曦. 當年我地friend到不得了, 她是我的"老婆仔", 我是她的"老公仔". 一直叫足十幾年! 我們的另一同學仔Mavis 成為了我們的愛情結精品, 稱之為"亞品"! 經過多年來的書信, icq, msn, friendster, facebook... 的洗禮, 我們已簡化成"my son" & "dad". 我和 "老婆仔" 和 "亞品" 的另一同學仔成為我 "亞媽". 一家人樂也容容, friend到甩碌! 雖然四人曾經英美加國三地分隔多年, 但只要在聽筒內聽到獨特暱稱, 距離再不是距離.

在美國都是用英文名字交友. 只有一個yung yung. 也算不上是暱稱, 因為當年給男朋友的花名已變成他的名字. 九成人也不知道他的真名. 也沒有互稱honey, baby, darling, sweet heart, 傻豬, 傻豬豬... 等等的可愛稱號. 有好友, 但多數是工程系的男同學. 沒暱稱才正常吧!

回港後社交多了, 遇上幾位好知己. 重遇中學死黨 "BFF". 我的best friend forever. 有甚麼心事都會跟她說. 她不在msn線上就會覺得那天特別寂寞. 幸好還有 "PIC"! 基本上所有心事也會重複和BFF跟PIC分別分享. 但是演繹給PIC的版本可以更激動, 因為我們也是drama queen! 需要sanity check時有 "老婆" DY! 老婆算是我班老死中最有道得觀念的正常人. 在幸福家庭中成長, 好溫馨好有家的感覺. 正常人還有我的失散姊妹 "同鄉" a.k.a. TH! 每次和同鄉出動總會被問, "你們是兩姊妹嗎?" 不錯, 我們的確情如姊妹. 所以長得不像但感覺有八成似.

暱稱是感情的副屬品. 暱稱是私有. 暱稱是不強求. 暱稱是兩人之間的回憶.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


我從小就喺一遍自由搏擊嘅環境中長大, 同亞哥打交打得多, 自然培養出些少對武術嘅興趣 (a.k.a. 暴力傾向 :p). 甚麼四字腳鎖, Nelson hold, 黐手都試唔少! 所以WWF呀, UFC呀, 哩D娛樂性咁高嘅摔角比賽完全係我杯茶呀! 讀書個時好鐘意睇WWF. 有情節, 有演技, 有角色, 有技術. 最重要係觀眾睇得投入, 全場氣氛高漲到爆, 一齊嗌嘅群眾力量絕對勁過棒棒堂班fans!

朋友介紹之下, 知道香港都有摔角. 仲叫我去睇佢表現忝! 咁random, 我緊係去啦! 於是我係一個星期六下午就去左火炭工業區睇表現. 個show叫做"火燒後欄摔角夜"! 聽個名就知係勁o野啦!!

個show有幾part, 好多不同角色ge摔角手. 個個都有型有戲有技術!! 凳都打爛十幾張! 每次佢地飛身達落個台度都達到澎澎聲! 好專業架~

最愛係觀眾一至ge口號式吶喊! 道具戰中"鬍鬚女"用垃圾桶攻擊對方, 觀眾一齊嗌 "transformer! transformer! transformer..." 好好笑! 時不時大嗌 "Holy Sh!t! Holy Sh!t! Holy Sh!t!" MC怕大家唔識英文, 將之翻譯為"神聖的屎!" 笑到我標眼淚~

雖然現場好熱. 難得大家都留到尾, 睇足全場. $40真係低到爛!! 又可以o係隔離個間茶餐廳買啤酒飲. 好正!

呢班摔角手真係好有heart! 好搏命!! 我完全感受到佢地心中個團火! 完全係為興趣不計負出咁. salute!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


mallow 乖女啦! 苦口良藥, 你乖乖地食左佢啦。自從mallow上星期隻腳柺下柺下開始, 我日日都餵佢食hips & joints 藥丸。佢一向食藥丸都好耍家咁嘛, 通常好快就會吞咗粒藥。但係最近醫生再開多幾粒藥比佢, 而家一次要食成四粒藥呀! mallow而家食藥開始反抗, 扭計。叫佢食藥就即走, 捉到拒又令咩面。然後強制性竅開佢棚牙, 塞粒藥丸入喉嚨, 喺mallow掙扎得死去活來時馬上合埋佢個嘴, 頭向天, 等佢吞咗粒藥先可以放手。然後再重復3次。有時佢掙扎得太勁時仲會比佢咬到架。見到mallow咁辛苦我心都痛埋呀! 開始覺得mallow老啦... mallow 你要身體健康呀!

Monday, August 10, 2009

DOMO in Hokkaido

This is DOMO:

This is DOMO in Hokkaido! XD


The View:
Hokkaido is beautiful! Just like a painting.

Found this place recommended by the latest issue of "New Vacation". The lake is amazingly blue! Reminds me of 9 jry kau.

Flower beds everywhere.

The Food:

Uni Don ROCKS!!!!!! Fresh & sweet. Oh I want one NOW!

Beef Toro Don! JENG!!


Sweet melon


Curry egg rice ho ho mei~

Sashimi Don :D

and this is how DOMO gained weight.

Friday, July 31, 2009

It's a Small Ass World Part II

又再一次證明世界真細小呢個永恆的真諦! 我登出"被我傷害的女孩"個篇blog之後, 竟然有人自動投案, 話我知:"原來我係你師兄"!

Blog友居然識得UCC, 仲要曾經做過學生會會長! 起初以為我地係唔同年代ge校友, 講講下發現我地係同一個時代架! 我地只係相差兩界, 我F1, 佢F3. 但係點解我地好似無見過咁ge?!

我: 你係ESS? 你無有去95年ESS Camp???
師兄: 我都好似有喎!
我: 係? 咁你睇下呢張相, ESS Camp 影架... (with photo link)
師兄: 我好似真係有去喎! 嘩哈哈! 你當年對眼咁細ge!! 整容黎呀?!!
我: 你唔好笑住先啦! 如果我真係整容我會整對胸都唔會整對眼先啦!
我: 喂! 你真係讀3E? 你都識得Dini, Nathan, BoBo?
師兄: 係呀! 當年仲成日同Mr. Jung 打籃球添.
我: 下??! 咁你未識得我想當年個偶像囉?!! 我以前成日睇佢同Mr. Jung打波架喎!
師兄: 邊個係你偶像呀?
我: XXX囉!
師兄: 哈哈~ 佢係one of my best friends 呀!
我: OMG!!! NO WAY!! 咁你識唔識YYY呀? 佢同XXX好friend架喎!
師兄: 識呀! 我尋日先至同YYY打完波咋嘛!!
我: 下!! 咁搞笑?! 我同YYY唔係好熟, 不過好記得佢個樣. 反而我唔係好記得XXX係咩樣啦.
師兄: 拿~ 我同XXX的近照... (with photo link)

我一click條link, 呆望左張中個四條友幾秒, 首先認出Blog友師兄... 然後呆望多好幾秒先至認得到邊個係想當年個偶像... 點解... 點解... 點解當年我極度崇拜, 印象中好型ge偶像今日變成咁樣ge? 我唔係話佢而家好差, 只係同我印象中個偶像有差距je! -__- 原來回憶是最美好的. Blog友師兄就咁就將我當年美好ge少女回憶粉碎... RIP

後記: 呢位師兄同lala都有一個公通點, 佢地兩個都係doublechin的朋友. 我係經doublechin先至識到佢地, 然後相認. 加上我經doublechin所識ge台灣/上海幫, 同埋n個mutual friends, 我有理由相信doublechin係上天賜比我的social networking hub!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

童年陰影- KARMA

[17:53] (*)LALA(*)100% :oh hey, you know Monlia???
[17:53] (*)LALA(*)100% : and my bad, i actually dont have you on my facebook... but i've just added.
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : you there?
[17:54] Michelle: haha
[17:54] Michelle: yes
[17:54] Michelle: monlia wu?
[17:54] Michelle: yes
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes... OIMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:54] (*)LALA(*)100% : how do you know her???
[17:54] Michelle: we went to middle school together
[17:55] Michelle: i haven't seen her for 10+ years
[17:55] Michelle: wakakka
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : OOOOOOOMMMMMMMfucking GGGGG!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : holy shit!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : then you must know me too since i was a little girl!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : I'm Monlia's little sister!!!
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh shit!!!!!
[17:55] Michelle: WHATTTTTTTT?????????
[17:55] (*)LALA(*)100% : i just saw your facebook, you're friends with her!!!
[17:56] Michelle: you biological sisters??????
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : that is sooooo freaking weird!
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaha
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes....
[17:56] (*)LALA(*)100% : same mother father, same blood!
[17:55] Michelle: No way small ass world!!

[18:00] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh my god.... did you use to have really really short hair in Middle school?
[18:00] Michelle: yes
[18:00] Michelle: why?
[18:00] (*)LALA(*)100% : oh shit!!!!!
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : coz i think its you that use to bully me..
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : haha
[18:01] Michelle: i don't think i ever bully anyone
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : yes way!!!!
[18:01] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahhaa
[18:01] Michelle: NO WAYYYYYYY
[18:01] Michelle: you went to UCC too????
[18:01] Michelle: i don't think so
[18:01] Michelle: wakkakaka
[18:01] Michelle: stop playing
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : i think we were at a park once.... the one across the street on Tong Yum Street...
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : we were there with my sister too.... i wanted to play on the swing, and you didnt let me!!!
[18:02] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : no, i went to the primary school next to it..
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : christian alliance primary
[18:03] Michelle: no wayyyyyyyy
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : YESS....!
[18:03] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : its such a small ass world!
[18:04] Michelle: i had short hair but not that short
[18:04] Michelle: no wayyyy
[18:04] Michelle: wakakkaka
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : ok, fine...
[18:04] Michelle: i can't believe it
[18:04] Michelle: but i remember hanging out in the park
[18:04] Michelle: yes
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : i'm not tooo sure if it was you that picked on me... but i'm sure its one of my sister schoolmate at that time name michelle...
[18:04] (*)LALA(*)100% : unless there is another michelle that you both know maybe?
[18:05] Michelle: NO WAYYYYYYYYY
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : hahaa
[18:05] Michelle: short hair michelle???
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : anyway... thats funny
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : yea, short hair michelle
[18:05] (*)LALA(*)100% : hehee..

無可能!想當年我純如小綿羊 XD 點會蝦一個手無殺雞之力嘅小學生呢?
當年我的確係有剪過一頭王菲punk look 超短髮喎. 但係當年叫michelle而d頭髮又超短ge... 好似得我一個... shit! 唔通我真係令一個小妹妹留下童年陰影?? 仲要十多年後無哪哪網上相遇, 揭發事件! This is karma!!!!!!!!!! 好恐怖呀!!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jenna's Very Happy Birthday

Birthday celebration Part I: PJ/Lingerie Party

I did something very different this year. I let my BFFs to organize my birthday party for me instead of doing it myself. It's also Ray's big 3-0 birthday too. I don't really know who goes on the guest list and what I should expect and it turns out GREAT! As promised, it's a pyjamas/lingerie party. Surprisingly a lot of them came in costumes!! Great sportmentship y'all =)

Orbis Walk teammate =) Go Heroes!

Girls with pearls. I was trying to be a robot but turns out to be a wax statue in most of the pictures. LOL!

Lovely strawberry shots by Lam9!

Chocolate cake from Doublechin!! Thank you Amie for organizing the party for me! It was awesome!! I had a blast and I hope you all enjoyed it just as much as I did!

Birthday celebration part II: dinner with BFFs
I Shyan's spirit was there! hehee...

Lesley had became the Lang Gag Queen of 2009! CEO fry bad eggs, 食白果, warm sake vs. chill sake, Chan Jim's eye width, DY's colour matching drink, male nurse, 魚蛋妹, I.T. person at 收數公司, mence beauty, 叉燒包's feeling... a night filled with jokes and laugher! Oh I love you boyz & galz!!!

We do this 3 times a year. BFFs! Let's hit all the BBQ restaurants in HK before we die!!!!

CoCo cake!
Yung said, "This cake tastes soooo good if you eat it layer by layer!"
DY, "but you're supposed to eat all layers together... " =.=!
I say, regardless of how you eat it, it still tastes delicious!

Birthday Celebration Part III: Family Din Din

It actually started a week ago. Had dinner with lovely sisters and the kids last weekend in SoHo. Then dinner again with Dad & Aunt's family on my real birthday. Thank you Aunt Haidy for the super sweet mango cake =)

Thank you y'all for your facebook wall posts, SMSs, phone calls, pressies, cakes, sexy costumes, & all your joyful laughter! I had a blast and very happy birthday weekend =)