Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Drunken Performances

I nagged BFF for a Christmas song... and she did. She begged me not to post it online... and I did. It's way too cozy and sweet :) Merry Christmas everyone!!!

... and then I had to play one song too. The one and only song I know how to play on the piano since I was 8. (still is the only song I know after all these years... )


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


又喺台灣, Lulu又上身...
今日同代理開會啦, 開完就同佢地個超級得高望重嘅富豪COO食lunch. 一齊行去餐廳時鞋底甩左囉!!!! 火羅火暴..................


今日開始Boycott i.t. 嘅鞋!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sweetness that's worth an onion breath!

Just had a frest green salad from Pizza Express for lunch and had a piece of super sweet red onion! So fresh and sweet that I had to blog about it. It's so damn sweet that the onion breath that follows seems justifiable!

P.S. Loving the foursquare special from Pizza Express! Just check-in to receive a free dessert with any main course! It's my 3rd time enjoying free dessert from foursquare. Life is good :)

Monday, December 6, 2010


小朋友學講嘢階段真係cute到爆!有時都唔知好嬲定好笑。話說尋日喺屋企做paper mask, Ball Ball 見到我個樣就好鎮定咁同我講:「我驚呀!」我怕我聽錯,因為佢嘅語氣同句對白完全離罩,加上我唔知佢識講「驚」呢個咁爆嘅expression. 再問佢講咩啦。佢再好用力地好似朗誦咁講多次:「我。驚。呀。」隻眼掙到雞乸咁大!我即場笑到甩mask囉!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


又人話[The girl with a dragon tattoo] 好好睇, 我就話不如上演一套[The girl wtih a max-ed out credit card] 會動魄驚心d喇!

劇目: 碌爆卡的女孩之戶口結餘唔夠數

碌爆卡的女孩 (簡稱"爆孩"), "無錯! 我覺得屋企個廚房地下最有用係今次! 平時拖嘅地總算無白費... "

只得6小時shopping時間, 我盡左力架啦!! Desert Hills Premium Outlets 果然係一個好地方. 亦都係我每次想去探亞媽嘅動力~ 值得一讚嘅係嗰度間Gucci Outlet. 我從來都唔係Gucci fans, 但係都數左3件. 係因為實在太低買啦!!!!! 嗰度班sales又真係形造到"手快有手慢無"嘅低死氣氛喎!! 真係要買多個黎送比亞媽呀!

你睇吓佢幾high?! 完全入晒戲!!

Day2: South Coast Plaza
主戰: Nordstrom, Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria's Secret, 同埋 Bath & Body Works.
爆孩, "唔好掛住影相啦! 行快兩步啦!!"

快樂原始shopping! :)

Rainbow makes me HAPPY but...

My Weather apps always gives out a quote while it's loading... it says "it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow." In my opinion, you can make a rainbow with just a sprinkler under daylight! If there's no sunshine, then we shall enjoy dancing in the rain (or sprinkler ;P). Cheer up people!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Honey vs. Baker

My very last game of the season. Division 2 Gold Medal Match: Eat My Balls vs No Folk N Chance (I know... don't you love the dodgeball team names?) In set#10, I was the last one standing going against 3 of them. Very intense! Love the commentary of the video! Hahaa... Just in case you can't see my name on the jersey, I am HONEY. hehee...

Thursday, November 11, 2010


我們都應該向大閘蟹學習. 學習他們的樂觀. 你看! 他們給蒸熟了也在笑. 快要比我吃叫掉前也還在笑. 還笑得那麼可愛! 我要頒個最樂觀面對逆境大獎給大閘蟹先生! (對! 昨晚吃的都是公蟹! hahaa~)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


不動聲色, 一走了之, 這是甚麼態度??! 為何他會離開你?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


是我的血太濃, 還是太熱? 這星期以來一直比蚊子咬! 也分不清是蚊子或是昆蟲! 不停地唱itchy itchy ya ya yaaa! 緊接紅腫騰痛... MOPIDICK-S & MOPIKO-S 成為我出相入對的好朋友~

佢地兩個個英文名實在太正!!! XD

Friday, October 15, 2010


電郵上跟朋友為了雞毛蒜皮的事鬧反了. 事情根本沒有對或錯, 只是觀點不同. 她覺得我不應該在大家面前跟她唱反調, 我覺得一點問題也沒有. 有問題的是她把自己看得太重. 我直腸直肚耗無保留地對她說了. 她當然不會懂. 還有點委屈... 冷卻一天之後, 兩個女人要和好不能用"make up sex", 只好"have a talk"... 內容又再重覆她自己的觀點. 我知道再說下去也不會樣對方明白我的角度... 笑了. 沒必要跟她解釋我自己. 過去就好了. 她要說的我都有在聽. 也聽得懂. 同時心在想, 如果女人要和好也有"make up sex"一樣簡單的方法該多好. 女人的和好, 不能只用body language. 是要用口和耳.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My first jump!

Was jumping yesterday! WOOOHOOOOOO!! Not afraid to fall, just wanna jump higher and higher each and every time! Oh joy!! (still secretly hope my friend cut out the falling bit at the end! muahahaa... )

Jump! Jump! Jump! Follow by fall fall fall... hahaha! got the hang of jumping and landing during the 2nd round. WOHOO!

My idol & coach demonstrating the 5 things that i must do: eyes on the wake, squash down, heels down, arms tight to the body, and DO NOT RUSH! Could only jump if I do all 5 in a slit second! Not to mention, I love his 6 packs! muahahah...

DEAD TIRED when I got back on the boat... dead tired...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Taipei 48 hours

When you're with 16 (-1) EMBers, you're guaranteed to have a crazy time no matter where you go. This time it's Taipei!

Team rowdy found the rowdiest restaurant! 小乾杯 was perfect for loud & crazy crowd and for lovers of all kinds. See the loving video below for the 10 seconds challenge by H&A XD

Good looking waiters & bartender for us ladies :) errr... yes, I was a bit drunk. hahaha...

Food is good only if you ask the waiters to cook for you. The waiters are all very talkative and funny. We all had a great time there :D

* * * * * * *

Fake eye lashes, checked!
Smoky eyes, checked!
Perfume, checked!
Fun attitude, checked!!!

Party party party! We went to Spark, Barcode, & Room18. Major surprise when Mc Hot Dog&張震嶽 performing 我愛台妹 on the stage at Spark!!!!! Wahhh!!!!

我愛台妹 台妹愛我 對我來說 侯佩岑算什麼
Yo Yo Yo Yo Come on Yo
把手放在空中甩 我叫你什麼都不用管
讓我看妳把手放在空中甩 把手放在空中甩

Smart LuLu learned from experience and didn't bring her camera to the clubs. Thus, no partying pictures!!! hehee...

* * * * * * *

Sunday afternoon, EMB hits Ximending! Hanging out at the Arcade with a hangover. Hahaha... as if we time traveled back in high school. I mean, who still takes photo booth pictures with 13 people jam packed in it?

P&B gave birth to our team mascot (after 520 tries feeding coins to the machine)!

Costume shop!!! Teletubbies got backs!!
photographer, "1, 2, 3, smile!!!"
EMBer under Teletubbie mask, "Dude! Why am I really smiling under this thing?" hahaa..

...and ran into Eason Chan!! How awesome is that?

Until next time! Good bye Taipei!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My New Drug

Don't worry mom! It's legal :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wakeboard is my new "dodgeball"

Errm... I mean... wakeboard is my latest addiction. From singing, cello, dancing, drinking, Thai boxing, dodgeball, and drinking... now there's wakeboarding! My inspiration was my bestest friend in the UK. She goes wakeboarding when it's 6C in the UK. She must love it for a reason in order to dip her crazy ass in the (almost) freezing water! Also a few of my dodgeball EMB teammates are very good at wakeboarding too. So one day, I just got their coach's number and called for my very first wakeboarding experience. Just to see what it's all about.

It was about 2 months ago. First attempt, I got up on the board, tried to swing from left to right within the wake. By the end of my first section, I got out of the right side of the wake and came back in. My body was sore for a whole week! My 4 limbs, my neck, my back, were aching like I have never used those muscles before. Dammit I thought I was fit!

Then a week later, I went again with two monkey asses that claimed they didn't know how to wakeboard. Turns out that monkey#1 was HELLO GOOD at it! He was jumping, sliding, and landing with his own board. I was very impressed! Then monkey#2 is just a natural athlete. She picked up in no time! With great inspiration, I learned how to wake in and out of both sides of the wake that day. Not to mention I drank about half a liter of sea water :p

A month later... (yes I waited for a month to avoid the superstitious Chinese ghost month, and dodgeball season just started so I was busy) I went for my 3rd attempt today. Went with 2 of my EMBers. I knew they're very good at it. I was very SUM YUP and messed up all my moves. Fell so hard that my head was hurting. Then took a break and watched my fellow EMBers doing 2 Wakes Jump 180, Ollie Backside 180, back roll in the air, Method Grab... I was super inspired!! When it's my turn to get into the water, I managed to wake in and out of the wake again! Then learned the basic jump!! I did a couple of tiny jumps before i exhaused myself. Loved it!! Can't wait to wakeboard again!!!

Mavis! For our wakeboarding trip in March, I will learn and catch up with you!!!

Cory McVey's Back Roll.

For more wakeboarding tricks and terminology, please see

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Thursday, September 16, 2010

You'll always be in my heart

It didn't really hit me til you called before you board the plane. I have lost someone that would never say no to my random ideas. Lost a costume partner, a party crashing buddy, my one and only PIC... Your departure only means one thing-- that LuLu Lin will come home to generate more fun and memories in Shanghai! It'll be a new chapter of our lives. Watch out for more fun and memories!

Love you xoxo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have my own 潮語咭!

鳴謝Doublechin精美製作!!! 將巴黎珍精神發揚光大! 化成潮語. 愛死呢張潮語咭! 愛死Doublechin!!!

Being Jane Paris... dodgeball

Dodgeball team: Eat My Balls! Team drinks at Circle K after our first win 13-3. Polar Ice beer promotion 2 for only $6.5. Can't bet that!! My name on the EMB jersey says "HONEY 520", try to read it out loud in Mandarin XD

Dodgeball team: DLS! Also our first game & win of the season. Also 13-3! Love my girls! With 9 new recruits for this season, we are fresh and more girlie XD hahahhaa... These 2 referees in the picture are my favorite refs in the league!

Dodgeball team: Boiling Guys! This Division 1 team is super hardcore! They're so good that i'm very ashamed to play with them most of the time. However, I'm proud to be their best benchwarmer and ball girl! heh. We also won the first game of the season on Monday.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean!

Eat My Balls has recruited a bunch of new players this season! Spliting into 2 teams, and a team building event was held a couple weeks ago. We managed to hit all the planned games, with some OOC spontaneous games in between.

First game was the ice-breaking name game. Now we all know each other's name with and adjective that starts with the Same letter of each person's name. I'm Ma-Farn Michelle or Joyful Jenna (schizo) ;-)

2nd game was called Untangle. Held each other's hand randomly and we need to untangle to a big circle without letting go. Takes a great deal of problem solving and teamwork :)

... and we're off to spagettis and marchmallows! 4 teams competiting to build the tallest structure ! Team 2B built an Eiffel Tower!! Ho ging! Followed by an OOC marchmallow fight...

... and came to my favorite game! Pictionary!! 2 teams battle with time, and the loser will get his/her face painted! I love face painting!! See my Superman & Kiss victims XD

Dresscode? Little Miss tees!

... fun day with my dear teammates! I can already tell that we'll have yet another great dodgeball season :D