Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jeff and Ro's Wedding invite

Muahahahhahaha.... Who would actually make a wedding invitation video?? MY JUNK SHOT CAPTAIN!!! You guys are awesome! Jeff, good job on finding Ro, your fiance, who would jump off a cliff, run in the woods, dress up as her evil self... just to make a wedding invitation video with you! Now that's LOVE!

The Whip - Jeff and Ro's Wedding invite Video from Jeff Floro on Vimeo.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A&F's Phuket Wedding

A&F's fabulous wedding in Phuket! It's a definition of sweetness, love, romance, & friendship. I believe god sent me there to listen to those heartfelt speeches. This is also the reason why I was away from HK and missed my dodgeball finals and the crazy season end party. However, it was all very worth it!

There were a few messages that I got outta the wedding that truly touched my heart. Yes, sentimental Jane was crying a river as she listen to these messages:

Message #1
The Pastor said, "Before you get married, choose the one you love. After you're married, love the one you chose."

Yes... we do take things for granted most of the time, and might not appreciate little things that we do for each other anymore. We might have forgotten what it's like to love and to be loved. However, stick with your choice. Remind yourself what you have chose and cherish what you already have. Awww... sob sob... yes... I seriously forgot what it was like, and how I was like...

Message #2
Alistair's dad said, "No matter how busy you are, always make time and spend time with each other!"

Yes... put each other as your priority. What's the point if you don't even spend time with each other anymore? No matter how busy work gets, how often you need to travel, how crazy your kid's schedule has affected you, ALWAYS make time for each other. Sob sob...

Message #3
Fiona's vid, "If it comes back to you, it's meant to stay forever."

Enough said. Sob.... Then Fiona's dad's speech was soooo touching that I think my mascara were all melted. Then I'm sure I had no mascara left when Fi mention her bridezilla moment at home and then realized she was missing the big picture when she saw Alistair & her parents laughing out loud watching TVB soap...

So much love! So fortunate to have such loving families. So lucky to have met in college. So magical to have been together for 14 years surrounded by the same group of friends. So amazing to have grown together. So much history from the Maid of Honor & Best Man's speech, where they're friends since they're kids. I'm so honored to be there at their wedding to witness it all.

* * * * * * *
During the banquet, MC Paulina invited all guests to step out to the beach to send lanterns along with our wishes to the sky. This has got to be the MOST ROMANTIC THING I have ever done!!! Geezus!!! So overwhelming watching couples after couples setting lanterns to the sky. It's something that you'd see from a Disney movie! (yes... as seen in Tangled) It was amazing!

* * * * * * *

Then there was the after party!!!!!!! hahaha... pool party with lots and lots of shots! Oh Hed Kandi round 3, except it's open bar ;) Cherie & Me were the first one to jump in! Wohooo!! The live band was awesome, I think I was singing with them towards the end. LOL!

Congratulations to Fiona & Alistair! I'm sure they will live happily ever after!
- Michelle xx

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dodgeball Fall 2011

Dodgeball Season is over! I'm happy to finally make it to the highlight reel! hahahaa... I feel special :) Happy with 2 Golds and 1 Silver this season. For the first time ever, I missed the dodgeball award party coz of a destination wedding! Maybe god wants me to stop thinking about dodgeball and start thinking about other meaningful shit in life. LOL! Glad that the season is over. Love my teams! Love my teammates! xoxo

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Singapore A&F opening... Woooot!

Thursday, November 24, 2011



* * * * *


經歷越多越懂珍惜... 適逢Thanks Giving, 我要衷心多謝@doublechin @sivalove 一直不離不棄!識到你哋係我幾生收來嘅福氣。我不能承受失去的友情。我唔係第一次公開多謝你哋,亦唔會係最候一次。I love you!

dance with me laugh with me cry with me. xx

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My mumbles

Things that I always say... I can see my girls rolling their eyes if I say it one more time. LOL! Sorry girls! I'll just keep saying them until I found my new lines.

"God is fair. I have a very bubbly personality and a pretty face..... but i don't have nice legs."
"I'm 24. Yup, 1987. Year of Rabbit."
"I'm a quarter Korean."
"Life is too short. Enjoy it while you can."
"$avings are one a bunch of numbers on your back account balance. It's not yours until you spend them on yourself."
"Sleeping is overrated."
"I'm sober."

-J xx

Friday, November 11, 2011


Welcome to the singles day of the Century! There'll be a huge ass promotion on in the name of single peeps. Great marketing scheme. For all my single friends out there, here are 10 reasons to celebrate:
  • You have freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want
  • "Me" time with your friends & family, not his/her friends/family
  • Don't have to report to anyone on your where/who you're with
  • Don't have to worry about where/who someone's with
  • No chance to be insecure
  • Concentrate on making yourself happy instead of making someone else happy
  • You can be as low maintenance as possible & it's absolutely ok to admit it
  • Be fat
  • Guys trip without permission, because you don't need one!
  • Girls trip without worrying wtf he's doing while you're away
Enjoy your simple kind of life. Love yourself. Now look into a mirror and blow yourself a kiss xx


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween 2011 Part II

Yeah... it's not over. Bumblebee was out on Friday night. Snow White wanted to party on Saturday. hahaha... Yes... we all had two costumes this year ;)

Snow White and her kittens. Funny coz i usually refer to them as my b!tches. hahahhaa.... Seriously... This has gotta be the most tanned Snow White ever... So wrong.

Kenson the French dude

The gangsters, schizo & gf, Robin, & Leopard woman. Oh someone thought the Gangsters were SUSHI CHEIFS! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA...

Check out E's bruised knees! hahahah.... yup she fell. Again.

Other pictures are way too blurry... I believe my camera was drunk that night. OOF.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here comes my favorite festival of the year!!! Halloween it's all about costumes. Not necessary to be scary. Girls just need to look HOT! muahahahahaa.... It's coach Teh Teh's birthday!! Therefore it's a birthday/costume party!

Sweet Ass Jo made this video as one of the birthday gift to Coach Teh aka her bf! Sweet bao... love this video!!! Now watch it... me glee-ing at the beginning, by jon, & at the end...

Fab 5 who rocked the party! hahhaa... Bumblebee, Tomb Raider, Phantom, Officer, Corpse Bride.

The Mysterious Triangle (ok... just making shit up but i think we look good in this picture! LOL)

yah... Bumble bee was scared coz she saw The Phantom getting yet another bottle!

INTRODUCEEEEEEEE!!! ok... getting there...

Yup! much prettier. Yay!

Everyday i'm shuffling... dodo dodo dooooo do

Happy birthday Teh!! Best party everrrrrr!!!!

Bumblebee's diary: yeah... in order to squeeze into the Bumblebee dress, I staved myself for two days. Yes. After a few shots on an empty stomach, I was having the best time of my life. Everybody looked beautiful. Birthday boy was happy. Music was good. Friends were all loving and laughing. Everyone from the dodgeball society were amazingly good looking. Boi, Bumblebee had lots of fun browning out. Shooting with Lara's bb gun, dancing with Officer Ng's cop stick, Shotsssss... No puking either! Awesome night. Peace!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just when you think life sucks...

I was in the worst mood this morning. FML x 3000...

Then a friend asked me what would make me less mad. I thought about it for a minute. Then decided to sponsor a child on World Vision. It's fast & easy, and I instantly feel much better. My life don't suck at all when you look at those poor kids.

When life sucks, you give. I just realized the power of giving. From it I have gained so much more. It's called peacefulness. Ooommmmmmmmmmmmmm


My other choice of charity is LAP Lifelong Animal Protection Charity in Hong Kong. My friend Jen runs it and they exists to help animals in Hong Kong and to bring about the conditions whereby every animal has a good home.

Friday, September 30, 2011

I made history!!!

Ladies and gentlemen! May I present to you, the first time ever in HK dodgeball history, the simultaneous catch!! Watch from 1:50

Yup. Michelle So of all people. hahaha...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Counting Down


In six months I get to sleep in everyday.
In six months I get to workout 5 hours a week.
In six months I get to watch all the dodgeball videos on YouTube.
In six months I get to cuddle with Mallow til I sneeze (yeah... I'm actually allergic to dogs&cats).
In six months I get to volunteer at LAP regardless of my allergy.
In six months I get to travel around the world to visit friends & family.
In six months I get to start all over again.

"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security."
- John Allen Paulos

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fi's Singapore Bachelorette Trip

Last time I went to Singapore I almost died from boredom... when I heard that Fi picked Singapore as her bachelorette destination, I had a very "peaceful" picture in mind. I was wrong!

The Bachelorette & 10 of us getting ready for party of her life time ;)

We then hit Filter, then Le Noir... with unlimited shots & drinks! Boi we looked very happy!! hahaa... and we were!

Day2: Woke up hella late. lunch at East Coast Hawker Center. Shopping. Then dinner at The House!

Drinking+sight seeing! The Sands top floor where the amazing swimming pool is. Yes I was a bit tipsy and keep talking (yelling) to the Singapore night view. hehehee... & yes... posing in the background whenever my girls takes a picture ;)

Shoe shopping has been voting the #1 thing to do in Singapore. Agreed by my fellow roommates! 3 girls 17 pairs. We were all very inspired by each other and bought 9 more pairs the next day. Hallelujah!!!

Singapore, you have redeemed yourself!!!! You are not boring and full of excitement!!!! WOHOOOOO! Great companions! Great food! No girls drama (amazing isn't it?!) Cannot wait til Fi's destination wedding in December! See you all in Phuket in 2.5 months!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sweet Assassins xx

Ladies and gentelmen!!! Might I introduce you to my new girls dodgeball team (drum rolling) the Sweeeeeeet Assaaaaaassinssss!!!!!

Yup... showing off again! hehee... watch this:

Friday, September 9, 2011

今年夏天 2

八月尾的終極boat trip可以話係我今年夏天嘅highlight! 個theme係animal... 好自然地做返自己-- party animal! XD 其實我有扮斑馬架! 你睇吓我黑到。。。

你唔好以為我好大膽,其實我從未試過高台跳水。係因為有童年陰影。。。記得F1嗰年我同同學仔去游水。當年12歲女正處於尷尬到爆嘅發育時期。我好醒目咁攝咗嗰pad係泳衣度,一跳落水個pad即刻飛咗出嚟仲浮上水面添!嗰一刻嘅(((火羅火暴)))心情我到今時今日都好記得!!從此以後我無跳過水!但係到咗今時今日,我覺得我無理由唔跳!係you jump I jump嘅情況之下,巴黎珍終於獻出佢嘅第一次!

今次無飛pad, 我宣佈:我已經戰勝童年陰影啦!原來豁出去之後,跳水係會上癮架!你睇巴黎珍同隻揸住罐啤酒嘅醉蟹跳得幾開心 XD

鳴謝阿Mar今次搞咗個咁marvelous嘅boat trip!!! xxx

Friday, August 26, 2011


lin lin... lin lin... (電話響起)

我: 喂?
男人: 請問XXX係度嘛?(我老竇個名)


Monday, August 22, 2011


今年夏天可以用一個字黎形容-- 曬! 我游過的船河們,就像一齣不斷上映的連續劇,重複著一樣的情節。人物有overlap, 但過程依然精彩。

一切由Cowboys & Indians Booze Cruise 開始。被邀請的都是爛玩嗜飲的,所有人當日都打扮得入型入格。那天風和日麗,大家曬得很黑,也喝得很醉!

接著和circle bar的兄弟姊妹們上了設備齊全的ANGUS玩。有大滑梯,跳台,酒吧,舞池,karaoke... etc. 那天風和日麗,大家曬得很黑,也喝得很醉!

Yoko生日, dodgeball 狂熱份子為MPV慶生。吳先生慷慨地提供豪華郵輪及十多名服務生為Yoko搞生日! 我們就像公主一樣,飲品小食毛巾隨傳隨到。船上午餐由大廚主理,好味到而家諗起都想食!如果Yoko一年生日12次就好啦... 那天風和日麗,大家曬得很黑,但不是喝得很醉。Hands down係我游過最CHILL的船河!

八月中,盛夏的太陽很幟熱。Tracy&Sook birthday boat. 40個人塞滿海輝號!那天浪茄很大浪,wakeboard 時差點被大浪吞噬。所以決定上船喪飲!Beer bong, mixed drinks, 男孩們大鬥pole dance, 懷舊英文金曲大合唱。到上船喺碼頭大家仍然大聲唱緊Eternal Flame. 那天風和日麗,大家曬得很黑,也喝得很醉!



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hed Kandi

鴛鴦戲水好玩嗎?不如千人戲水好玩!加上大量酒精同埋澎湃音樂,這就是HED KANDI!

八月的HED KANDI有如一齣戲,戲名係HANGOVER3:MACAU!有人miss咗班船, 有大量醉貓, 有cat fight, 有人見血, 有情侶分手, 有人話要結婚,有人水侵電話... 最激嘅係有陌生人士爛醉喺我哋酒店房內,毫無知覺,死喺我地房都唔知咩事!緊接著大量粗口清晨電話罵戰!鏡頭一轉,5條女瞓醒之後一人攞住一支寶礦力,宿醉搭大飛離開澳門。

Inevitable drama when drama queens meet Macau.

Monday, August 8, 2011



Saturday, July 23, 2011



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Junk Shot Highlight Reel

When crazy meets the crazies... Awesome season with Junk Shot and looking forward for more costumes dodgeball matches for Junk Shot 3.0!

Part I

Part II

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The GZ Jaywalk Theory

DC: If you wanna cross a road in China without getting roadkilled, try the GZ Jaywalk Theory!
JP: WTF is the GZ Jaywalk Analogy???
DC: You know how crazy traffic is in GZ right?
JP: totally! there're no rules on the road!
DC: So if you wanna cross a road in GZ, say cars are coming from the left, you should look to your right and start walking.
JP: WTF???????
DC: Totally!
JP: WTF does it work???? you'll get killed in no time!
DC: coz drivers won't stop for you there if they know you wanna cross the road. So you just don't look at them. If they saw that you're not looking, then you can't dogde them, and they will slow down to avoid hitting you.
JP: OHHH EMMMM GEEEE! This is genious!!

Thot of da day: Maybe I should start applying the GZ Jaywalk Theory to my life. Just jump out of everything and see where I'll end up! I shouldn't tell anyone that I wanna move out, just be homeless and see if I will end up in Sheung Wan. I shouldn't tell anyone that I wanna quit partying and see if I will end up in a library or knitting class. Okay... just kidding...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wedding Proposals

Tell me if you don't cry when you watch this...

Sob sob... and Sam & I watched and cried with 10 other awesome wedding proposals on youtube on a chilling Sunday night.

Swear to God, some day I'll buy myself a very nice ring and propose to myself. May there be flowers, uni sushi, guava juice, & moonlight. Yup these are the things I like, random I know. Some day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


EPIC season with DLS. Drama queen cannot live without drama, but this season just tops all my expectations. Who plays dodgeball to a point that we could possibly get sued? Us! Who flashes people on the highway of Lautau? Us! Who says GOOD MORNING & GOOD NIGHT to each other everyday? Us!

DLS girls bonded like sisters. The whatsapp group chat drains all our phone batteries everyday. I love the way Huggy & I laugh OOC whenever we just exchange a look without saying anything. Vi's place has become our headquarter for chick flicks, The Kardashians, Charades, & Pizza Hut. Funniest videos taken from Carmen's squash court. Tracy the coach that we love and adore.

Good job girls for winning the Bronze Medal! I love you all! I really really really do.

- mich xoxo