Monday, July 30, 2007

My Very Happy Birthday Review

You people spoil me rotten!! Having a week-long celebration with my dear friends & family was a lot of fun!! We didn't party like there's no tomorrow, nobody got hangover in the name of my birthday. We all just chilled and chatted over dinner. Really enjoy spending quality time with everyone! Thank you for all your messages, e-cards, wall posts, graffitis, gifts, lunch, dinner, movie, kareoke treat~~~ I had a wonderful 20th birthday!!! wakakakaaa...

7/13: K nite with colleagues! Celebrated Sandy & my birthday! Thank you Kwong Ming Club members!! Lovely gift from Popotak~ Thank you~

7/22: Bunch buffet with the Wongs & Keeleys!! Thank you Yung for my new mobile phone~

7/25: Thank you Lambbaghill for the prelude celebration~~~ lovely pastel color treats! She showed up even she was completely late to class. Touched! That's how I spent my last day of being 19

7/26: Lunch with colleagues! Thank you all for this special lunch!! Popotak joined us too! I know it's real special when we all travel to Shatin for lunch!! hohohooo...
Lovely dinner with family Thank you Dad for the lovely French dinner~~ I love French food! Thanks Aunt Haidy for the lovely Bracelet and my favorite Blueberry Cheesecake from COVA~~~~~~Cake for Michelle:

7/27: Lambbaghill PartII~~~~ I'll probably be your lil' mistress you if you're a guy ('coz Chinkerbella would probably married you already)!!!!! How can you be so sweet and thoughtful??!!! The best gift wrap I've ever since~~ xxx

7/28: Delicious French dinner with Ben, Cat, Gary, Christine, Yung, Kathy, & Gloria. They might think that it's just a causal gathering, but I do consider it as part of my bday celebration! Great food!! Great chat! Yes, Ben. I'll go watch Die Hard 4.0 per your 5stars movie review.

7/29: Lambbaghill part III!! My beloved Lambbaghill treat me to Harry Potter~ I havnen't watch a movie with friends in a looooooooooong a** time!!! Thanks Kel Kel for coming with us~ I haven't watch a movie with a guy in years! wahahaa... Then we went to watch The One Dance Competition. Breaking competition that day. I still like hip hop more. looking forward for the hip hip final tonite~~ Then we went to CPK for dinner!!! 'coz we're Californians and I miss Cali~ Hohoohoooo... Dini & Angel thx for coming girls!!!! Thank you all my biatches!! Jenna Luvs the gifts! All gifts are sooooo Jenna-ish! Love Love Love y'all~~~ As I Chinkerbella said, "Life is all about randomness!" and look what it turns out to be??!!! Luv & friendship~~~ hohohoooo *lo tou* but true! xxxxx

side note: Lesley is my inspiration~ I found my dream job from her! Receptionist IS IT!! wakakkaa.... and thanks to you and Samson! I don't know if anyone would come to my Tai O home anymore... but just for the heck of it! I really think that we should stay a nite there! =P
Lambbaghill part IV: cake for Jenna!!!!! (yes... stupid me took this picture upside down =.=!):
Now both Michelle & Jenna got their own cake. No need to fight over it =) Ms. Schizo!

* * * * * * * * * *
Contagious by Avril Lavigne

This song reminds me of Lambbaghill and Chinkerbella everytime when I listen to it. Contagious and inspirational~ Baghill's passion for dancing, Chinker's passion for writting. Meanwhile, I think I contribute my happy vibe to them =) If we ever form a crew, our crew name has got to be "CONTAGIOUS"!

Lambbaghill is so contagious~ Even her short jean skirt is contagious too! look what she's done to us:
Contagious lyrics

When you're around I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

And I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me cry


It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high
All the time

They all say that you're no good for me
But I'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything
I think I've got you figured out
So I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me smile
I'll give you everything
I'll treat you right
If you just give me a chance
I can prove I'm right
[Chorus X2]
All the time

Sunday, July 29, 2007


學咗跳舞已經一個月啦!lee個月內感受好深。由初初覺得自己一定唔得,到而家充滿熱誠... 心情由如坐過山車。好多謝網友們嘅留言!!你哋嘅支持,係我繼續硬着頭皮去上堂嘅原動力!我好怕自已跳得樣衰,又甩晒beat咁... 怕影響同學仔嘅學習情緒。但係見到有簡單一句encouraging嘅留言,我就多咗勇氣繼續努力嘞~ 仲有就係遇上好有"蝦慈"嘅老師!深深被Jer Sir 非常有"蝦慈"嘅教學方式感動~ 亦都感受到其他老師對跳舞嘅passion。令我心入面嗰團火繼續burn burn burn!最重要嘅係Lambbaghill 一直以嚟嘅支持~~~~ Lambbaghill, 艾凹U!簡直係生命因妳動聽!!無限感激!!!

Lambbaghill & Chinkerbella!! 我哋要努力跳呀~~~~

一個月以嚟,總算跳到2個8... 以下個video 係 dedicated to Popotak for his continuous support!! 雖然都係跳得好差... 我會努力D,希望下次再post個有progress嘅video比你睇~

Thursday, July 26, 2007



I've heard of this quote before, but I forgot where I heard it from. I was reading Amy Cheung's blog and found out that she was the author of this amazing quote from her book 《荷包裡的單人床》!! I read this book before and completely forgot that this quote came from there. I almost forgot how powerful this quote was until last nite...

Wednesday-- my favorite day of the week. I get to eat my favorite 碗仔翅before my favorite hip hop class. The best part of Wednesday is that I get to hang with my favorite Lambbaghill after class!! We chat about 宇宙大爆炸, 尋找hip hop pants 的故事, 每周奇人奇事榜, 我們關心的人.... 等等等等. As we're chatting feverishly about things, 張小嫻's quote came across my mind! Then I used my 小學生朗誦比賽ge口吻朗讀出"世上最遙遠的距離" le 一句quote. Lambbaghill almost burst into tears!! This quote is too 震hum la!!! She screammed than put her hands over her mouth. Tears rolling in her eyes. After a moment of sinking-in, she said, "I think a lot of people can relate to this quote!"

It's such a sad & helpness feeling when somebody you love doesn't know you love him/her. Yet, so romantic! Unconditional love!! Well, in short, it's call "暗戀". 有暗戀過的人都會明白這感受吧!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday Bunch!

We went to Hong Kong Football Club for our favorite Sunday bunch buffet yesterday! The occasion was to kick off the week-long birthday celebration for ME~~ Heheee... I feel loved! I love family gathering. We look for all possibility to celebrate: birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day, Cho Gik...etc. As usual, the highlight was passing Hannah around the table =)

Suddently thought of a Barney's song that Hannah always listens to:
"I love you. You love me.
We're a happy fa-mi-ly.
With a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you~
Will you say you love me too?!"

MishiMo & Hannah Munch. Apparently, "MishiMo" is too complicated for Hannah. For now, she just calls me "Moooooooooo~~"

MishiMo, Fu, & Hannah Munch <3

See what big sis & hubby get for their 10th wedding anniversary-- a big box of toy from toysRus! So sweet of 2nd sis~~ =)

and we decided to celebrate our "9 months & 21 days" anniversary too... =P

Sunday, July 22, 2007



第一本係Unkle Beach 嘅作品:麻不甩!亦都係我今年最unexpected嘅生日禮物 =D
Beach, 多謝您呀!

回家途中已經急不及待pow咗廿幾頁。真係好好睇!返到屋企都睇到停唔到。可惜我睇中文實在太慢,到出街前都未睇得晒。你本傑作亦都同時激發我要學好D中文。希望有一日我個blog會寫到你嗰個禁好睇 =)


* * * * * * *

第二本就係多年嚟令我好幾個暑假都不眠不休、令我雙眼加速衰老嘅Harry Potter嘞!為咗迎接Harry Potter7 嘅來臨,我上個禮拜已經極速地返睇晒成本Harry Potter6。好想追新一本,亦係最後一本嘅大結局!究竟邊個會死?Harry點樣會揾到其它四個 Horcruxs?答案全部都喺我手上這本新書內。我要睇啦!

你哋星期一見到我黑晒眼圈嗰殘樣時,請勿見怪。而家最煩嘅問題係... 我應該睇邊本書先呢?

Friday, July 20, 2007


Video of my 1st HH class @bcdc
Instructor: Shing

* * * * * * *

My dear blog readers should also visit Chinkerbella's blog!
Her blog is my inspiration to keep writing =)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hip Hop Mich & 中文人Jenna!!

Yeah yeah!! Just came back from Shing's hip hop class tonite. I could finally follow through!!
雖然都仲係跳到甩甩溜溜,但總算跟得上。Felt like I've finally caught up with the rest of the class! Thanks to the choreography la! I really liked the dance tonite. 型得嚟唔太難學。hahaa... yippy~

Michelle 要努力努力努力呀!終有一日,我會成為 "hip hop Mich" 架~

* * * * *

調查所得,五個人之中有四個都唔明我上次用中文寫嗰blog講乜... =.=!
不過我會繼續努力。終有一日,我亦會成為 "中文人Jenna" 架!

* * * * *

Hip Hop Mich & 中文人Jenna, 你哋等我呀!I'm working my way up to be you!!!! =)

When Fairy Talers met Chavs!


Two costume parties. One Club. Over a Thousand photos were taken, and a few hangovers... Admit it people! We're photowhores!!!!! =D

Lovely group photo for those who showed up on time & when everyone's still sober:From top left: Seth the cowboy prince, Wolf man James, Smoky Jenna the Corpse Bride, Dereck the boy scout from never everland.Middle row from left: April the dark angel, White princess Angel, Dini as the cat from Sherk, Natalie the dark force, BoBo the Lil' Red, Mavis as Tsui Siu Fung XD, Micheal as Jasmine.Bottom row: Amie the dark swan, Alex a.k.a. Sherk, Dan the pirate!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

All That JAZZ!!!

A solo perfermance by Jenna Michelle

Art Directed and Foto By Felix Lau
Imaging: Lesley Ho
Hair Styling: Esther Kwan
Support Team: Benny Chan, Zion and PPC552 (Joseph)
Studio: Studio3

More to come at:

Thursday, July 12, 2007



坐喺冰室裡面嘅珍娜米所講嘅一切都好像有點失常。幸得林拔嬌哭笑難分嘅反應,珍娜米才能稍為hold住自己爆得很的情緒。可惜對話內容實在太爆... 不能在此與大家分享。免得再有無gu大眾聽後反眼、倒地、及嘔泡。

(shit... i failed once again in the attempt of blogging in Chinese... I apoligize if the above sentences doesn't make any sense to you... however, I'll keep trying. Practise makes perfect! See that's the spirit!! Now, may I switch back to English...)

Lambbaghill once said, "it's not about how stylish one dances, not about how cool one moves. It's the passion for dancing that makes one so damn attractive!"

Thank you for the unexpected encouragement! It meant a great great deal for me!! One day, I'll thank you in person. face to face.

Lesson learned today: BE SHARP! *wink*

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Other than Michelle, Chelly, Misha, Jenna, Jenna Michelle, 珍娜米... I now have another name... Everybody, please also call me MRS. 11A!!!!!! =)

Monday, July 9, 2007


What comes around, goes around.

I truly believe that my unluckiest weekend that just took place was all caused by karma. Totally understand that 11A's owners didn't keep their words on the selling price, and it's caused by my bad karma for not keeping my words for D before. But what else have I done that Karma thinks I deserve such a bad weekend??? Why did I almost show up to the LSE party on Saturday, while it was actually held on Friday nite?? Why do I get spitted on?? What have I done so that pork chop got to steal my favorite K song????? Why did Chiu Wah ran out of chicken wings that we've waited for a long long time at 3:30 in the morning?? Why did I get a really crappy massagist on Sunday? Why Why?????

Hum... maybe I should really stop whining and start doing something good to the world. ooommmmmmmmmmm.... Namasde.

Crew Players

my very first and probably the last Crew Player Class...
This video reminds me very clearly on the reason why I quit this course T.T

Thanks lambbaghill for the link

Friday, July 6, 2007

My Avatars

You can now create your own Mii without a Wii!!

Try this Mii Creator:

How you like the tanned Mii? =D

You can also creat your SImpsons Avatar at Simpson's website:

I can't create a simpson avatar that resembles myself... hum... maybe Springfield is not meant for me.

Thank you AGGOLE for sharing!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


各位觀眾!裂女珍娜米雪終於揾到佢下一個人生且標啦!燈、燈、燈、鄧~~~ 我要置業!!

(比多一個single space 嘅時間大家冷靜吓先)

事原係咁嘅... 上星期日,酒醉未醒的珍娜米竟然去咗西半山睇樓。就喺珍娜米狀態最惡劣的時候,它出現了!它那舒適的環境,清優的外表,還有它女主人寫意地一邊喝着熱加啡,一邊看着英文報紙的情況... 實在太迷人啦!疲倦的珍娜米對它一見鐘情, 心裡情深地對它說﹕「11A先生,我一定會返嚟揾你架!你要等我!!」 之後珍娜米離開西半山,發現11A先生嘅位置離蘭桂坊非常近!一個字﹕ying!雖然11A先生年紀成熟了點,但係珍娜米不介意。

「唔... 大門坐向?大厦坐向?」
「大門向308度... umm...不過喺房就duc到310度。」
「唔係咁大穫吓?」 @_@
「唔... 咁,大厦坐向呢?」
「嘩!!! 即是旺財旺丁、大吉大利、百無kam忌 吉宅呀?」 =D


就係咁,而家可以做嘅只有期待。期待以有限價錢加上無限誠意將11A嘅現任主人打動。期待成為11A嘅新主人。Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

House Party

Thank you all for coming!!!!! It was a blast!!
Fun level: Bailey's, Chivas+green tea, Vodka+7up, 清島, 黑啤, red wine, white wine, Vodka+cream soda, 長頸+coke, Hennessy+coke, Grace&Neil, Hennessy+檸檬茶

2230 Our favorite game-- PICTIONARY!!!
Can you guess the following??
1. Catagory: object

2. Catagory: Place

3. Catagory: Objective
4. Catagory: Place

0000 Dice Mugs table & Uno Maddness
Ken, you're the man!! Whoelse could come up with 男空姐、養豬從業員、&練牛師?XD
0200 Twister!!!! Oh so much fun!! Don't be 蛇guai! You know you wanna play!!!
Still partying at 4:10am
Freestyle pak jau
06:00 Finally, one man down and others are taking advantage of him! hohohoo...
0700 Until sunrise...