Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hip Hop Mich & 中文人Jenna!!

Yeah yeah!! Just came back from Shing's hip hop class tonite. I could finally follow through!!
雖然都仲係跳到甩甩溜溜,但總算跟得上。Felt like I've finally caught up with the rest of the class! Thanks to the choreography la! I really liked the dance tonite. 型得嚟唔太難學。hahaa... yippy~

Michelle 要努力努力努力呀!終有一日,我會成為 "hip hop Mich" 架~

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調查所得,五個人之中有四個都唔明我上次用中文寫嗰blog講乜... =.=!
不過我會繼續努力。終有一日,我亦會成為 "中文人Jenna" 架!

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Hip Hop Mich & 中文人Jenna, 你哋等我呀!I'm working my way up to be you!!!! =)


diane said...

hey what do you use to input chinese?

unkle beach said...



Jenna Michelle said...

我用手寫板ar! 好慢...

unkle beach,
多謝你ar!!!! 好感動 T.T 我偶像送本書比我!!!! 真係發夢都估唔到~~ 仲諗住星期日去排隊買tim =D