Monday, July 30, 2007

My Very Happy Birthday Review

You people spoil me rotten!! Having a week-long celebration with my dear friends & family was a lot of fun!! We didn't party like there's no tomorrow, nobody got hangover in the name of my birthday. We all just chilled and chatted over dinner. Really enjoy spending quality time with everyone! Thank you for all your messages, e-cards, wall posts, graffitis, gifts, lunch, dinner, movie, kareoke treat~~~ I had a wonderful 20th birthday!!! wakakakaaa...

7/13: K nite with colleagues! Celebrated Sandy & my birthday! Thank you Kwong Ming Club members!! Lovely gift from Popotak~ Thank you~

7/22: Bunch buffet with the Wongs & Keeleys!! Thank you Yung for my new mobile phone~

7/25: Thank you Lambbaghill for the prelude celebration~~~ lovely pastel color treats! She showed up even she was completely late to class. Touched! That's how I spent my last day of being 19

7/26: Lunch with colleagues! Thank you all for this special lunch!! Popotak joined us too! I know it's real special when we all travel to Shatin for lunch!! hohohooo...
Lovely dinner with family Thank you Dad for the lovely French dinner~~ I love French food! Thanks Aunt Haidy for the lovely Bracelet and my favorite Blueberry Cheesecake from COVA~~~~~~Cake for Michelle:

7/27: Lambbaghill PartII~~~~ I'll probably be your lil' mistress you if you're a guy ('coz Chinkerbella would probably married you already)!!!!! How can you be so sweet and thoughtful??!!! The best gift wrap I've ever since~~ xxx

7/28: Delicious French dinner with Ben, Cat, Gary, Christine, Yung, Kathy, & Gloria. They might think that it's just a causal gathering, but I do consider it as part of my bday celebration! Great food!! Great chat! Yes, Ben. I'll go watch Die Hard 4.0 per your 5stars movie review.

7/29: Lambbaghill part III!! My beloved Lambbaghill treat me to Harry Potter~ I havnen't watch a movie with friends in a looooooooooong a** time!!! Thanks Kel Kel for coming with us~ I haven't watch a movie with a guy in years! wahahaa... Then we went to watch The One Dance Competition. Breaking competition that day. I still like hip hop more. looking forward for the hip hip final tonite~~ Then we went to CPK for dinner!!! 'coz we're Californians and I miss Cali~ Hohoohoooo... Dini & Angel thx for coming girls!!!! Thank you all my biatches!! Jenna Luvs the gifts! All gifts are sooooo Jenna-ish! Love Love Love y'all~~~ As I Chinkerbella said, "Life is all about randomness!" and look what it turns out to be??!!! Luv & friendship~~~ hohohoooo *lo tou* but true! xxxxx

side note: Lesley is my inspiration~ I found my dream job from her! Receptionist IS IT!! wakakkaa.... and thanks to you and Samson! I don't know if anyone would come to my Tai O home anymore... but just for the heck of it! I really think that we should stay a nite there! =P
Lambbaghill part IV: cake for Jenna!!!!! (yes... stupid me took this picture upside down =.=!):
Now both Michelle & Jenna got their own cake. No need to fight over it =) Ms. Schizo!

* * * * * * * * * *
Contagious by Avril Lavigne

This song reminds me of Lambbaghill and Chinkerbella everytime when I listen to it. Contagious and inspirational~ Baghill's passion for dancing, Chinker's passion for writting. Meanwhile, I think I contribute my happy vibe to them =) If we ever form a crew, our crew name has got to be "CONTAGIOUS"!

Lambbaghill is so contagious~ Even her short jean skirt is contagious too! look what she's done to us:
Contagious lyrics

When you're around I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

And I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me cry


It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high
All the time

They all say that you're no good for me
But I'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything
I think I've got you figured out
So I walk out in silence
That's when i start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me smile
I'll give you everything
I'll treat you right
If you just give me a chance
I can prove I'm right
[Chorus X2]
All the time


unkle beach said...


Jenna Michelle said...

嘩哈哈! 終於有人發現我刻意唔講正日lee單野!! 因為我每年都係慶祝一整個星期ga~~


岩岩睇到你有個new birthday phone! hahaha

Jenna Michelle said...

hehhh yes yes! still gotta go get some bling bling studs to pimp up my new fone~

Anonymous said...

"Lesley is my inspiration" 但係都只係做一個receiptionist.....我怕會俾人笑死左@_@, 但係我答應你如果我一辭工, 第一時間通知你 >v<

oh really? what kind of bling bling do you want? I can buy it more cheaper than others wor

Jenna Michelle said...

i brought the blings already la, just little bling dots je ma! I stick them on my phone already. just around the screen~ pretty pretty~~

Anonymous said...

minimize ftlesa poised sitesthe snkjksa plan caredoctors biodiversity bates wondering salvage
lolikneri havaqatsu