Thursday, July 26, 2007



I've heard of this quote before, but I forgot where I heard it from. I was reading Amy Cheung's blog and found out that she was the author of this amazing quote from her book 《荷包裡的單人床》!! I read this book before and completely forgot that this quote came from there. I almost forgot how powerful this quote was until last nite...

Wednesday-- my favorite day of the week. I get to eat my favorite 碗仔翅before my favorite hip hop class. The best part of Wednesday is that I get to hang with my favorite Lambbaghill after class!! We chat about 宇宙大爆炸, 尋找hip hop pants 的故事, 每周奇人奇事榜, 我們關心的人.... 等等等等. As we're chatting feverishly about things, 張小嫻's quote came across my mind! Then I used my 小學生朗誦比賽ge口吻朗讀出"世上最遙遠的距離" le 一句quote. Lambbaghill almost burst into tears!! This quote is too 震hum la!!! She screammed than put her hands over her mouth. Tears rolling in her eyes. After a moment of sinking-in, she said, "I think a lot of people can relate to this quote!"

It's such a sad & helpness feeling when somebody you love doesn't know you love him/her. Yet, so romantic! Unconditional love!! Well, in short, it's call "暗戀". 有暗戀過的人都會明白這感受吧!


chinKerbella said...

咁誇張, 我miss了這個重要時刻. 唯有獨唱"人在旅途灑淚時"...

Jenna Michelle said...

yes yes yes!! We missed you on our Wednesday outting!!!!

diane said...

Wow Oh No~~~~

Unknown said...

wai, jo mud gum "gum sing"?

Jenna Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

我覺得一個感性既女人係最性感架~ 唔怪之我地一見如故啦 :)

Jenna Michelle said...



唔單止係女人呢!如果一個男人感性地喺你面前喊,都好性感架~ 袋衫,你同意嘛?