Tuesday, July 3, 2007

House Party

Thank you all for coming!!!!! It was a blast!!
Fun level: Bailey's, Chivas+green tea, Vodka+7up, 清島, 黑啤, red wine, white wine, Vodka+cream soda, 長頸+coke, Hennessy+coke, Grace&Neil, Hennessy+檸檬茶

2230 Our favorite game-- PICTIONARY!!!
Can you guess the following??
1. Catagory: object

2. Catagory: Place

3. Catagory: Objective
4. Catagory: Place

0000 Dice Mugs table & Uno Maddness
Ken, you're the man!! Whoelse could come up with 男空姐、養豬從業員、&練牛師?XD
0200 Twister!!!! Oh so much fun!! Don't be 蛇guai! You know you wanna play!!!
Still partying at 4:10am
Freestyle pak jau
06:00 Finally, one man down and others are taking advantage of him! hohohoo...
0700 Until sunrise...

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