坐喺冰室裡面嘅珍娜米所講嘅一切都好像有點失常。幸得林拔嬌哭笑難分嘅反應,珍娜米才能稍為hold住自己爆得很的情緒。可惜對話內容實在太爆... 不能在此與大家分享。免得再有無gu大眾聽後反眼、倒地、及嘔泡。
(shit... i failed once again in the attempt of blogging in Chinese... I apoligize if the above sentences doesn't make any sense to you... however, I'll keep trying. Practise makes perfect! See that's the spirit!! Now, may I switch back to English...)
Lambbaghill once said, "it's not about how stylish one dances, not about how cool one moves. It's the passion for dancing that makes one so damn attractive!"
Thank you for the unexpected encouragement! It meant a great great deal for me!! One day, I'll thank you in person. face to face.
Lesson learned today: BE SHARP! *wink*
非典故 - 1
2 years ago
i need a idol in dance class too! GO MJ!
burn burn burn
yeah yeah!!! Unkle beach 整我個掣呀~~~~~~
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